An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 662

Fr.: identifier   

To recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; e.g. → identification of lines.

Identify, from Fr. identifier, from identité, → identity.

Idânidan, infinitive from idâni, → identity.

  ایدانی، این‌همانی، کیستی، چیستی   
idâni, inhamâni (#), kisti (#), cisti (#)

Fr.: identité   

1) Math.: An equation that is valid for all values of its variables. A mathematical relationship equating one quantity to another.
2) Logic: An assertion that two terms refer to the same thing.
3) Psychology: The character of persisting unchanged. The feeling that one knows who one really is.

From M.Fr. identité, from L.L. identitas "sameness," from ident-, combining form of L. idem "the same; at the same time; also; moreover," from id "it, that one" + demonstrative suffix -dem + -itas a suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing state or condition.

Idâni, from iduni, from Mid.Pers. êdônih "being this, being that, being so, the manner of being," from êdôn "thus, so," Mod.Pers. idun "this, in this manner, now;" O.Pers. aita- demonstrative pronoun "this;" Av. aēta- "this; this here; this now," aētaδ- (adv.) "here, there; then, thus; thereupon;" cf. Skt. etad "this," iti "thus, in this manner;" akin to L. idem, as above.

identity axiom
  بنداشت ِ ایدانی   
bondâšt-e idâni

Fr.: axiome d'identité   

A basic rule in → group theory stating that there exists a unit group element e, called the identity, such that for any element a of the group a * e = e * a = a.

identity; → axiom.

identity element
  بن‌پار ِ ایدانی   
bonpâr-e idâni

Fr.: élément neutre   

In a mathematical system, an element which leaves unchanged any other element on which it operates. Thus 0 is the identity element for addition: a + 0 = a. And 1 is the identity element for multiplication: a . 1 = a.

identity; → element.

identity function
  کریای ِ ایدانی   
karyâ-ye idâni

Fr.: fonction d'identité   

Math.: Any function f for which f(x) = x for all x in the domain of definition.

identity; → function.

identity matrix
  ماتریس ِ ایدانی   
mâtris-e idâni

Fr.: matrice identité   

In linear algebra, the simplest nontrivial diagonal matrix, an n-by-n square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

identity; → matrix.

identity operator
  آپارگر ِ ایدانی   
âpârgar-e idâni

Fr.: opérateur d'identité   

An operator which takes a real number to the same real number.

identity; → operator.

agar (#)

Fr.: si   

(Conjunction) in case that; granting or supposing that; on condition that. → if and only if.

M.E., from O.E. gif; akin to O.H.G. ibu "if."

Agar "if," from Mid.Pers. agar, hakar "if;" O.Pers. ha-karam "once;" from ha- "one," variant ham-, → com- (cf. Av. ha-; Skt. sa-; Gk. ha-; L. sem-; PIE *sem- "one"), + karam- "a time," maybe from kar- "to do; doing," → work; cf. Av. hakərət "once;" Skt. sakrt "once;" Gk. hapaks "once;" L. semel "once."

if and only if (iff)
  اگر و ایواز اگر، ~ ~ تنها ~   
agar va ivâz agar, ~ ~ tanhâ ~

Fr.: si et seulement si   

Logic, Math.: An → expression indicating that two → statements so connected are → necessary and sufficient conditions for one another. The corresponding logical symbols usually used are: ↔, ⇔, ≡, and iff.

if; → and; → only.

igneous rock
  سنگ ِ آذرین   
sang-e âzarin (#)

Fr.: roche ignée   

A → rock formed by the solidification of molten material that originated within the Earth (as → magma or → lava).

Igneous, from L. igneus "of fire, fiery," from ignis "fire," from PIE *egni- (cf. Skt. agni- "fire, sacrificial fire," O.C.S. ogni, Lith. ugnis "fire"); → rock.

Sang "stone, rock," → stone; âzarin "fiery," from âzar, variants âtaš, taš, from Mid.Pers. âtaxš, âtur "fire;" Av. ātar-, āθr- "fire," singular nominative ātarš-; O.Pers. ātar- "fire;" Av. āθaurvan- "fire priest;" Skt. átharvan- "fire priest;" cf. L. ater "black" ("blackened by fire"); Arm. airem "burns;" Serb. vatra "fire;" PIE base *āter- "fire" + -in adj. suffix.

  ۱) گیراندن؛ ۲) گرفتن   
1) girândan; 2) gereftan (#)

Fr.: 1) enflammer, allumer; 2) s'enflammer, s'allumer   

1) To set on fire.
2) To take fire, to begin to burn.

From L. ignitus, p.p. of ignire "to set fire," from ignis "fire, flame, light."

Girândan transitive form of gereftan "to take, catch" (Mid.Pers. griftan, Av./O.Pers. grab- "to take, seize," cf. Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, take," graha "seizing, holding, perceiving," M.L.G. grabben "to grab," from P.Gmc. *grab, E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE base *ghrebh- "to seize").

  گیرانش؛ گیرش   
girâneš; gireš (#)

Fr.: inflammation, allumage   

1) The act or fact of igniting; state of being ignited.
2) The process of setting something on fire.

Verbal noun of → ignite.

ignition temperature
  دمای ِ گیرانش   
damâ-ye girâneš

Fr.: température d'inflammation   

The minimum temperature to which a fuel must be heated in order to initiate self sustained combustion independent of another heat source.

ignition; → temperature.

ignorable coordinate
  همارای ِ نادیده‌انگاشته   
hamârâ-ye nâdidé engâshté

Fr.: coordonnée ignorée   

A → generalized coordinate that does not appear explicitly in the → Lagrangian function. Also called → cyclic coordinate. Ignorable coordinates do not participate in the → Legendre transformation, and are also absent from the → Hamiltonian function. The generalized → momentum associated with an ignorable coordinate is a → constant of the motion.

ignore; → coordinate.

nâdidé engâštan (#)

Fr.: ignorer, négliger   

To set aside, e.g. → ignorable coordinate.

From Fr. ignorer, from L. ignorare "not to know, disregard," from ignarus "not knowing, unaware," from in- "not," → un-, + gnarus "aware, acquainted with," related to gnoscere "to → know".

Nâdidé engâštan literally "supposed not seen," from nâdidé "not seen" (from nâ- "not," → un- + didé "seen," p.p. of didan "to see," → sight) + engâštan "to suppose" (→ hypothesis).

  روشنایی، تنویی ِ ~   
rowšanâyi, tanuyi-ye ~

Fr.: éclairement lumineux   

Optics: Intensity of → illumination.
The amount of visible light incident per unit area of surface per second; measured in lux (lumens per unit square meter). → irradiance.

Rowšanâyi, → illumination; tanuyiintensity.

rowšanâyi (#)

Fr.: éclairement, illumination   

General: An act or instance of illuminating. The fact or condition of being illuminated.

Illumination, from O.Fr. illumination, from L. illuminationem (nom. illuminatio), from illuminare "to throw into light," from → in- "in" + lumen "light," cognate with Pers. rowšan, as below.

Rowšanâyi, noun of quality and state from rowšan "bright, clear," related to ruz "day," foruq "light," and afruxtan "to light, kindle," rowzané "window, aperture;" Mid.Pers. rôšn "light; bright, luminous," rôc "day," rocânak "window;" O.Pers. raucah-, Av. raocana- "bright, shining, radiant," raocah- "light, luminous; daylight;" akin to Skt. rocaná- "bright, shining," roka- "brightness, light;" Gk. leukos "white, clear;" L. lux "light," also lumen "light, window," luna "Moon;" E. light; Ger. Licht; Fr. lumière; PIE base *leuk- "light, brightness."

safmân (#)

Fr.: illusion   

1) A false sense impression of something actually present.
2) Something that produces a false or misleading impression of reality. → optical illusion.
3) An instance of being deceived.

From O.Fr. illusion "a mocking," from L. illusionem (nom. illusio) "a mocking, irony," from illudere "to mock at," literally "to play with," from in- "at" + ludere "to play," from ludus "a game, play;" PIE base *leid- "to play, jest."

Safmân, literally "wrong thought, ~ idea," from saf "wrong" (Tâleši), → false, + mân "thought," → idea.

  ۱) وینه، تصویر؛ ۲) وینه گرفتن، ~ برداشتن   
1) vine, tasvir (#); 2) vine gereftan, ~ bardâštan

Fr.: image   

1) In an optical system, the point to which light rays are converged (real image) or from which they appear to diverge (virtual image) after reflection or refraction.
Math.: A number, point, or unique element of a space that corresponds to some other number, point, or unit element.
2) To make an image of; to picture or represent in the mind.

From O.Fr. image, from L. imaginem (nom. imago) "copy, picture, likeness " from stem of imitari "to copy, imitate," from im-, stem of imitare "to copy, imitate" + -ago noun suffix.

1) Vine, from (Sorani) Kurd. vina or vena "image, picture; similar," from vin/ven, variant of bin, present stem of dîtin, Pers. didan "to see, to look;" cf. Taleshi vinde "to see," Tati vindiyan "to see," Persian bin-, didan "→ see." The relation between "image" and "see" is probably from the fact that the image of a subject can be seen without its presence.
Tasvir, loan from Ar.
2) Infinitive with gereftan "take," → take, and dâštan "to have, to hold," → property.

image co-adding
  هم‌افزایش ِ وینه‌ها، ~ تصویرها   
hamafzâyeš-e vinehâ, ~ tasvirhâ

Fr.: addition d'images   

The process of adding several usually low-exposure images to create an image having a significantly higher signal/noise ratio.

image; → co-; → add.

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