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imperative 1) parmâte; 2) parmâti Fr.: 1) inpératif; 2) impériux 1a) A command or order. From L.L. imperativus "pertaining to a command," from imperat-, p.p. stem of → imperare "to command." Parmât, noun from present stem of parmâtidan, → imperare; parmâtii, adj. from parmât. |
imperative case kâte-ye parmâti, ~ farmâni Fr.: cas impératif The grammatical mood of a verb that expresses a command or a request, as in close the door!. → imperative; → case. |
imperatively parmâtâne Fr.: inpérativement In an imperative manner. Adverb from → imperative; → -ly. |
imperfect nâfarsâxté; nâfarsâxt Fr.: imperfection Not perfect; faulty or incomplete. |
imperfection nâfarsâxtegi, nâfarsâzeš Fr.: imperfection A fault, flaw, or undesirable feature; the state or condition of being imperfect. → in-; → perfection. |
imperial parmâtyâri, parmâtgâni, šâhi, šâhâne, šâhanšâhi Fr.: impérial Of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign, especially an emperor or empress (TheFreeDictionary). Adjective of → empire. |
imperialism Fr.: impérialisme 1) The extension of a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by
the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations. |
implication dartâheš Fr.: implication 1) General: Something implied; the act of implying. From L. implicationem "interweaving, entanglement," from implicatus, p.p. of implicare "involve, entangle, connect closely," from → in- "in" + plicare "to fold," → explain. Dartâheš, verbal noun of dartâhidan "to imply," from dar-, → in- + tâhidan "to fold, ply," → explain. |
implicit dartâhi Fr.: implicite 1) General: Implied, rather than expressly stated. From L. implicitus, variant of implicatus, p.p. of implicare, → implication. Dartâhi, from dartâh present stem of dartâhidan, → implication, + -y adj. suffix. |
implicit function karyâ-ye dartâhi Fr.: fonction implicite A function which contains two or more variables that are not independent of each other. An implicit function of x and y is one of the form f(x,y) = 0, e.g., 4x + y2 - 9 = 0. See also → explicit function. |
implode forukaftan, forukaftidan Fr.: imploser To collapse, or cause to → collapse, inward → violently. Opposite of → explode. Implode, from → in- + (ex)plode, from L. plaudere "to clap, beat," of uncertain origin. Forukaftidan, from foru- "down, downward; below; beneath" (Mid.Pers. frôt "down, downward;" O.Pers. fravata "forward, downward;" cf. Skt. pravát- "a sloping path, the slope of a mountain") + kaftidan "to burst; to split," variants kaftan, kâftan "to split; to dig," (Parthian Mid.Pers. q'f- "to split;" Sogdian kβ "to spli;" Chorasmian kf- "to split, be split;" Proto-Iranian *kap-, *kaf- "to split"). |
implosion forukaft Fr.: implosion A violent inward collapse; the act of imploding; opposed to → explosion. Verbal noun of → implode. |
imply dartâhidan Fr.: impliquer 1) To involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary
consequence rather than by direct statement Infinitive of → implication. |
import 1) darbartidan; 2) darbart Fr.: import 1a) To bring in (merchandise, commodities, workers, etc.) from a foreign country
for use, sale, processing, reexport, or services. |
important garin Fr.: important Of great significance or effect. From M.Fr. important, from M.L. importantem, from importare "be significant in," from importare "bring in," → in- "into, in" + portare "to carry." Garin, on the model of Kurd. giring "important," related to girân, gerân "heavy, important;" Mid.Pers. garân, Proto-Ir. stem *garu-; cf. Av. gouru-; Skt. guru- "heavy, important, venerable;" L. gravis "weighty, serious, heavy," → gravity. |
impose barnehâdan Fr.: imposer 1) To lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc. M.E., from O.Fr. imposer "put, place; impute, charge, accuse," from → in- "into, in" + poser "put, place," → position. Barnehâdan, literally "to place on, upon," from bar-, → on-, + nehâdan "to put, place," → compose. |
imposing barnehâ, barnehandé, barnehân Fr.: imposant Very impressive because of great size, stately appearance, dignity, elegance, etc. (Dictionary.com). |
imposition barneheš Fr.: imposition 1) The laying on of something as a burden or obligation. |
impossible nâšâyan Fr.: impossible Not possible; unable to be, exist, happen. Unable to be done, performed, effected. |
impostor daqalkâr Fr.: imposteur On who pretends to be what he is not. M.Fr. imposteur, from L.L. impostor, agent noun from impostus, from imponere "to place upon, impose upon, deceive," from → in- "into, in, on, upon" + ponere "to put place," → position. Daqalkâr, from daqal "imposture, deceit" + -kâr, agent noun suffix, from kardan, → -or. |
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