An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 452
Faraday's law of induction
  قانون ِ درهازش ِ فارادی   
qânun-e darhazeš-e Faraday

Fr.: loi d'induction de Faraday   

The induced → electromotive force in a circuit is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the rate of change of the → magnetic flux through the surface bounded by the circuit. Mathematically, it is expressed as: ∇ x E = -∂B/∂t, which is one of the four → Maxwell's equations.

farad; → law; → induction.

keštzâr (#)

Fr.: ferme   

An area of land devoted to the raising of animals, fish, plants, etc.

M.E. ferme "lease, rented land, rent," from O.Fr., from Vulgar L. *ferma, derivative of *fermare for L. firmare "to make firm, confirm."

Keštzâr "farm, field," from kešt past stem of keštan, variants kâštan, kâridan "to cultivate, to plant;" Mid.Pers. kištan, kâridan "to sow, plant; to make furrows;" Av. kar- "to strew seed, cultivate," kāraiieiti "cultivates;" cf. Skt. kar- "to scatter, strew, pour out," + suffix -zâr denoting profusion, abundance, as in kârzâr "a field of battle; combat" šurezâr "unfertile, salty ground; nitrous earth," xoškzâr "arid land," and so forth.

tond (#)

Fr.: rapide   

Moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid (

M.E., from O.E. fæst "firmly fixed, steadfast;" O.Fr. fest, O.N. fastr, Du. vast, Ger. fest.

Tond "swift, rapid, brisk; fierce, severe," → velocity.

fast radio burst (FRB)
  بلک ِ رادیویی ِ تند   
belk-e râdioyi-ye tond

Fr.: sursaut radio rapide, impulsion ~ ~   

A bright → burst of → radio emission lasting only a few milliseconds, and thought to be of → extragalactic origin. The first ever detected such burst, called the → Lorimer burst, was in 2007. It lasted only 5 milliseconds, but the single radio → pulse was dispersed over a wide range of frequencies (→ dispersion measure). This suggested a → cosmic origin for the burst, because the radiation must have passed through very distant → intergalactic clouds to be so highly dispersed. The second FRB was detected in 2012 in archival data from the Parkes Radio Telescope, the same telescope through which the original burst was seen. No temporally coincident → X-ray or → gamma ray signature was identified in association with the bursts. Most recent results suggest FRBs as a new population of explosive events at cosmological distances of up to 3 → giga  → parsecs, that is → redshifts of 0.5 to 1. While physical interpretations for this phenomenon remain speculative, they are thought to involve highly → compact objects, such as → neutron stars. See also → blitzar.

The term fast radio burst was coined by Thornton et al., 2013, Science, 341, 53 (arXiv:1307.1628); → fast; → radio; → burst.


Fr.: attacher   

1) To attach firmly or securely in place; fix securely to something else.
2) To make secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc. (

From M.E. fastenen, from O.E. fæstnian; cognate with O.Fris. festnia "to make firm, bind fast," O.Sax. fastnon, O.H.G. fastnion, O.N. fastna "to pledge, betroth."

Darizidan, from Proto-Ir. *darz- "to attach, fasten;" cf. Av. darəz- "to attach;" Mid.Pers. handarz "advice, order, command," drz- "to fasten;" Mod.Pers. andarz "advice; testament," darzan "needle," darzi "tailor," razé (with elimination of the initial phoneme) "a ring or staple used to fasten a door," padarzé "a wrapper in which clothes are folded up;" cf. Skt. drah- "to fix, make firm;" Gk. drassomai "I take hold of, grasp;" Russ. deržat' "to hold, keep" (Cheung 2007).

pedar (#)

Fr.: père   

A male → parent.

M.E. fader, from O.E. fæder "father, male ancestor;" cf. O.S. fadar, Du. vader, O.N. faðir, O.H.G. fater, Ger. Vater; PIE *pəter-; cognate with Pers. pedar, as below.

Pedar, from Mid.Pers. pidar, variant pid "father;" O.Pers. pitā- "father;" Av. patar-; cf. Skt. pitár-; Gk. pater; L. pater (Fr. père, Sp. padre).

gosalé (#)

Fr.: faille   

Geology: A fracture in the Earth's crust along which the adjacent rock surfaces have been displaced relative to each other. Movement along the fault can cause → earthquakes or, in the process of mountain-building, can release underlying → magma and permit it to rise to the surface as a volcanic eruption.

M.E. faute "deficiency," from O.Fr. faute "opening, gap; failure, flaw; lack," from V.L. *fallita "a shortcoming, falling," from L. falsus "deceptive, feigned, spurious," p.p. of fallere "to deceive, be wrong."

Gosalé, noun from gosalidan "to break; to snap asunder," ultimately from Proto-Iranian *uisar-, from *ui- "apart" + *sar- "to break;" cf. Av. sairi- "fragment," asarəta- "not broken;" Skt. sar- "to break, tear apart," śūrtá- "smashed," aśīrtá- "unharmed;" Gk. keraizo "to tear, destroy," akeraios "unharmed;" PIE base *ker- "to hurt, harm."

fault surface
  رویه‌ی ِ گسله   
ruye-ye gosalé

Fr.: surface de faille   

Geology: The surface of a fracture along which dislocation of adjacent rocks has taken place.

falt; → surface.

gosaleš (#)

Fr.: formation de failles   

The geological process leading to the formation of → faults.

Verbal noun, → fault.

par (#)

Fr.: plume   

One of light appendages that grow from a bird's skin and form its covering.

M.E., from O.E. fether; akin to Du. veder, Ger. Feder, O.N. fioþr, Sw. fjäder, from PIE root *pet- "to rush, to fly."

Parr "feather," variant bâl "wing," Mid.Pers. parr "feather, wing," bâl; Av. parəna- "feather," Skt. parnam, cf. O.H.G. farn "fern," PIE pornom "feather."


Fr.: motif   

A prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic. → absorption feature; → coronal features; → dust feature; → emission feature.

From O.Fr. faiture "fashion, shape, form," from L. facura "a formation," from facere "to make, do, perform" (cf. Fr. faire, Sp. hacer), from PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do" (cf. Mod.Pers. dâdan "to give;" O.Pers./Av. dā- "to give, grant, yield," dadāiti "he gives; puts;" Skt. dadáti "puts, places;" Hitt. dai- "to place;" Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lith. deti "to put;" Czech diti, Pol. dziac', Rus. det' "to hide," delat' "to do;" O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun, O.E. don "to do").

Ârang "color; mode, form, manner," cf. Av. *iringa- "sign, mark" in haptôiringa- "with seven marks," from hapto- "seven," + iringa-; Mid.Pers. haptiring, Mod.Pers. haftowrang "the constellation of Great Bear;" cf. Skt. linga- "mark, token, sign."

Feautrier method
  روش ِ فوتریه   
raveš-e Feautrier

Fr.: méthode de Feautrier   

One of the most successful general methods for the numerical solution of the → radiative transfer equation. This method has been primarily used to study → radiative transfer in the → photospheres of stars.

P. Feautrier (1964), C.r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 258, 3198; → method.

Fechner's law
  قانون ِ فشنر   
qânun-e Fechner (#)

Fr.: loi de Fechner   

See → Weber-Fechner law.

gošnidan (#)

Fr.: féconder   

Biology: To impregnate, to fertilize.

L. fecundetus "made fruitful, fertilized," p.p. of fcundare, from fecundus "fruitful, fertile, productive," from L. root *fe-, corresponding to PIE *dhe(i)- "to suck, suckle;" cf. Skt. dhayati "sucks," dhayah "nourishing;" Gk. thele "mother's breast, nipple," thelys "female, fruitful;" Mid.Pers. dâyag "(wet-)nurse;" Mod.Pers. dâyé "(wet-)nurse;" Proto-Iranian *daH- "to suck, suckle;" O.C.S. dojiti "to suckle," dojilica "nurse;" Lith. dele "leech;" Goth. daddjan "to suckle;" O.H.G. tila "female breast."

Gošnidan, from gošn "male," Mid.Pers. gušn; cf. Av. varšni- "male;" Skt. vrsan-.

  گشنش، گشن‌گیری، بارورسازی   
gošneš, gošngiri (#), bârvarsâzi (#)

Fr.: fécondation   

Biology: The act or process of fecundating.

fecundate; → -tion.


Fr.: féderal   

Relating to or characteristic of a unified body (e.g. a government) with constituent parts (states) that retain a measure of autonomy.

From Fr. fédéral, from L. foedus (genitive foederis) "league, treaty, alliance," → federate, + → -al.

Hiyâvi, from hiyâvidan, → federate.


Fr.: fédérer   

1) To join together in a → federation.
2) To organize on a → federal basis.

From L. foederatus "leagued together, allied," p.p. of foederare "to establish by treaty," from foedus "league, treaty, alliance," related to fides "faith."

Hiyâvidan, from Tabari hiyâ "together, with each other," probably related to Av. hi- "to chain, bind," hiθav- "association, assemblage," hinav- "bond, chain," hita- "fastened;" O.P. vištāspa- literally "with unbound horses;" Av. hitāspa-; Pers. gošudan "to open," → resolve; cf. Skt. sā-/say- "to bind, fasten, fetter." Coined on the model of Ger. Bund "federation, alliance, band," cognate with Pers. bastan "to bind," → absolute.

federated database system (FDBS)
  راژمان ِ پایگاه ِ داده‌های ِ هیاویده   
râžmân-e pâygâh-e dâdehâ-ye hiyâvidé

Fr.: système de base de données fédéré   

A composition of different databases which work in an integrated manner while preserving their autonomy.

federate; → database; → system.


Fr.: fédération   

1) The act of federating or uniting in a league.
2) A political unit formed from smaller units on a → federal basis.

Verbal noun of → federate.


Fr.: fédératif   

Pertaining to or of the nature of a → federation.


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