write neveštan (#) Fr.: écrire To trace or form (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or other similar instrument. M.E. writen, O.E. writan "to score, outline, draw," later "to set down in writing;" cf. O.Frisian writa "to write," O.Saxon writan "to tear, scratch, write," O.Norse rita "write, scratch," O.H.G. rizan "to write, scratch, tear," Ger. reissen "to tear, pull, sketch, draw." Neveštan, nevis- "to write," variants Kurd. (Sor.) nus, nusen, Lori nisane "to write," Kurd. (Kurm.) âvîtin, âvêntin, (Sor.) havîštin, hâvîtin "to compose (a song), to change (color);" Mid.Pers. (+ → ni-) nibištan, nebês- "to write," pēsīdan "to adorn;" O.Pers. pais- "to cut, adorn, engrave;" Av. paēs- "to paint, adorn," paēsa- "adornment;" cf. Skt. piśáti "adorns; cuts;" Gk. poikilos "multicolored;" L. pingit "embroiders, paints;" O.C.S. pisati "to write;" O.H.G. fēh "multicolored;" Lith. piēšti "to draw, adorn;" PIE base *peik- "colored, speckled." |