An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 71
Jupiter's ring
  حلقه‌های ِ هرمز   
halqehâ-ye Hormoz

Fr.: anneaux de Jupiter   

Any of several faint, dark, narrow rings around Jupiter. Jupiter's rings are so faint and tenuous that are only visible when viewed from behind Jupiter and are lit by the Sun, or directly viewed in the infrared where they faintly glow. Unlike → Saturn's rings full of large icy and rock chunks, they are composed of tiny rock fragments and dust. Jupiter's rings are continuously losing material and being resupplied with new dust from → meteorite impacts with Jupiter's four inner moons (→ Metis, → Adrastea, → Amalthea, and → Thebe). Jupiter's rings were discovered by NASA's Voyager 1 in 1979. They are composed of three parts: the → Main ring, a → Halo ring that orbits closer to Jupiter, and a very wide → Gossamer ring that extends far from Jupiter.

Jupiter; → ring.

Žurâsik (#)

Fr.: jurassique   

Jurassic era.

Named for the Jura Mountains on the border between France and Switzerland, where rocks of this age were first studied, + -assic, suffix extracted from Triassic.

Jurassic era
  دوره‌ی ِ ژوراسیک   
dowre-ye Žurasik (#)

Fr.: ère jurassique   

A period of the Mesozoic era, spanning the time between the Triassic and the → Cretaceous periods, about 200 to 145 million years ago. The start of the period is marked by the major Triassic-Jurassic → mass extinction event.

Jurassic; → era.


Fr.: juridique   

1) Of or relating to the administration of justice.
2) Of or relating to law or jurisprudence; legal (

From L. iuridicalis "relating to right; pertaining to justice," from iuridicus, from ius "right, law," → jurist, + dicere "to say, to speak."

Dâdšenâxti, of or relating to dâdšenâxt, → jurisprudence


Fr.: juridiction   

1) The right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies.
2) The extent or range of judicial, law enforcement, or other authority.
3) The territory over which authority is exercised (

M.E., from O.Fr. juridiccion and directly from L. iurisdictionem "administration of justice, jurisdiction," from ius "right, law," → just, + dictio "a saying; extent or range of administrative power."

Dâdbaxšâ, from dâd, → justice, + baxš "division; donor, distributor, divider," from baxšidan "to divide, distribute, grant," → division, + -ân suffix of attribution and nuance


Fr.: jurisprudence   

1) The science or philosophy of law.
2) A body or system of laws.
3) Civil Law: Decisions of courts, especially of reviewing tribunals (

M.E., from Fr. jurisprudence and directly from L.L. iurisprudentia "the science of law," from iuris "of right, of law" + prudentia "knowledge, a foreseeing, foresight, sagacity."

Dâdšenâxt, literally "science of justice," from dâd, → justice, + šenâxt "knowledge, science," → -logy.


Fr.: juriste   

A person versed in the law, as a judge, lawyer, or scholar.

M.E., from M.Fr. juriste, from M.L. iurista "jurist," from L. ius "law," → just.

Dâdšenâs, literally "knower of justice," → jurisprudence.

  دادمند، راست، درست   
dâdmand, râst (#), dorost (#)

Fr.: juste   

1) Guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness.
2) Done or made according to principle; equitable; proper.
3) Based on right; rightful; lawful (

M.E. juste, from O.Fr. juste "just, righteous," from L. iustus "upright, equitable," from ius "right," especially "legal right, law," from O.L. ious, perhaps literally "sacred formula."

Dâdmand, from dâd "law, → justice."
Râst, → right.
Dorost "whole, complete, right," → integral.

  داد، دادمندی، دادگری، دادگستری   
dâd, dâmandi, dâdgari, dâdgostari

Fr.: justice   

1) The quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.
2) The moral principle determining just conduct.
3) The administering of deserved punishment or reward (

M.E., from O.Fr. justice "justice, legal rights, jurisdiction," from L. iustitia "righteousness, equity," from iustus "upright, → just."

Dâd "justice, law" from Mid.Pers. dâd "law, justice, scriptures with legal content;" related to Mid.- and Mod.Pers. daheš "creation," dâdan "to give;" Av. dā- "to place upon, give;" → datum.
Dâdmandi noun from dâmand, → just.
Dâdgari "administration of justice," from dâdgar, literally "just doer," "an administrator of justice," from dâd + -gar, → -or.
Dâdgostari, from Dâdgostar, literally "justice spreader," with gostar, from gostardan "to spread, → expand."


Fr.: justification   

1) A reason, fact, circumstance, or explanation that justifies or defends. What is offered as grounds for believing an assertion.
2) An act of justifying.

Verbal noun of → justify.

Râstâvard, from râst "right, true; just, upright, straight" (Mid.Pers. râst "true, straight, direct;" O.Pers. rāsta- "straight, true," rās- "to be right, straight, true;" Av. rāz- "to direct, put in line, set," razan- "order;" cf. Skt. raj- "to direct, stretch," rjuyant- "walking straight;" Gk. orektos "stretched out;" L. regere "to lead straight, guide, rule," p.p. rectus "right, straight;" Ger. recht; E. right; PIE base *reg- "move in a straight line," hence, "to direct, rule") + âvard past stem of âvardan "to bring; to adduce, bring forward in argument or as evidence" (Mid.Pers. âwurtan, âvaritan; Av. ābar- "to bring; to possess," from prefix ā- + Av./O.Pers. bar- "to bear, carry," bareθre "to bear (infinitive)," bareθri "a female that bears (children), a mother;" Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry;" Skt. bharati "he carries;" Gk. pherein; L. fero "to carry").

  راستاورد کردن، راستاوردن   
râstâvard kardan, râstâvardan

Fr.: justifier   

1) To show (a claim, statement, act, etc.) to be right, reasonable, or proper.
2) To defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded.
3) To adjust (a line of type) to fill a line of constant width.

Justify, from O.Fr. justifier "to show (something) to be just or right; to administer justice," from L. justificare "act justly toward, make just," from justificus "dealing justly, righteous," from justus "just, upright, equitable," from jus (gen. juris) "right," from O.Latin ious, from PIE base *yewes- (cf. Av. yaož-da- "to purify ritually, to revitalize;" Skt. yos- "(long) life" + root of facere "to do" (from PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do;" cf. Mod.Pers. dâdan "to give;" O.Pers./Av. dā- "to give, grant, yield," dadāiti "he gives; puts;" Skt. dadáti "puts, places;" Hitt. dai- "to place;" Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lith. deti "to put;" Czech diti, Pol. dziac', Rus. det' "to hide," delat' "to do;" O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun, O.E. don "to do").

Râstâvard kardan, râstâvardan, infinitives of râstâvard, → justification.

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