An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 662
intensity of a line
  درتنویی ِ خط   
dartanuyi-ye xatt

Fr.: intensité de raie   

The height of a spectral line above the continuum base.

intensity; → line.

intensity of radiation
  درتنویی ِ تابش   
datanuyi-e tâbeš

Fr.: intensité de rayonnement   

The rate of emitted energy from unit surface area through unit solid angle. The radiation from a surface has different intensities in different directions.

intensity; → radiation.


Fr.: intensif   

1) Of, pertaining to, or characterized by intensity.
2) Tending to intensify; intensifying.
3) Requiring or having a high concentration of a specified quality or element (used in combination).
4) Grammar: Indicating increased emphasis or force. "Certainly" is an intensive adverb. "Myself," in I did it myself, is an intensive pronoun (

intense; → -ive.

intensive prefix
  پیشوند ِ درتنویی‌مند   
pišvand-e dartanuyimand

Fr.: préfixe intensif   

A prefix that highly emphasizes roots of words to which it is attached. In other words, intensive prefixes heighten the force of the primary meanings of words. These prefixes can effectively be translated as "thoroughly" to highlight their intensive function. For example the prefixes → re-, → de-, and → com-.

intensive; → prefix.

andar- (#)

Fr.: inter-   

A prefix denoting "between, among, mutually, reciprocally."

Inter-, from L. inter (prep., adj.) "among, between," from PIE *enter "between, among" (cf. Pers. andar-, as below; Skt. antár; Gk. entera (pl.) "intestines," O.Ir. eter; O.Welsh ithr "among, between;" O.H.G. untar; O.E. under "under"), from *en- "in" + *-ter comparative suffix.

Mod.Pers. andar "in, into, within" (added to the words pedar "father," mâdar "mother," barâdar "brother," xâhar "sister," it implies "step-father, step-mother, half-brother, half-sister" respectively), from Mid.Pers. andar "in, among, concerning;" O.Pers. anatr, Av. antarə' (adv., prep., prev.), antarə (adv., prev.), "inside, intra, within, between;" also Av. antara- (adj.) "interior;" cf. Skt. ántara- "interior, adjacent to; intimate, dear;" from PIE *enter, as above.
The Av. antarə' is used with verbal stems to create abstract actions. For example, antarə'-mruyē "to prohibit," from antare- "inter-" + mruyē "to speak," from root mrū- "to speak, say." This is exactly the same pattern as L. inter-dicere "to interdict, forbid, prohibit," from inter-, as above, + dicere "to speak." The Av. antare- is used with another verb to produce the same sense: antarə-uxti "to interdict," from antarə- + uxti "to speak, to say." E. Benveniste (1975) made an interesting investigation on the origin of the "to speak inside" paradigm for the concept of interdiction. He argues that inter- derives in fact from *en-ter, the second component, while being a comparative form, introduces the notion of separation. His conclusion is that antarə-mruyē or inter-dicere mean "to pronounce inside (a group) so as to separate (or isolate somebody)." According to Benveniste, the Av. terms are the oldest forms in the Indo-European languages which convey an important piece of information about an aspect of Indo-European life/tradition in pre-historic times.


Fr.: interagir   

To act upon one another; have a mutual or reciprocal action.

Interact, from → inter- + → act.

interacting binary
  دورین ِ اندرژیرنده   
dorin-e andaržirandé

Fr.: binaire en interaction   

A binary star system in which mass transfer between the components takes place. → contact binary; → Roche lobe.

Interacting, adj. of → interact; → binary.

interacting galaxies
  کهکشان‌های ِ اندرژیرنده   
kahkešânhâ-ye andaržandé

Fr.: galaxies en interaction   

Galaxies that are close enough for their mutual gravitational attraction to produce perturbed shapes or extruded filaments of stellar material, called → tidal tails. Most galaxies are in clusters, and gravitational interactions between them are common.

Interacting, adj. of → interact; → galaxy.


Fr.: interaction   

General: Mutual or reciprocal action or influence.
Physics: 1) What happens between a system and its surroundings when an observable change in one corresponds to or correlates with an observable change in the other.
2) The natural phenomenon of the transfer of energy between two particles. The four known kinds of interactions, in the order of increasing strength, are: → gravitational, → weak, → electromagnetic, and → strong.

Interaction, from → inter-; + → action.



Capable of acting on or influencing each other

From → interaction; + → -al.


Fr.: interactif   

1) Acting one upon or with the other.
2) Computers: Of or pertaining to a system or program that maintains an exchange with the user, alternately accepting input and then responding.

inter-; → active.

interarm region
  ناحیه‌ی ِ اندربازو، ~ ِ اندر-ا َرم   
nâhiye-ye andarbâzu, ~ andararm

Fr.: région interbras   

A low-density region separating the spiral arms of a galaxy.

Interarm, from → inter- + arm "body part," from O.E. earm "arm," from P.Gmc. *armaz (cf. M.Du., Ger. arm, O.N. armr, O.Fris. erm), from PIE base *ar- "to fit, join;" Mod.Pers. arm "arm, from the elbow to the shoulder;" Av. arma-, arəmo- "arm;" Skt. irma- "arm;" Gk. arthron "a joint," L. armus "shoulder;" → region.

Andarbâzu, from andar-, → inter-, + bâzu "arm," from Mid.Pers. bâzûk "arm;" Av. bāzu- "arm;" cf. Skt. bāhu- "arm, forearm;" Gk. pechys "forearm, arm, ell;" O.H.G. buog "shoulder;" Ger. Bug "shoulder;" Du. boeg; O.E. bôg, bôh "shoulder, bough;" E. bough " a branch of a tree;" PIE *bhaghu- "arm"); nahiyé, → region. Andararm, from andar-, → inter-, + arm, as above.


Fr.: interatomique   

Between atoms; relating to the interaction of different atoms.

inter-; → atomic.


Fr.: intercalaire   

Adj. of → intercalation; having such a day or month inserted. → bissextile.

From L. intercalarius, from ntercal(are)intercalate + -arius "-ary."

Andarheli adj. of andarhel, → intercalate.

  اندرهلیدن، اندرهشتن   
andarhelidan, andarheštan

Fr.: intercaler   

To insert (an extra day, month, etc.) in the calendar to make it follow the seasons or moon phases.

From L. intercalatus p.p. of intercalare "to proclaim the insertion of an intercalary day or month," from → inter- + calare "to proclaim, announce solemnly;" → calendar.

Andarhelidan, andarheštan "to insert," from andar-inter- + helidan, heštan "to place, put" from Mid.Pers. hištan, hilidan "to let, set, leave, abandon," Parthian Mid.Pers. hyrz; O.Pers. hard- "to send forth," ava.hard- "to abandon;" Av. harəz- "to discharge, send out; to filter;" hərəzaiti "releases, shoots;" cf. Skt. srj- "to let go or fly, throw, cast, emit, put forth;" Pali sajati "to let loose, send forth."


Fr.: intercalation   

The act of intercalating; insertion. Something that is intercalated.
Astro.: An insertion into a calendar, → intercalate.
Geology: The presence of a body of rock interbedded with another body of different rock.

The verbal noun of → intercalate.

intercloud medium
  مدیم ِ اندر-ابری   
madim-e andarabri

Fr.: milieu internuage   

A medium in which several molecular clouds are situated.

inter- + → cloud + → medium.

interclump medium
  مدیم ِ اندرگوده‌ای   
madim-e andargude-yi

Fr.: milieu inter-grumeau   

The diffuse medium between → clumps inside → molecular clouds.

inter- + → clump + → medium.

intercluster medium
  مدیم ِ اندرخوشه‌ای   
madim-e andarxuše-yi

Fr.: milieu interamas   

The matter lying between the clusters of galaxies in an aggregation of such clusters.

inter- + → cluster + → medium.


Fr.: interconnecter, s'interconnecter   

To be or become connected reciprocally.

inter- + → connect.

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