An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



Number of Results: 15 Search : burn
  ۱) سوختن؛ ۲) سوزاندن   
1) suxtan; 2) suzândan

Fr.: brûler   

1) (v.intr.) To undergo combustion (fast or slow).
To undergo fusion or fission.
2) ( To cause to undergo combustion.
To use as fuel or as a source of heat.

Burn, from M.E. bernen, brennen, combination of O.E. beornan (intr.) and bærnan (tr.), both from P.Gmc. *brenwanan; cf. Goth. brannjan, O.H.G. brennen.

Suxtan, suzândan, from Mid.Pers. sôxtan, sôzidan "to burn;" Av. base saoc- "to burn, inflame" sūcā "brilliance," upa.suxta- "inflamed;" cf. Skt. śoc- "to light, glow, burn," śocati "burns," (caus.) socayati, śuc- "flame, glow," śoka- "light, flame;" PIE base *(s)keuk- "to shine."

suzeš (#)

Fr.: combustion   

The state, process, or effect of being on fire, burned, or subjected to intense heat. → helium burning; → neon burning; → oxygen burning; → shell burning.

Verbal noun of → burn.

burning sphere
  گوی ِ سوزان   
guy-e suzân

Fr.: sphère ardente   

A piece of glass of roundish shape, possibly made of rock crystals or a globular container filled with water, whose use is attested in ancient civilizations. In his comedy The Clouds, the Greek playwright Aristophanes (448-380 BC) mentions globules of glass that were known as burning spheres. Several Roman writers (Pliny, Seneca, Plutarch) speak of burning glasses. In particular, Seneca specifies that small and indistinct written characters appear larger and clearer when viewed through a globular glass filled with water. See also → magnifying glass.

burning; → sphere.

Guy, → globe; suzân "burning," → burning.

carbon burning
  سوزش ِ کربون   
suzeš-e karbon

Fr.: combustion du carbon   

The stage in the evolution of a star after → helium burning when the core of the star consists mainly of carbon and oxygen. In stars of mass greater than about 8 solar masses, whose cores reach a temperature above 5 × 108 K and density above 3 × 109 kg m-3, carbon burning can begin via reactions such as the following:
12C + 12C → 20Ne + 4He
12C + 12C → 23Na + p
12C + 12C → 23Mg + n.
The time-scale for this phase of → nucleosynthesis is of order of five hundred years.

carbon; → burning.

deuterium burning
  سوزش ِ دوتریوم   
suzeš-e doteriom

Fr.: combustion du deutérium   

The fusion of a deuterium nucleus with a proton which produces the lightest isotope of helium: D + H → 3He + γ. Deuterium burning occurs in stellar cores at a temperature exceeding 106 K. The onset of deuterium burning marks the end of the → protostellar collapse. It is the only → nuclear reaction that occurs in → brown dwarfs. In normal stars, it is the second step in the → proton-proton chain which leads to the formation of 4He, allowing stars to arrive on the → main sequence.

deuterium; → burning.

double shell burning
  سوزش ِ پوسته‌ی ِ دوتایی   
suzeš-e puste-ye dotâyi

Fr.: combustion double coquille   

A situation in the evolution of an → asymptotic giant branch star whereby both hydrogen and helium shells provide energy alternatively. As the burning → helium shell approaches the hydrogen-helium discontinuity, its luminosity decreases because it runs out of the fuel. As a consequence, the layers above contract in response, thus heating the extinguished → hydrogen shell until it is re-ignited. However, the shells do not burn at the same rate: the He burning shell becomes thermally unstable and undergoes periodic → thermal pulses.

double; → shell; → burning.

helium burning
  سوزش ِ هلیوم   
suzeš-e heliyom

Fr.: combustion de l'hélium   

The stage in the evolution of a star, after the exhaustion of hydrogen, when the star produces its energy by the fusion of helium into carbon and oxygen.

helium; → burning.

helium shell burning
  سوزش ِ پوسته‌ی ِ هلیوم   
suzeš-e puste-ye heliom

Fr.: combustion de la coquille d'hélium   

A stage in the evolution of an → asymptotic giant branch star, when all the helium in the core is fused into carbon and oxygen. No more fusion takes place in the core, and as a result the core contracts. The core contraction generates a sufficient temperature for fusing the surrounding layers of helium. Since helium shell burning is unstable, it causes → helium shell flashes.

helium; → shell; → burning.

hydrogen burning
  سوزش ِ هیدروژن   
suzeš-e hidrožen

Fr.: combustion de l'hydrogène   

proton-proton chain.

hydrogen; → burning.

hydrogen shell burning
  سوزش ِ پوسته‌ی ِ هیدروژن   
suzeš-e puste-ye hidrožen

Fr.: combustion de la coquille d'hydrogène   

A phase in the life of a star that has left the → main sequence. When no more hydrogen is available in the core, the core will start to contract as it is no longer releasing the necessary energy whose pressure supports the surrounding layers. As a result of this contraction, gravitational energy is converted into thermal energy and the temperature will rise. Therefore a shell of unprocessed material surrounding the original core will be heated sufficiently for hydrogen burning to start. During the evolution of → asymptotic giant branch stars hydrogen shell burning occurs alternatively with helium shell burning. → double shell burning.

hydrogen; → shell; → burning.

neon burning
  سوزش ِ نیءون   
suzeš-e neon

Fr.: combustion du néon   

A → nuclear fusion process that takes place in → massive stars and leads to the → production of → oxygen and → magnesium. It requires high temperatures and densities (around 1.2 × 109 K and 4 × 109 kg/m3).

neon; → burning.

nuclear burning
  سوزش ِ هسته‌ای   
suzeš-e haste-yi

Fr.: combustion nucléaire   

A → nuclear reaction inside a star that produces the energy to make the star shine and also transform chemical elements into others.

nuclear; → burning.

oxygen burning
  سوزشِ اکسیژن   
suzeš-e oksižen

Fr.: combustion de l'oxygène   

The stage when a star fuses → oxygen into → silicon and → sulfur. It occurs only in → massive stars, with a mass over eight → solar masses.

oxygen; → burning.

shell burning
  سوزش ِ پوسته   
suzeš-e pusté

Fr.: combustion en couche   

The nuclear reactions in a shell around a star's core that continue after the fuel in the core itself has been exhausted. As the fuel is progressively exhausted, the shell moves outward until it enters regions too cool for the reactions to continue. For example, after the exhaustion of hydrogen in the core, helium burning might take place in the core with a shell of hydrogen burning surrounding it. Stars may have more than one region of shell burning during their stellar evolution, each shell with its own nuclear reactions. → hydrogen shell burning; → helium shell burning.

shell; → burning.

silicon burning
  سوزش ِ سیلیسیوم   
suzeš-e silisiom

Fr.: combustion du silicium   

The → nucleosynthetic process taking place in the interior of → massive stars whereby → silicon is transmuted into iron, nickel, and neighboring nuclei collectively called the → iron peak elements.

silicon; → burning.