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Eddington-Lemaître Universe giti-ye Eddington-Lemaître (#) Fr.: Univers d'Eddington-Lemaître A theoretical model in which the → cosmological constant plays a crucial role by allowing an initial phase that is identical to the Einstein static Universe. After an arbitrarily long time, the Universe begins to expand. The difficulty with this model is that the initiation of galaxy formation may actually cause a collapse rather than initiate an → expansion of the Universe. → Eddington limit; Lemaître in honor of Georges-Henri Lemaître (1894-1966), a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, who first proposed the Big Bang theory; → universe. |
Eddington-Sweet time scale marpel-e zamâni-ye Eddington-Sweet Fr.: échelle de temps d'Eddington-Sweet The time required for the redistribution of → angular momentum due to → meridional circulation. The Eddington-Sweet time for a uniformly → rotating star is expressed as: τES = τKH . GM / (Ω2 R3), where τKH is the → Kelvin-Helmholtz time scale, R, M, and L designate the radius, mass, and luminosity respectively, Ω the → angular velocity, and G the → gravitational constant. The Eddington-Sweet time scale can be approximated by τES≅ τKH / χ, where χ is the ratio of the → centrifugal force to → gravity. For the Sun, χ ≅ 10-5 resulting in an Eddington-Sweet time scale which is too long (1012 years), i.e. unimportant. In contrast, for a rotating → massive star χ is not so much less than 1. Hence the Eddington-Sweet circulation is very important in massive stars. Named after the prominent British astrophysicist Arthur S. Eddington (1882-1944), who was the first to suggest these currents (in The Internal Constitution of the Stars, Dover Pub. Inc., New York, 1926) and P. A. Sweet who later quantified them (1950, MNRAS 110, 548); → time scale. |
eddy gižâv Fr.: tourbillon A deviation in the steady flow of a fluid causing a vortex-like motion running
contrary to the general flow. Late M.E., from O.E. ed- "turning" + ea "water;" akin to O.N. itha. Gižâv, from dialectical Kurd. "whirlpool," from giž "turning," Pers. gij "giddy-headed, vertigio;" Laki géž "whirlpool," vagéža "whirlwind" + âv, variant âb "water" (Mid.Pers. âb "water;" O.Pers. ap- "water;" Av. ap- "water;" cf. Skt. áp- "water;" Hitt. happa- "water;" PIE āp-, ab- "water, river;" cf. Gk. Apidanos, proper noun, a river in Thessalia; L. amnis "stream, river" (from *abnis); O.Ir. ab "river," O.Prus. ape "stream," Lith. upé "stream;" Latv. upe "brook"). |
eddy current jarayân-e Foucault (#) Fr.: courant de Foucault An induced current circulating in masses of metal moving in a magnetic field or located in a changing magnetic field. Also known as → Foucault current. |
eddy diffusion paxš-e gižâvi Fr.: diffusion turbulente A macroscopic process that occurs in a → fluid because of the relative motions induced by the non-uniform → turbulent motions of the fluid. Also known as turbulent → diffusion. Eddy diffusion may occur in an atmosphere if it is unstable against turbulence. It dominates the atmosphere below the homopause. See also → molecular diffusion. |
edge 1) labé (#); 2) tiqé (#) Fr.: 1) bord; 2) tranchant, fil 1) A line or border at which a surface terminates. M.E. egge; O.E. ecg "corner, edge;" cf. Ger. Eck "corner;" PIE base *ak- "sharp, pointed" (cf. L. acies; Gk. akis "point"). 1) Labé "limb, edge," from lab "lip;" Mid.Pers. lap;
cognate with L. labium; E. lip; Ger. Lefze. |
edge-on galaxy kahkašân-e pahlunemâ Fr.: galaxie vue par la tranche A → spiral galaxy oriented edge-on to our view. → face-on galaxy. → edge; on, from O.E. on, variant of an "in, on, into" (cf. Du. aan; Ger. an; Goth. ana "on, upon"), from PIE base *ano "on" (cf. Av. ana "on;" Gk. ana "on, upon;" L. an-); → galaxy. Kahkašân, → galaxy; pahlunemâ "showing the side," from pahlu, → side, + nemâ, from nemudan "to show, display," → display. |
edit virâstan (#) Fr.: mettre au point, préparer, éditer To modify or prepare for publication or public presentation by checking, improving, cutting, rearranging, etc. Back formation from editor or from Fr. éditer, or from L. editus, p.p. of edere "bring forth, produce," from → ex- "out," + -dere, combining form of dare "to give," → datum. Virâstan, from Mid.Pers. virâstan "to arrange, prepare, restore," from prefix vi- "apart, away from, out" (Av. vi-; O.Pers. viy- "apart, away;" cf. Skt. vi- "apart, asunder, away, out;" L. vitare "to avoid, turn aside") + râstan "to arrange, to set in order," → coordinate. |
edition 1) virâyeš (#); 2) virâst (#) Fr.: édition 1) The act or process of editing. Verbal noun of → edit. |
editor virâstâr (#) Fr.: rédacteur, éditeur 1) A person who edits material for publication or public presentation. Agent noun of → edit. |
editorial virâstâl Fr.: rédaction, éditorial 1) An article in a newspaper or other periodical or on a website presenting the opinion
of the publisher, writer, or editor. |
educate farhixtan (#) Fr.: éduquer To give knowledge or develop the faculties and powers of somebody by teaching. instruction. From L. educatus, p.p. of educare "bring up, rear, educate," from → ex- "out" + ducere "to lead." Farhixtan, "educate," literally "drawing forward, pulling up;" from far- perfection prefix, → pro-, + hanjidan "to draw," → culture. |
education farhizeš (#) Fr.: éducation The act or process of educating. Verbal noun of → educate. |
effect oskar Fr.: effet 1) Something brought about by a → cause or agent; a result. From O.Fr. effect, from L. effectus "accomplishment, performance," from stem of efficere "to work out, accomplish," from → ex- "out" + facere "to do, to make," from PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do;" cf. Mod.Pers. dâdan "to give," Mid.Pers. dâdan "to give," O.Pers./Av. dā- "to give, grant, yield," dadāiti "he gives;" Skt. dadáti "he gives," Gk. didomi "I give," tithenai "to put, set, place;" L. dare "to give, offer;" Rus. delat "to do;" O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun, O.E. don "to do." Oskar, from os-, → ex-, + kar-, kardan "to do, make;" Mid.Pers. kardan; O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build," Av. kərənaoiti "he makes;" cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "he makes, he does," karoti "he makes, he does," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make." |
effective oskarmand Fr.: effectif Actually in operation or in force; concrete; real. M.E., from L. effectivus "practical," from effect(us), p.p. of efficere, → effect + -ivus "-ive." Oskarmand, from oskar, → effect + -mand possession suffix. |
effective aperture dahâne-ye oskarmand Fr.: ouverture effective Of an antenna, the ratio of the extracted power by the antenna to the power per unit area (power density) in the incident wave. |
effective Eddington parameter pârâmun-e Eddington-e oskarmand Fr.: paramètre d'Eddington effectif The effective value of the → Eddington parameter in a non-homogeneous system (porous opacity). → effective; → Eddington limit; → parameter. |
effective focal length derâzâ-ye kânuni-ye oskarmand Fr.: longueur focale effective The focal length of an imaging system, which consists of several lenses or mirrors. → effective; → focal length. |
effective gravity gerâni-ye oskarmand Fr.: gravité effective In a → rotating star, the sum of the → gravity and the → centrifugal acceleration. The effective gravity is a function of the rotation velocity (Ω) and the → colatitude (θ). At the pole (θ = 0°) and the equator (θ = 90°) the effective gravity is radial. See also → total gravity. |
effective radius šo'â'-e oskarmand Fr.: rayon effectif Of a galaxy, the distance from its center within which half of the total luminosity is included. |
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