An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 502
Blazhko star
  ستاره‌ی ِ بلاژکو   
setâre-ye Blazhko

Fr.: étoile à effet Blazhko   

A star showing the → Blazhko effect.

Blazhko effect; → star.



The capcity of a diffraction grating, in certain configurations, to concentrate a large percentage of the incident light into a specific diffraction order.

Blazing, noun from → blaze.

Belizeš, noun from beliz "blaze."


Fr.: défaut   

General: A flaw or defect.
Detectors: Latent imperfections in the photodiodes (pixels) of a solid-state detector.

From O.Fr. blemiss "to turn pale," extended stem of blemir, blesmir "to injure, make pale."

Âk "defect, blemish," Mid.Pers. ak, âk "evil, harm," Av. aka- "bad, wicked;" cf. Skt. aka- "pain , trouble."

  ۱) توهم؛ ۲) توهم شدن   
1) tuham; 2) tuham šodan

Fr.: 1a) blend; 1b) mot-valise; 2) mélanger   

1a) Description of two or more adjacent → spectral lines which are mixed due to insufficient → resolving power of the → spectrograph.
1b) Linguistics: A word which is coined by extracting and combining arbitrary pieces of two or more existing words. Examples include → smog, motel (motor + hotel), brunch (breakfast + lunch), → pulsar, and → shellular. Same as portmanteau.
2) Of two or more → spectral lines, to become merged into one line as a consequence of insufficient instrumental → resolution.

M.E., from O.N. blanda; akin to O.E. blandan "to mix," Lith. blandus "impure, cloudy."

Tuham, from tu "inside" + ham "together," → com-.

blend lines
  خطهای ِ توهم، تانهای ِ ~   
xatthâ-ye tuham, tânhâ-ye ~

Fr.: raies mélangées   

Spectral lines intermingled.

blend; → line.

kur (#)

Fr.: aveugle   

Unable to see; sightless.

M.E., from O.E. blind "blind," akin to Du., Ger. blind, O.N. blindr, Goth. blinds "blind."

Kur "blind," variants kul "squint-eyed," kolok, kalek, kelek, kalâž, kâž, kâj, kâc "squint-eyed," Lori, Laki, Kurd. xêl "cross-eyed, squinting;" Mid.Pers. kôr "blind;" akin to O.Irish coll "one-eyed;" M.Irish goll "blind;" Gk. (Hes.) kellas "one-eyed;" Skt. kāná- "blind of one eye;" PIE *kolnos "one-eyed." The Pers. luc "crossed-eyed" may be related to a separate group containing L. lusca, luscus "one-eyed" (Fr. louche "squinting").

kuri (#)

Fr.: cécité   

The state or condition of being sightless.

blind; → -ness.


Fr.: clignoter   

1) To close and open the eyes rapidly.
2) To shine intermittently; flash on and off.

M.E. blinken, variant of blenken "to blench;" cf. Du. and Ger. blinken.

Možidan, from možé "eyelash," Mid.Pers. mec "eyelash," mecitan "to blink," cf. Skt. mes "to open the eyes," O.C.S. po-mežiti "to close the eyes." → twinkling.

blink comparator
  هم‌سنجگر ِ مژشی   
hamsanjgar-e možeši

Fr.: comparateur à clignotement   

An instrument for comparing two photographs of the same stellar field, taken at different times, by quickly alternating from one to the other. The purpose of the comparison is to detect subtle changes in the position or brightness of the stars.

blink; → comparator.

Hamsanjgar, → comparator; možeš noun from možidan, → blink.


Fr.: clignotement   

An intermittent appearance of a group of characters on the display terminal, usually used to convey a message to the user.

Blinking, noun from to blink.

Možeš, noun from možidan, → blink (v).

tâval (#)

Fr.: ampoule   

A small cyst on the skin, containing watery liquid, as from a burn or other injury.

M.E. blister, blester, from O.Fr. blestre, of Germanic origin.

Tâval "blister" (variants Torbet-Heydariye-yi toval, Guqari tavol), from suffixed (-al) tâv- tav, taf- "to heat, burn, shine," variant of tâb-, tâbidan "to shine," → luminous.

blister model
  مدل ِ تاول   
model-e tâval

Fr.: modèle d'ampoule   

A model according to which an → H II region is a hot mass of ionized gas located on the surface of a → molecular cloud, like a blister on the body skin.

blister; → model.

  درخشار، بلیتزار   
deraxšâr, blitzâr

Fr.: blitzar   

A new type of astronomical object, appearing as an intense → burst of → radio emission, proposed to explain → fast radio bursts. In some models, blitzars result from the sudden → collapse of a hypothetical → supermassive neutron star.

From Ger. Blitz, "→ flash, lightening," + -âr ending component, as in → pulsar.

damé (#)

Fr.: blizzard   

A severe weather condition characterized by high winds (at least 55 km/h) and reduced visibility due to violent snowstorm.

Blizzard, of unknown origin.

Damé "wind and snow storm."


Fr.: tache, concentration, condensation   

1) General: Drop of liquid; small round mass (e.g. wax); spot of color.
2) Astro.: A relatively → small, → unresolved source lying toward a much larger structure. → high-excitation blob.

From M.E. bubelen "to bubble."

Žig "drop," probably from žohidan "to drop," variant of cakidan "to drop."

xun (#)

Fr.: sang   

The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body (

M.E. blo(o)d, O.E. blôd; akin to O.Frisian, O.Saxon blôd, O.H.G. bluot (Ger. Blut), Gothic bloth.

Xun, from Mid.Pers. xûn; cf. Sogd. xurn, Khotanese hûna, Yaghnobi waxin, Av. vohunī,


Fr.: blooming, bavure   

In a → CCD detector, the spill of charge to adjacent → pixels due to over-illumination by a too bright source. Same as charge bleeding.

Blooming "glare," from to bloom "to glare, glow."

Sar-riz "spill-out, overflowing," from sar "top," → head, + riz "pouring," from rixtan "to pour," → overflow.

damidan (#)

Fr.: souffler   

1) To move along, carried by or as by the wind.
2) To produce or emit a current of air, as with the mouth or a bellows.
3) Of a horn, trumpet, etc.) to give out sound.
4) To make a blowing sound; whistle (

M.E., from O.E. blawan "blow, breathe, make an air current; kindle; inflate; sound a wind instrument;" cf. O.H.G. blaen, Ger. blähen; from PIE *bhle- "to swell, blow up."

Damidan, from Mid.Pers. damidan "to blow, breathe;" dam "breath, breath of an owen; bellows; smoke; air," also "moment, time;" Av. dāδmainya- "blowing up;" cf. Skt. dahm- "to blow," dhámati "blows;" Gk. themeros "austere, dark-looking;" Lith. dumti "to blow;" PIE dhem-/dhemə- "to smoke, to blow."

âbi (#)

Fr.: bleu   

The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.

From O.Fr. bleu, P.Gmc. *blæwaz, from PIE base *bhle-was "light-colored, blue, blond, yellow."

Âbi "color of water," from âb "water," Mid.Pers. âb, O.Pers./Av. âp-, Skt. âp-, PIE *âp-; → Aquarius.

blue compact dwarf galaxy
  کهکشان ِ کوتوله‌ی ِ آبی ِ همپک   
kahkešân-e kutule-ye âbi-ye hampak

Fr.: galaxie naine bleue compacte   

An small → irregular galaxy undergoing → violent star formation activity. These objects appear blue by reason of containing clusters of hot, → massive stars which ionize the surrounding interstellar gas. They are chemically unevolved since their → metallicity is only 1/3 to 1/30 of the solar value. Same as → H II galaxy.

blue; → compact; → dwarf; → galaxy.

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