domain wall divâr-e daman Fr.: paroi de domaine, mur ~ ~ In a → ferroelectric substance, the transition layer between two → domains magnetized in different directions. It is of finite thickness ans has nonuniform → magnetization. |
wall divâr (#) Fr.: mur 1) An upright continuous structure that divides one
area from another or surrounds an area. M.E., from O.E. w(e)all "rampart, dike, cliff," also "defensive fortification around a city, side of a building" (O.Sax., O.Fris., M.L., M.Du. wal), from L. vallum "wall, rampart." Divâr "wall," from Mid.Pers. dîvâr "wall;" related to Mid.Pers. bâr, var "enclosure, defences, fortress;" Mod.Pers. bâru "wall, rampart, fortification; fort; tower;" O.Pers. didā- "wall, stronghold, fortress;" Av. var- "castle," from var- "to cover, conceil;" Proto-Iranian *dida-vāra-; cf. Skt. dehī- "wall;" Gk. teikhos "wall;" E. dike, ditch. |