exponent nemâ (#) Fr.: exposant Math.: A symbol or number placed above and after another symbol or number (called the base) to denote the power to which the latter is to be raised. Examples: n in the expresseion an; 3 in the expression 23. From L. exponentem, pr.p. of exponere "put forth, explain," from → ex- "forth" + ponere "to put, to place." Nemâ, agent noun of nemudan "to show, display," from Mid.Pers. nimūdan, from ne- "down; into;" O.Pers./Av. ni- "down; into," → ni-, + mun, Av. māy- "to measure," → display. |
exponential nemâyi (#) Fr.: exponentiel Of or expressed by a mathematical → exponent. → exponential curve, → exponential equation, → exponential function. |
exponential curve xam-e nemâyi (#) Fr.: courbe exponentielle A curve that represents an → exponential function. → exponential; → curve. |
exponential equation hamugeš-e nemâyi Fr.: équation exponentielle An equation in which unknowns appear as exponents. Examples: 23x + 1 = 32. → exponential; → equation. |
exponential function karyâ-ye nemâyi Fr.: fonction exponentielle A function in the form of y = bx defined for every → real number x, with positive base b > 1. → exponential; → function. |
exponentially nemâyivâr Fr.: exponentiellement In an exponential manner. → exponential; → -ly. |
gravity darkening exponent nemâ-ye târikeš-e gerâneši Fr.: exposant de l'assombrissement gravitationnel The exponent appearing in the power law that describes the → effective temperature of a → rotating star as a function of the → effective gravity, as deduced from the → von Zeipel theorem or law. Generalizing this law, the effective temperature is usually expressed as Teff∝ geffβ, where β is the gravity darkening exponent with a value of 0.25. It has, however, been shown that the relation between the effective temperature and gravity is not exactly a power law. Moreover, the value of β = 0.25 is appropriate only in the limit of slow rotators and is smaller for fast rotating stars (Espinosa Lara & Rieutord, 2011, A&A 533, A43). |