An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 481
šilang (#)

Fr.: tuyau   

A flexible → pipe for conveying a → liquid.

M.E., O.E. akin to Du. hoos, O.N. hosa, Ger. Hose.

Šilang, probably loan from Russ. шлаиг (shlang) "hose."

mizbân (#)

Fr.: hôte   

One that receives or entertains guests especially in his own home. → host galaxy.

M.E. (h)oste, from O.Fr. hoste "guest, host," from L. hospitem (nom. hospes) "guest, host," lit. "lord of strangers," from hostis "stranger."

Mizbân "host," from Mid.Pers. mezdbân "host," from mêzd "offering, meal," Mod.Pers. miz "guest; offering; meal" + -bân a suffix denoting "keeper, guard," sometimes forming agent nouns or indicating relation (e.g. keštibân "sailor;" bâdbân "a sail;" mehrabân "affectionate;" mizbân "host;" âsiyâbân "a miller;" bâqbân "gardener"). This suffix derives from O.Pers. -pāvan- (as in xšaça.pāvan- "satrap"); Av. -pāna- (as in pəšu.pāna- "keeping the passage, bridge guard"), from Proto-Iranian *pa- "to prtotect, keep," → observe, + suffix *-van-; cf. Skt. -pāna- (as in tanū.pāna- "protection of the body").

host galaxy
  کهکشان ِ میزبان   
kahkešân-e mizbân (#)

Fr.: galaxie hôte   

A usually faint galaxy in which a remarkable phenomenon, such as a → supernova event, occurs.

host; → galaxy.

dâq (#)

Fr.: chaud   

Having a relatively high temperature. → hot accretion flow, → hot core, → hot corino, → hot dark matter , → hot dust-obscured galaxy, → hot Jupiter, → hot molecular core, → hot pixel, → hot star.

Hot, O.E. hat, "hot; fervent, fierce," from P.Gmc. *haitoz (cf. Du. heet, Ger. heiß "hot," Goth. heito "heat of a fever").

Dâq "hot; brand, marking," from Mid.Pers. dâq, dâk "hot," dažitan "to burn, scorch," dažišn "burning" (Mod.Pers. dežan (دژن) "acid, pugnent"), from Av. dag-, daž- "to burn;" cf. Skt. dah- "to burn;" L. fovere "to warm, heat; " Arm. dažan "violent, wild;" Lith. degu "to burn;" O.E. fefor; E. fever. PIE base *dhegh- "to burn."

hot accretion flow
  تچان ِ فربال ِ داغ   
tacân-e farbâl-e dâq

Fr.: écoulement d'accrétion chaud   

A type of → accretion flow by a → compact object such as a → black hole which has a high → virial temperature, is → optically thick, and occurs at lower mass → accretion rates compared with → cold accretion flows. In a hot accretion flow with a very low mass accretion rate, the electron mean free path is very large, and so the accreting → plasma is nearly collisionless. In this type of accretion flow, thermal conduction transports the energy from the inner to the outer regions. As the gas temperature in the outer regions can be increased above the → virial temperature , the gas in the outer regions can escape from the gravitational potential of the central black hole and form outflows, significantly decreasing the mass accretion rate.

cold; → accretion; → flow.

hot core
  مغزه‌ی ِ داغ   
maqze-ye dâq

Fr.: cœur chaud   

Same as → hot molecular core.

hot; → core.

hot corino
  مغزک ِ داغ   
maqzak-e dâq

Fr.: petit cœur chaud   

A warm, compact → molecular clump found in the inner envelope of a → Class 0 → protostar. Hot corinos are low-mass analogs of → hot molecular cores (HMCs) occurring in → massive star formation sites. With a typical size of ≤ 150 → astronomical units, hot corinos are two orders of magnitude smaller than HMCs. They have densities ≥ 107 cm-3 and temperatures ≥ 100 K (Ceccarelli, C. 2004, ASP Conf. Ser. 323, 195).

hot; corino, from → core + -ino a diminutive suffix in It.

hot dark matter
  مادّه‌ی ِ تاریک ِ داغ   
mâdde-ye târik-e dâq (#)

Fr.: matière noire chaude   

Any form of → dark matter which had a significant velocity dispersion (comparable to the velocity of light), when the Universe first became → matter-dominated.

hot; → dark; → matter.

hot dust-obscured galaxy (HDOG)
  کهکشان ِ تیره با غبار ِ داغ   
kahkešân-e tiré bâ qobâr-e dâq

Fr.: galaxie obscure à poussière chaude   

A member of the most extreme galaxies in terms of their luminosities and unusual hot → dust temperatures. The → infrared emission from HDOGs is dominated by obscured accretion onto a central → supermassive black hole (SMBH), in most cases without significant contribution from → star formation. The large contrast between the underlying → host galaxy and the hyper-luminous emission from the → active galactic nucleus (AGN) implies that either the SMBH is much more massive than expected for the stellar mass of its host, or is radiating well above its → Eddington limit. The most extreme of these remarkable systems known is → W2246-0526.

hot; → dust; → obscure; → galaxy.

hot electron diode
  دیود ِ الکترون ِ داغ   
diod-e elektron-e dâq

Fr.:diode à électrons chauds   

Same as → Schottky diode

hot; → electron; → diode.

hot Jupiter
  هرمز ِ داغ   
Hormoz-e dâq

Fr.: Jupiter chaud   

A giant, gaseous, Jupiter-like planet lying too close to its parent star and having an orbital period from a few days to a few weeks. The existence of hot Jupiters is usually interpreted in terms of planetary migration. These planets can, in principle, be formed at larger distances from their stars and migrate to the inner regions due to dynamical interaction with the proto-planetary disk.

hot; → Jupiter.

hot molecular core (HMC)
  مغزه‌ی ِ مولکولی ِ داغ   
maqze-ye molekuli-ye dâq

Fr.: cœur moléculaire chaud   

A relatively small, dense, and hot → molecular clump occurring in regions of → massive star formation. HMCs have diameters ≤ 0.1 pc, densities ≥ 107 cm-3, and temperatures ≥ 100 K. The densest hot cores are traced in → ammonia (NH3) and possess densities of 108 cm-3, sizes down to 0.05 pc and temperatures of up to 250 K. Hot molecular cores are generally associated with → compact H II regions and → ultracompact H II regions. High angular resolution observations suggest that HMCs are internally heated by embedded sources, since temperature and density increases toward the center as expected if star formation is occurring close to the core center. Same as → hot core.

hot; → molecular; → core.

hot pixel
  پیکسل ِ داغ   
piksel-e dâq

Fr.: pixel chaud   

Of a → CCD detector, a pixel that has higher charge loss. Hot pixels are a type of noise affecting almost every CCD camera. They are caused by small contamination or production faults in the CCD sensor area.

hot; → pixel.

hot spot
  لکه‌ی ِ داغ   
lekke-ye dâq (#)

Fr.: point chaud   

A compact, highly luminous region in a cataclysmic binary located in the accretion disk where the stream of material hits it.

hot; → spot.

hot star
  ستاره‌ی ِ داغ   
setâre-ye dâq (#)

Fr.: étoile chaude   

A member of a class of stars having high → effective temperatures (above some 15,000 K); mainly → massive stars, but also including → exciting stars of → planetary nebulae, → white dwarfs, and → symbiotic stars.

hot; → star.

sâat (#)

Fr.: heure   

The 24th part of a day; 60 minutes.
An angular unit of right ascension, equivalent to 15°.

Hour, from M.E. houre, from O.Fr. hore, from L. hora "hour, time, season," from Gk. hora "any limited time," used of day, hour, season, year; cognate E. → year.

Sâ'at, from Ar.

hour angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ ساعتی   
zâviye-ye sâati (#)

Fr.: angle horaire   

A telescope based coordinate specifying the angle, in the equatorial plane, from the meridian to a plane containing the celestial object and the north and south celestial poles.

hour; → angle.

hour circle
  پرهون ِ ساعتی، دایره‌ی ِ ~   
parhun-e sâ'ati, dâyere-ye ~

Fr.: cercle horaire   

A great circle passing through an object and the → celestial poles intersecting the → celestial equator at right angles.

hour; → circle.

hour glass
  ساعت ِ شنی   
sâat-e šeni (#)

Fr.: sablier   

A device for measuring time; it consists of a glass container having two compartments from the uppermost of which a quantity of sand runs in an hour into the lower one through a narrow tube.

Hour glass, from → hour + → glass.

Sâat-e šeni, from sâat, → hour + šeni, adj. of šen "sand."

xâné (#)

Fr.: maison   

1) A building in which people live.
2) A building for any purpose. → greenhouse.

M.E. h(o)us, from O.E. hus "dwelling, shelter, house;" cf. O.N. hus; Du. huis; Ger. Haus .

Xâné "house," from Mid.Pers. xânak, xân, xôn; Aftari dialect kiye "house, home;" Xonsâri ki "house;" Anâraki xiya, Tâti Karingân , Sangesari keh "house, home;" cf. L. cunae "cradle; bed;" Gk. kome "village;" PIE base *kei- "bed; to lie, to settle; beloved" (other cognates: O.E. ham "dwelling, house, village;" E. home; Ger. Heim; L. civis "townsman;" Fr. cité; E. city; Skt. śiva- "auspicious, dear").

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