Minkowski diagram nemudâr-e Minkowski Fr.: diagramme de Minkowski Same as → space-time diagram. → Minkowski metric; → diagram. |
Minkowski metric metrik-e Minkofski (#) Fr.: métrique de Minkowski The → metric that belongs to a four-dimensional → flat manifold and is given by ds2 = - dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2. Three coordinates represent → space and the fourth coordinate is devoted to → time. The Minkowski metric underlies the → geometry of → special relativity. Compare → Robertson-Walker metric. In honor of Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), Russian-born German mathematician, who introduced the concept of the four-dimensional nature of space-time; → metric. |
Minkowski space-time fazâ-zamân-e Minkowski (#) Fr.: espace-temps de Minkowski A completely flat four-dimensional space, which contains no gravitating matter, used in the theory of special relativity. → Minkowski metric; → space-time. |
Minkowski's object barâxt-e Minkowski Fr.: objet de Minkowski A peculiar blue object near the → elliptical galaxy NGC 541 in the → galaxy cluster Abell 194. According to several pieces of evidence, the → starburst in Minkowski's object was triggered by the → radio jet emerging from the → nucleus of the nearby → active galaxy NGC 541. This is similar to the jet-induced → star formation associated with → Centaurus A, and the radio-aligned star forming regions in powerful radio galaxies at → high redshift. Absorption and emission line measurements and broadband → SED fitting, give an age of around 7.5 Myr for Minkowski's object. Minkowski, R., 1958, PASP, 70, 143; → object. |