An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 30 Search : fact
ionization correction factor (ICF)
  کروند ِ ارشایش ِ یونش   
karvand-e aršâyeš-e yoneš

Fr.: facteur de correction d'ionisation   

A quantity used in studies of → emission nebulae to convert the → ionic abundance of a given chemical element to its total → elemental abundance. The elemental abundance of an element relative to hydrogen is given by the sum of abundances of all its ions. In practice, not all the ionization stages are observed. One must therefore correct for unobserved stages using ICFs. A common way to do this was to rely on → ionization potential considerations. However, → photoionization models show that such simple relations do not necessarily hold. Hence, ICFs based on grids of photoionization models are more reliable. Nevertheless here also care should be taken for several reasons: the atomic physics is not well known yet, the ionization structure of a nebula depends on the spectral energy distribution of the stellar radiation field, which differs from one model to another, and the density structure of real nebulae is more complicated than that of idealized models (see, e.g., Stasińska, 2002, astro-ph/0207500, and references therein).

ionization; → correction; → factor.

Landé factor
  کروند ِ لانده   
karvand-e Landé

Fr.: facteur de Landé   

The constant of proportionality relating the separations of lines of successive pairs of adjacent components of the levels of a spectral multiplet to the larger of the two J-values for the respective pairs. The interval between two successive components J and J + 1 is proportional to J + 1.

After Alfred Landé (1888-1976), a German-American physicist, known for his contributions to quantum theory; → facteur.


Fr.: liquéfaction   

1) The act or process of liquefying or making liquid.
2) The state of being liquefied.

liquefy; → -tion.

Lorentz factor
  کروند ِ لورنتز   
karvand-e Lorentz

Fr.: facteur de Lorentz   

In → special relativity, an important parameter which appears in several equations, including → time dilation, → length contraction, and → relativistic mass. It is defined as γ = 1 / [1 - (v/c)2]1/2 = dt/dτ, where v is the velocity as observed in the reference frame where time t is measured, τ is the proper time, and c the → velocity of light. Same as Lorentz γ factor.

Lorentz; → factor.


Fr.: raréfaction   

The state of being rarefied, less dense.
An instantaneous reduction in density of a gas resulting from passage a sound wave; opposite of → compression.

M.E. rarefien, from M.Fr. rarefier, from L. rarefacere "make rare," from rarus "loose, wide apart, thin, infrequent."

Verbal noun from âlar present stem of âlaridanrarefy + , a suffix.

rarefaction wave
  موج ِ آلرش   
mowj-e âlareš

Fr.: onde de raréfaction   

A pressure wave in a fluid generated by rarefaction. It travels in the opposite direction to that of a shock wave in the medium.

rarefaction; → wave.

reflection factor
  کروند ِ بازتاب   
karvand-e bâztâb

Fr.: facteur de réflexion   

The ratio of total flux that is reflected from a surface to the incident flux. Also called reflectance, reflectivity.

reflection; → factor.

scale factor
  کروند ِ مرپل   
karvand-e marpel

Fr.: facteur d'échelle   

Math.: A number which scales, or multiplies, some quantity. In the equation y = Cx, C is the scale factor for x. C is also the coefficient of x, and may be called the constant of proportionality of y to x.
Geometry: The ratio of any two corresponding lengths in two similar geometric figures. The ratio of areas of two similar figures is the square of the scale factor.

scale; → factor.

scientific fact
  باشای ِ دانشی، ~ دانشیک   
bâšâ-ye dâneši, ~ dânešik

Fr.: fait scientifique   

An agreement by competent observers of a series of observations of the same phenomena. From time to time scientific facts are revised by additional data (G. Smooth, Lawrence Berkeley Lab website).

scientific; → fact.

Stokes friction factor
  کروند ِ مالش ِ استوکس   
karvand-e mâleš-e Stokes

Fr.: facteur de friction de Stokes   

For the translational motion of a spherical body moving in a → viscous fluid, the proportionality factor between the uniform flow velocity far from the sphere and the drag force, provided no-slip boundary condition and small → Reynolds numbers: f = 6πηR, where η is the Reynolds number and R radius of the sphere.

Stokes; → friction; → factor.

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