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energy level tarâz-e kâruž Fr.: niveau d'énergie Any of the several discrete states of energy which a particle, atom, or molecule can adopt under conditions where the possible values are restricted by quantum mechanical laws. |
energy spectrum binâb-e kâruž Fr.: spectre d'énergie Of cosmic rays, the plot representing the number of particles as a function of their energy. |
energy state hâlat-e kâruž Fr.: état d'énergie Same as → energy level. |
energy transfer tarâvaž-e kâruž Fr.: transfert d'énergie The → conversion of one → form of energy into another, or the movement of energy from one place or system to another. |
energy-momentum tensor tânsor-e kâruž-jonbâk Fr.: tenseur énergie-quantité de mouvement A tensor (Tμν) related to the → Einstein tensor through → Einstein's field equations. The energy-momentum tensor depends upon the distribution of the → energy and → matter in the space. |
engine motor (#) Fr.: moteur 1) Any machine that converts energy, especially heat energy, into mechanical power
or motion. M.E. engin, from O.Fr. engin "skill, cleverness; war machine," from L. ingenium "inborn qualities, talent," from → in- "in" + gen-, root of gignere "to beget, produce;" cognate with Pers. zâdan "to bring forth, give birth;" → generate. Motor, loanword from Fr. moteur, from L. motor "mover," from movere "to move." |
engineer mohandes (#) Fr.: ingénieur A person who designs, constructs, or works with engines or machines. M.E. engin(e)our, from O.Fr. engigneor, from L.L. ingeniare, → engine. Mohandes, from Ar. muhandis "measurer," from Pers. andâzé, → measure. |
engineering mohandesi (#) Fr.: ingénierie The action, work, or profession of an engineer. |
English mounting barnešând-e englisi Fr.: monture anglaise A method of mounting a telescope in which the polar axis is supported at each end by two piers. The great defect of this type of mounting is its inability to observe the pole. → mounting. |
enhance bolandidan Fr.: rehausser, accroître To raise to a higher degree; intensify; magnify (Dictionary.com). M.E. enhauncen, from Anglo-Fr. enhauncer, from O.Fr. enhaucier "make higher, make greater; raise in esteem," from V.L. *inaltiare, from L.L. inaltare "raise, exalt," from altare "make high," from altus "high." Bolandidan, from boland "high," related to bâlâ "up, above, high, elevated, height," borz, "height, magnitude," → magnitude. |
enhancement bolandeš Fr.: rehaussement, accroissement An increase or improvement in value, extent, or quality. Verbal noun of → enhance. |
enigma câcé Fr.: énigme A puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation. See also: → problem, → puzzle. From L. aenigma "riddle," from Gk. ainigma "a dark saying, riddle," from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles," from ainos "tale, story; saying, proverb;" of unknown origin. Câceh, from Baluci (Zâhedân) câcâk "riddle, puzzle;" cf. (Kermânšâhi) câvca "riddle, puzzle" (Fin-e Bandar-Abbâs) cencen "riddle;" maybe related to Choresmian c'tyk "riddle," from Proto-Ir. *caš- "to teach, to show;" Av. *caš- "to teach, to show" (Cheung 2007). |
enigmatic câcenâk Fr.: énigmatique Resembling an enigma, or a puzzling occurrence, situation, statement, person, etc.; perplexing; mysterious (Dictionary.com). Cušenâk, from cušé, → enigma, + -nâk adj. suffix. |
Enlightenment asr-e rowšangari (#) Fr.: Siècle des Lumières An intellectual movement in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries celebrating human reason and scientific thought as the instruments of progress and subjecting conventional ways of thinking to rigorous critique. The Enlightenment culminated with the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and the Encyclopédistes, the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), and the political ideals of the French and American Revolutions, while the precursor in science and philosophy included Francis Bacon (1561-1626), René Descartes (1596-1650), Isaac Newton (1643-1727), John Locke (1632-1704), and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). From enlighten, from en- + → light + -en + → -ment. Asr, → age; rowšangari, noun from rowšangar "enlightener," from rowšan "light, bright, luminous, splendid," cognate with L. lux, → bright, + -gar a suffix of agent nouns, → -or. |
enrich pordâridan, pordâr kardan Fr.: enrichir To increase the → concentration or → abundance of a specified → component or → isotope in a material. From en- a prefix forming verbs with a particular sense + → rich. Pordâridan, pordâr kardan, infinitives from pordâr, → rich. |
enriched pordâridé Fr.: enrichi Supplied with abundance of something. → enriched gas, → enriched uranium. Past participle of → enrich. |
enriched gas gâz-e pordâridé Fr.: gaz enrichi A gas, usually → interstellar, in which the → abundance of particular chemical or atomic species is higher than the expected values. |
enriched uranium urânium-e pordâridé Fr.: uranium enrichi Uranium in which the → proportion of the → isotope U-235 has been increased (above the 0.7% value in natural uranium). |
enrichment pordâreš Fr.: enrichissement 1) A process that changes the → isotopic ratio
in a material. For example, for uranium
the ratio of U-235 to U-238 may be increased by gaseous
diffusion of uranium hexafluoride. Verbal noun of → enrich. |
enstatite enstâtit Fr.: enstatite A relatively common mineral, magnesium silicate (MgSiO3) found in metamorphic and some igneous rocks as well as in stony and iron meteorites. From Gk. enstates "resistor", because it resists high temperatures. |
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