Abbreviations and symbols
Ar.: Arabic
Arm.: Armenian
Astro.: Astronomy/Astrophysics
Av.: Avestan
Bret.: Breton
cf.: confer, compare with
Du.: Dutch
Fr.: French
Gk.: Greek
Hitt.: Hittite
IE: Indo-European
inf.: infinitive
It.: Italian
L.: Latin
lit.: Literally
Lith.: Lithuanian
L.L.: Late Latin
Math.: Mathematics
M.L.: Medieval Latin
Mid.Pers.: Middle Persian
Mod.Pers.: Modern Persian
O.C.S.: Old Church Slavonic
O.E.: Old English
O.Fr.: Old French
O.H.G.: Old High German
O.Ir.: Old Irish
O.Pers.: Old Persian
O.Prus.: Old Prussian
PIE: Proto-Indo-European root
pl.: plural
p.p.: past participle
P.Gmc. Proto-Germanic
pr.p.: present participle
Skt.: Sanskrit
v.: verb
v.intr.: intransitive verb
V.L.: Vulgar Latin transitive verb
#: indicates a term which already existed; it accompanies the
term only once, when it appears as a main entry.
⇒: indicates see the entry or the section which follows the sign.
~: indicates a repeated term in the entry row.