An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 44 Search : linea
linear programming
  برنامه‌سازی ِ خطی   
barnâme-sâzi-ye xatti (#)

Fr.: programmation linéaire   

A procedure for finding the maximum or minimum of a → linear function where the → arguments are subject to linear → constraints. For problems involving more than two variables or problems involving a large number of constraints, solution methods used are those that are adaptable to computers. A well-known such → algorithm is the → simplex method.

linear; → programmings.

linear regression
  وایازی ِ خطی   
vâyâzi-ye xatti

Fr.: regression linéaire   

In statistics, a regression method that establishes a linear relationship between two random variables.

linear; → regression.

linear size
  اندازه‌ی ِ خطی   
andâze-ye xatti

Fr.: taille linéaire   

The real, physical size, as opposed to angular size.

linear; → size.

linear system
  راژمان ِ خطی   
râžmân-e xatti

Fr.: système linéaire   

Physics: A → dynamical system whose evolution is a linear process. If a change in any variable at some initial time produces a change in the same or some other variable at some later time, twice as large a change at the same initial time will produce twice as large a change at the same later time.

linear; → system.

linear velocity
  تندای ِ خطی   
tondâ-ye xatti

Fr.: vitesse linéaire   

The rate of change of the position of an object that is traveling along a straight path. In other words, the velocity of an object when its moving direction is not changing. For a given → angular velocity (ω), the linear velocity v of the particle is directly proportional to the distance of the particle from the center of the circular path: v = ω ×r.

linear; → velocity.


Fr.: linéarité   

The property, condition, or state of being linear.
Math.: A relationship between two variables so that when plotted on a graph they yield a straight line.

linear; → -ity.

  خطش، خطانش   
xatteš, xattâneš

Fr.: linéarisation   

A process of reduction to linear form by appropriate change of variables or by approximation.

Verbal noun of → linearize.

  خطیدن، خطانیدن   
xattidan, xattânidan

Fr.: linéariser   

To make linear; give linear form to.

linear + → -ize.

linearized differential equation
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای ِ خطی   
hamugeš-e degarsâneyi-ye xatti

Fr.: équation différentielle linéarisée   

A differential equation that has been derived from an original nonlinear equation.

Linearized, p.p. of → linearize; → differential; → equation.


Fr.: linéairement   

In a manner characterized by first-degree algebraic terms.

Adverb of → linear.

linearly dependent
  خطانه وابسته   
xattâné vâbasté

Fr.: linéairement dépendant   

A set of objects x1, x2, ..., xn (→ vectors, → matrices, → polynomials, etc.) on a given set if there is a linear combination of them: a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn, which is zero, but at least one of the coefficients is non-zero. For example the binomials (2x + y) and (6x + 3y) are linearly dependent, since 3(2x + y) - (6x + 3y) = 0.

linearly; → dependent.

linearly independent
  خطانه ناوابسته   
xattâné nâvâbasté

Fr.: linéairement indépendant   

1) A set of objects x1, x2, ..., xn (→ vectors, → matrices, → polynomials, etc.) if it si not → linearly dependent.
2) Of two particular solutions (y1, y2) of a → homogeneous linear differential equation of the second order (y'' + a1 y' + a2y = 0) on an interval [a, b], if their ratio in this interval is not a constant: y1/y2≠ constant.

linearly; → independent.

linearly polarized light
  نور ِ قطبیده‌ی ِ خطی   
nur-e qotbide-ye xatti

Fr.: lumière polarisée linéairement   

Light exhibiting → linear polarization.

linearly; → polarized; → light.

nonhomogeneous linear differential equation
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای ِ خطی ناهمگن   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi-ye xatti nâhamgen

Fr.: équation différentielle linéaire non homogène   

A → linear differential equation if Q(x)≠ 0 on interval I.

nonhomogeneous; → linear; → differential; → equation.

nâxatti (#)

Fr.: non-linéaire   

Not a linear function of the relevant variables.
Containing a variable with an exponent other than one; opposite of → linear.

non-; → linear.

nonlinear device
  دستگاه ِ ناخطی   
dastgâh-e nâxatti

Fr.: dispositif non-linéaire   

An electronic device whose output is not directly proportional to its input. For example, in a → diode the current is a nonlinear function of the voltage; its voltage-current characteristics do not obey → Ohm's law.

nonlinear; → device.

nonlinear dynamics
  توانیک ِ ناخطی   
tavânik-e nâxatti

Fr.: dynamique non-linéaire   

Same as → chaos.

nonlinear; → dynamics.

nonlinear instability
  ناپایداری ِ ناخطی   
nâpâydâri-ye nâxatti

Fr.: instabilité non-linéaire   

The instability of a physical or mathematical system that arises from the nonlinear nature of relevant variables and their interactions within the system.

nonlinear; → instability.

nonlinear system
  راژمان ِ ناخطی   
râžmân-e nâxatti

Fr.: système non-linéaire   

A system in which small changes can result in large effects, and large changes in small effects.

nonlinear; → system.


Fr.: non-linéarité   

The property, condition, or state of being → nonlinear.

non-; → linearity.

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