canonical hanjârvâr Fr.: canonique 1) General: Pertaining to, established by, or conforming to a
canon, i.e. a law or a general rule (especially in ecclesiastical matters).
M.M. canonicalis, from canonic(us), from L. canon, from Gk. kanon "a straight rod, a measuring rod, rule " + alis, → -al. Hanjârvâr, from hanjâr "a mason's rule, any string or instrument used by builders in laying stones straight; rule, law, way, custom; a norm" + -vâr suffix meaning "having, endowed with; like, in the manner of." |
canonical change degaršod-e hanjârvâr, degareš-e ~ Fr.: changement canonique A periodic change in one of the components of the orbit of a celestial object. |
canonical coordinates hamârâhâ-ye hanjârvâr, Fr.: coordonnées canoniques Any set of generalized coordinates of a system together with their → conjugate momenta. → canonical; → coordinates. |
canonical correlation hambâzânš-e hanjârvâr Fr.: correlation canonique The highest correlation between linear functions of two data sets when specific restrictions are imposed upon them. → canonical; → correlation. |
canonical equation hamugeš-e hanjârvâr Fr.: équation canonique The most general form of an equation. |
canonical form dise-ye hanjârvâr Fr.: forme canonique The simplest expression of an equation, statement, or rule.
canonical IMF IMF-e hanjârvâr Fr.: IMF canonique A two-component stellar → initial mass function with → slopes of 1.3 and 2.3 for massive and low mass stars, respectively. Also called universal IMF. |
canonical model tarz-e hanjârvâr, model-e ~ Fr.: modèle canonique A model for the formation of the Moon according to which the → Moon results from a giant impact. A Mars-sized body (often referred to as → Theia) obliquely collided with the proto-Earth at the mutual escapee velocity. This specific giant impact is often used to represent all giant impacts. A recent advanced version of the canonical model is called → giant impact hypothesis. |
canonical momentum jonbâk-e hanjârvâr Fr.: moment cinétique canonique Same as → conjugate momentum. |
canonical upper limit hadd-e zabarin-e jerm Fr.: limite supériure canonique A physical upper mass limit near 150 Msun assumed for the stellar → initial mass function (Kroupa et al. 2012, arXiv:1112.3340). |
canonically conjugate variable vartande-ye hanjârvârâné hamyuq Fr.: variable canoniquement conjuguée A generalized coordinate and its → conjugate momentum. Canonically, adverb from → canonical; → conjugate; → variable. |
Gibbs canonical distribution vâbâžeš-e hanjârvâr-e Gibbs Fr.: distribution canonique de Gibbs The probability distribution of the various possible states of a certain → quasi-closed subsystem. → Gibbs free energy; → canonical; → distribution. |
super-canonical star setâre-ye abar-hanjârvâr Fr.: étoile super-canonique A star whose mass exceeds the → canonical upper limit of the stellar → initial mass function (Kroupa et al. 2012, arXiv:1112.3340). |