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unbiased sample nemunân-e a bi-varak Fr.: échantillon non biaisé A sample in which every individual element in the population has an equal chance of being selected. |
unblanketed model model-e nâpatumand Fr.: modèle non blanketé A stellar atmosphere model which ignores metals and their physical effects. → line-blanketed model; → line blanketing. → un-; → blanketed model. |
unbound nâbandidé Fr.: non lié 1) Not bound or tied up. |
unbound charge bâr-e nâbandidé Fr.: charge non liée Same as → free charge. |
unbound cluster xuše-ye nâbandidé Fr.: amas non lié A cluster of objects, such as stars or galaxies, in which the members are not tied together gravitationally. In such a cluster the members scatter through space following different directions. → bound cluster. |
unbound system râžân-e nâbandidé Fr.: système non lié An association of bodies which are not gravitationally tied together. |
unbound young stellar system (UYSS) râžmân-e setâre-yi-ye javân-e nâbandidé Fr.: système stellaire jeune non lié A class of gravitationally loose stellar conglomerate with a notable apparent shape making it different from typical → bound → star clusters. The UYSS class includes a large range of objects, which extend at various size scales and at various degrees of self-binding; from small (semi-)compact → unbound systems named → stellar associations, to huge extended superstructures of → massive stars that make up whole parts of Galactic → spiral arms, known as → stellar complexes (Gouliermis, D. A., 2018, PASP 130:072001; arXiv:1806.11541). |
unbounded function karyâ-ye bikarân Fr.: fonction non bornée The function y = f(x) in a given range of the argument x if there is no number M such that for all values of x in the range under consideration the inequality | f(x) | ≤ M will be fulfilled. → bounded function. |
uncertainty nâtâšigi (#) Fr.: incertitude The state of being uncertain; unpredictability; indeterminacy. → uncertainty principle. |
uncertainty principle parvaz-e nâtâštigi Fr.: principe d'incertitude A quantum mechanical principle due to Werner Heisenberg which states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined simultaneously with any arbitrary accuracy. These quantities can be determined only with accuracies limited by the relation Δx.Δp ≥ (1/2)ħ, where Δx is the error in the determination of the position and Δp is the error in the momentum. A similar relation holds for the energy of a particle and the time, ΔE.Δt ≥ (1/2)ħ. Same as → Heisenberg uncertainty principle. → uncertainty; → principle. |
unclassified B[e] star (unclB[e]) setâre-ye B[e]-ye bi radé Fr.: étoile B[e] non-classée A temporary designation for a → B[e] star that cannot be placed in any of the four known classes. → classification; → B[e] star. |
unclear nâruné Fr.: non clair Difficult to see, hear, understand, or to be sure about. |
unconditional nâbutâri, nâbutârmand Fr.: inconditionnel Not limited by conditions; absolute. → un-; → conditional. |
unconscious nâhâsan Fr.: non conscient Not awake and aware; not responding to one's environment. |
unconsciousness nâhâsani Fr.: non conscience The → state of being → unconscious. → unconscious; → -ness. |
unda šen-tal Fr.: A dune on a planetary surface, used in plural form undae. From L. unda "wave," cognate with → water. Šen-tal, from šen "sand" + tal "hill, heap." |
under- Fr.: sous-, faible A prefixal use of under, as to indicate place or situation below or beneath. Contrary to → over-. M.E., from O.E. (cf. O.H.G. untar, Ger. unter, Goth. undar), from PIE *ndhero- "lower;" cf. Av. aδara- (adj.), aδairi- (prep.) "below;" Mid.Pers. êr "below, down; low, under," adar "low," azêr "below, under" (Mod.Pers. zir "below, down"); Skt. ádhara- "lower;" O.E. under "under, among"). Kam- "little, few; deficient, wanting; scarce" (Mid.Pers. kam "little, small, few," O.Pers./Av. kamna- "small, few"). |
underabundance kamfarâvâni Fr.: sous-abondance The abundance of a chemical element being lower than a reference value, in particular compared to that of the Sun. |
underdamping kam-mirâyi Fr.: amortissement faible The behavior of a damped system when the amount of damping is weak so that the system oscillates with the amplitude gradually decreasing to zero. → overdamping. |
underestimate 1) kam-baravardan; 2) kam-baravard Fr.: 1) sous-estimer; 2) sous-estimation 1) To estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like. |
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