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neck gardan (#) Fr.: cou The part of a person's or animal's → body that connecting the → head to the rest of the body. M.E. nekke, from O.E. hnecca, cognate with Du. nek "the nape of the neck;" Ger. Nacken, O.Norse hnakki "the nape of the neck." Gardan "neck;" related to geri, geribân "collar," gerivé "low hill," galu "throat;" Mid.Pers. gartan "neck," galôg, griv "throat;" Av. grīvā- "neck;" cf. Skt. gala- "throat, neck;" Gk. bora "food;" L. gula "throat" (Fr. gueule "(animal) mouth"), gluttire "to gulp down," vorare "to devour;" PIE base *gwer- "to swallow, devour." L. gula; cf. Mod.Pers. galu "throat." |
needle suzan (#) Fr.: aiguille A slender pointed piece of metal, usually steel. → magnetic needle. M.E. nedle, O.E. naeðlæ, nedlæ (cf. O.S. nathla, O.N. nal, O.Fris. nedle, O.H.G. nadala, Ger. Nadel); PIE root *(s)ne- "to sew, to spin;" cf. Skt. snayati "wraps up;" Gk. nein "to spin;" L. nere "to spin." Suzan, Mid.Pers. sôzan, sucan, related to sok "pointed stick for driving cattle;" Av. sūkā- "needle;" cf. Skt. sūcī- "sting;" L. cuneus "wedge;" PIE base kū- "sharp; spike." |
negate nâyidan (#) Fr.: nier 1) To deny the existence or truth of. From L. negatus p.p. of negare "to say 'no', deny," from Old L. nec "not," from PIE base *ne- "no, not." Nâyidan infinitive from nâ "no, not," variants na, ni, ma- (prohitive); from Mid.Pers. nê, ma "no, not;" O.Pers. naiy, nai "not;" Av. nôit, naē "not;" cf. Skt. ná "not;" cf. L. ne-, in-, un-; Gk. ni; Lith. nè; O.C.S. ne "not;" PIE *ne-, as above. |
negation nâyeš (#) Fr.: négation 1) The act of denying; → denial. Verbal noun of → negate. |
negative nâyidâr (#) Fr.: négatif 1) General:
Expressing, containing, or consisting of a negation, refusal, or denial. From O.Fr. negatif (fem. negative), from L. negativus, "denying, inhibiting (legal actions); denied/refused; negative," from negare "to refuse, say 'no'" from Old L. nec "not", from Italic base *nek- "not," from PIE base *ne- "no, not." Nâyidâr, from nâyidan, → negate, on the model of xaridâr, foruxtâr, xâstâr, virâstâr, etc. |
negative charge bâr-e nâyidâr Fr.: charge négative An electric charge that has the same sign as the electron. |
negative correlation hambâzâneš-e nâyidâr Fr.: corrélation négative A correlation between two variables such that as one variable's values tend to increase, the other variable's values tend to decrease. → negative; → correlation. |
negative crystal bolur-e nâyidâr Fr.: cristal négatif A uniaxial, birefringent crystal in which the velocity of the extraordinary ray surpasses that of the ordinary ray. |
negative feedback bâzxord-e nâyidâr Fr.: rétroaction negative A → feedback process in which the → output reacts on the → input so as to reduce the initial → effect. |
negative lens adasi-ye nâyidâr Fr.: lentille divergente Same as → divergent lens. |
negative number adad-e nâyidâr Fr.: nombre négatif A → real number that is less than zero. A negative number is indicated by the → minus sign. |
negative polarization qotbeš-e nâyidâr Fr.: polarisation négative A type of polarization in which the direction of polarization becomes reversed. → negative; → polarization. |
negative pressure fešâr-e nâyidâr Fr.: pression négative A kind of pressure that contrarily to ordinary pressure pushes inward. In contrast with the → Newtonian mechanics, in → general relativity there are situations in which pressure can be negative. Positive pressure gives rise to attractive gravity, whereas negative pressure creates → repulsive gravity. |
negative skewness kažâli-ye nâyidâr Fr.: asymétrie négative Of a distribution function, a skewness in which the left tail (tail at small end of the distribution) is more pronounced that the right tail (tail at the large end of the distribution). → positive skewness. |
negatron negâtron (#) Fr.: négatron An obsolete term denoting a negatively charged electron, as opposed to a positron. |
neighborhood hamsâyegi (#) Fr.: voisinage 1) The area or region around or near some place or thing; vicinity.
→ solar neighborhood. From neighbor, M.E., O.E. neahgebur, from neah→ near + -hood suffix denoting "state or condition of being;" M.E. -hode, -hod; O.E. -had "condition, position," cognate with Ger. -heit, Du. -heid. Hamsâyegi, noun from hamsâyé "neighbor," literally "under, sharing the same shade," from ham-, → syn-, + sâyé, → shadow. |
Neogene Neozâd, Nowzâd Fr.: Néogène A period of → geologic time within the Cenozoic era, between 23 and 2.6 million years ago, which comprises the Miocene and Pliocene epochs. |
neon neon (#) Fr.: néon A colorless, odorless, and tasteless gaseous chemical element; symbol Ne. Atomic number 10, atomic weight 20.179; melting point -248.67°C; boiling point -246.048°C. It was discovered from its bright red spectral lines by the Scottish chemist William Ramsay and the English chemist Morris William Travers in 1898 from a liquefied air sample. Neon is produced by carbon burning in massive stars and released into the Galaxy when they explode. From Gk. neon neuter of neos, → new, so called because it was a newly discovered element. |
neon burning suzeš-e neon Fr.: combustion du néon A → nuclear fusion process that takes place in → massive stars and leads to the → production of → oxygen and → magnesium. It requires high temperatures and densities (around 1.2 × 109 K and 4 × 109 kg/m3). |
nephology abršenâsi (#) Fr.: néphologie The branch of meteorology that deals with clouds. From Gk. nephos "cloud," nephele "cloud;" cognate with Pers. nam "moisture;" Av. napta- "moist," nabās-cā- "cloud," nabah- "sky;" L. nebula "mist," nimbus "rainstorm, rain cloud;" Skt. nábhas- "moisture, cloud, mist;" O.H.G. nebul; Ger. Nebel "fog;" O.E. nifol "dark;" PIE base *nebh- "cloud, vapor, fog, moist, sky" + → -logy. Abršenâsi, from abr "cloud," from Mid.Pers. awr, abr (Laki owr, Baluchi haur, Kurd. Soriani hewr); Av. awra- "rain cloud, rain;" cf. Skt. abhra-"thunder cloud;" Gk. afros "scum, foam;" L. imber "rain;" also Sk. ambha- "water;" Gk. ombros "rain," PIE *mbhros "rain cloud, rain," from *mbh- + -šenâsi→ -logy. |
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