An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 42
zero polynomial
  بلنامین ِ صفر   
bolnâmin-e sefr

Fr.: polynôme nul   

A → polynomial whose → coefficients are all zero. See also → non-zero polynomial.

zero; → polynomial.

zero suppression
  نهاوش ِ صفر   
nehâveš-e sefr

Fr.: suppression de zéro   

The removal of non-significant zeroes from a number. For example, replacing 531.2300 by 531.23.

zero; → suppression.

zero-velocity surface
  رویه‌ی ِ تندای ِ صفر   
ruye-ye tondâ-ye sefr

Fr.: surface de vitesse nulle   

In the → restricted three-body problem, a surface which limits the region of space in which a small body can move. In the expression for the → Jacobi integral, the left side value is always positive or nul; hence the particle motion is confined to the region where U ≤ CJ. The surface that limits this region, defined by U = CJ, is called the zero-velocity surface.

zero; → velocity; → surface.

zeroth law of thermodynamics
  قانون ِ صفرُم ِ گرماتوانیک   
qânun-e sefrom-e garmâtavânik

Fr.: loi zéro de la thermodynamique   

Two objects that are in → thermal equilibrium with a third object will be in thermal equilibrium with each other.

zero; → law; → thermodynamics.

Zeta Ophiuchi
Zetâ Mâr-afsâ

Fr.: ζ Ophiuchi   

A blue star, also called HD 149757 and HR 6175, which is the nearest, and probably the most widely studied, → massive star. It is variable in several wavelength bands and has a mean visual magnitude of V = 2.58, B - V = 0.01. It lies ~ 222 pc away and has a formal spectral type of O9.5 Ve and a luminosity of 105 Lsun. ζ Ophiuchi is a very rapid rotator with a v sin i ~ 400 km s-1, i.e. ~ 85% of the → break-up velocity. It is one of the earliest prototypes of the → Be phenomenon. Moreover, it shows episodes of Hα emission variability, a common feature of Be/Oe stars. It also shows periodic non-radial pulsations and UV → P Cygni profile variability, as is evident in the periodic behavior of → discrete absorption components (DACs). It has a → mass loss rate of 10-7 Msun yr-1 and a → terminal velocity of wind v = 1550 km s-1. ζ Ophiuchi is a well-known → runaway star with a velocity of 30 km s-1. The interstellar → CH molecule and → CN molecule were first detected toward ζ Ophiuchi. It has been recognized for some time that this star lies close to the blue edge of the → beta Cephei instability strip.

Zeta (ζ), according to the → variable star designation system; Ophiuchi, → Ophiuchus.

Zeta Orionis
  زتا-شکارگر، زتا-اریون   
zetâ-Šekârgar, zetâ-Orion

Fr.: Zeta (ζ) Orionis   

Same as → Alnitak.

Zeta (ζ), Gk. letter in the → Bayer designation scheme.


Fr.: zetta-   

A prefix of the → SI units, denoting 1021. Symbol: Z.

From L. septem, → hepta-, by replacing the initial s with z to distinguish from → zepto-. It is equal to 10007.

Zhevakin's zone
  زنار ِ ژواکین   
zonaar-e Zhavakin

Fr.: zone de Zhevakin   

One of several regions of the stellar interior where increased → opacity can provide the necessary → valve mechanism to drive → stellar pulsations. Also called → partial ionization zone.

Named after the Russian astronomer Sergei A. Zhevakin (1916-2001), who identified these zone in the 1950s; → mechanism.

zij (#)

Fr.: zij   

The generic name applied to books in Arabic and Persian that tabulate parameters used for astronomical calculations of positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the five planets of antiquity. Some examples: Zij al-Sindhind, by Khwarizmi (c. 780-850), Az-Zij as-Sabi by al-Battâni (Albatenius) (853-929), Zij-i Ilkhâni by Nassireddin Tusi (1201-1274), Zij-i Sultâni by Ulugh Brg (1437), → Toledan Tables, → Alfonsine Tables.

The word is derived from Mid.Pers. zig, variant zih "cord, string" (Mod.Pers. zeh "cord, string"); Av. jiiā- "bow-string," cognate with Skt. jiyā- "bow-string," PIE base *gwhi- "thread, tendon" (from which derive also Gk. bios "bow", L. filum "thread", Russ. žca "thread").
The term zig originally referred to the threads in weaving, but because of the similarity between the rows and columns of astronomical tables and the parallel threads, it came to be used for an astronomical table, and subsequently a set of tables.

ruy (#)

Fr.: zinc   

A metallic, lustrous, bluish-white → chemical element; symbol Zn. → Atomic number 30; → atomic weight 65.38; → melting point 419.58 °C; → boiling point 907 °C; → specific gravity 7.133 at 25 °C. It was recognized as a → metal as early as 1374.

From the Ger. Zink of unknown origin. Zinc compounds were known in prehistoric times, where they were used for healing wounds and for making brass.

Ruy, from Mid.Pers. rôy, rôd "copper, brass;" Av. raoiδita- "red, reddish;" cf. Skt. rohita- "red, reddish," lohá- "red, reddish, reddish metal."

zargun (#)

Fr.: zircon   

A common mineral, zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4, occurring in small tetragonal crystals. The color is variable, usually brown to reddish brown, but also colorless, pale yellowish, green, or blue. A red variety, used as a gem, is called hyacinth. Zircon contains trace amounts of uranium and thorium and therefore can be used for radiometric datings. Also called jargon.

From Ger. Zirkon, from Ar. zarqun "cinnabar, bright red," from Pers. zargun "gold-colored," from zargold + -gun "resembling; manner, fashion; color" (Mid.Pers. gônak "kind, species;" Av. gaona- "color").

zirkoniom (#)

Fr.: zirconium   

A metallic chemical element; symbol Zr. Atomic number 40; atomic weight 91.22; melting point about 1,852°C; boiling point 4,377°C; specific gravity 6.5 at 20°C. Zirconium was discovered in the mineral zirconia by the German chemist Martin-Heinrich Klaproth in 1789. It was first isolated by the Swedish chemist Jons Jacob Berzelius in 1824 in an impure state and finally by the chemists D. Lely Jr. and L. Hamburger in a pure state in 1914.

From → zircon.

zirconium oxide, ZrO
  اکسید ِ زیرکونیوم   
oksid-e zirkoniom

Fr.: oxide de zirconium   

A → diatomic molecule made up of → zirconium and → oxygen atoms. See → ZrO band.

zirconium; → band.

  برجگان، برج زنار   

Fr.: zodiaque   

An imaginary belt around the heavens extending about 9° on either side of the → ecliptic. The orbits of the Moon and of the principal planets also lie entirely within the zodiac. The zodiac was created during the first half of the first millennium B.C. by Babylonian astronomers, who divided it into 12 constellations (→ sign of the zodiac) each considered to occupy 1/12, or 30°, of its great circle. They were named after living creatures, with the exception of Libra: → Aries, → Taurus, → Gemini, → Cancer, → Leo, → Virgo, → Libra, → Scorpius, → Sagittarius, → Capricornus, → Aquarius, → Pisces. However, as a result of → precession, these signs no longer correspond to the astronomical constellations in which the Sun actually appears. The constellations are irregular in size and shape, and the Sun regularly passes through 13 constellations as it moves along the ecliptic. The additional 13th constellation is → Ophiuchus, situated between → Scorpius and → Sagittarius. See also → dodekatemorion.

From M.E. zodiaque, from O.Fr. zodiaque, from L. zodiacus, from Gk. zodiakos (kyklos) "zodiac (circle)," literally "circle of little animals," from zodiaion, diminutive of zoion "animal," literally "a living being," from PIE base *gwei- "to live, life;" cognate with Pers. zist, → bio-.

Borjgân, from borj, → sign of the zodiac, + -gân suffix denoting multiplicity, order, organization.


Fr.: zodiacal   

Of or relating to the → zodiac.

zodiac; → -al.

zodiacal belt
  کمربند ِ برجگانی، زنار ِ ~   
kamarband-e borjgâni, zonâr-e ~

Fr.: ceinture zodiacale   


zodiacal; → belt.

zodiacal light
  نور ِ برجگانی   
nur-e borjgâni

Fr.: lumière zodiacale   

A cone-shaped faint glow along the → ecliptic, visible to the naked eye in the west after sunset or in the east before sunrise. Zodiacal light results from sunlight reflected by interplanetary dust concentrated in the plane of the ecliptic.

zodiacal; → light.

zodiacal sign
borj (#)

Fr.: signe zodiacal   

sign of zodiac.

zodiacal; → sign.

zonâr (#)

Fr.: zone   

The portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes.

From L. zona "geographical belt, celestial zone," from Gk. zone "a belt," related to zonnynai "to gird," from PIE base *yes- "to gird, girdle;" cognate with Pers. parhun "circle," as below.

Zonâr most probably loan from from Gk., as above; it is related to Pers. parhun "circle," ultimately from Proto-Iranian *pari-iâhana- "girdle, belt," from pari-, variant pirâ-, → circum-, + iâhana- "to girdle," cf. Av. yâh- "to girdle." The Pers. pirâhan "shirt" is a variant of parhun.

zone of avoidance
  زنار ِ تسنش   
zonâr-e tosneš

Fr.: zone d'évitement, zone vide   

The region on the sky covered by the plane of the → Milky Way. It is characterized by an apparent absence of galaxies, due to the obscuring effect of → interstellar dust in the → Galactic plane.

zone; → avoidance.

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