An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



Number of Results: 6 Search : flare
âlâv (#)

Fr.: éruption, sursaut   

1) A sudden blaze or burst of fire or light.
2) → solar flare.

From v. flare "to spread out," said of hair, a ship's sides, etc., of unknown origin.

Âlâv, "blaze, fire," variants alow, Borujerdi elew "fire," Garkuyeyi alôv "flame," Hamadâni elow "flame," Lori alô "flame," Tabari aluk "flame, spark," Torbat-Heydariyeyi alow "flame;" cf. Gk. aithos "fire," aitho "to kindle;" Skt. edh- "to set alight, kindle," édha-, édhas- "firewood;" Av. aēsma- "firewood;" Mod.Pers. hizom, himé "firewood;" PIE base *aidh- "to burn," *aidhos- "fire."

flare star
  ستاره‌ی ِ آلاوی، آلاو-ستاره   
setâre-ye âlâvi, âlâv-setâré

Fr.: étoile à éruption   

A member of a class of dwarf stars that undergoes sudden, intense outbursts of light (mean amplitude about 0.5-0.6 mag).

flare; → star.

flared disk
  گرده‌ی ِ برون‌گشا، دیسک ِ ~   
gerde-ye borun-gošâ, disk-e ~

Fr.: disque évasé   

A model of → accretion disk around a → pre-main sequence star or a → protostar in which the ratio of the disk thickness to the distance from the star increases outward. Current models of the irradiation of flared disks by stellar radiation predict that a central hole is created around the young star due to the evaporation of dust by the stellar radiation. The inner rim of the disk, at 0.5 to 1 AU from the star, is irradiated by the star "frontally" (at 90° angle). The heat produced by the irradiation causes the inner rim to puff up. A part of the disk, from about 1 to 6 AU, lies in the shadow of the puffed-up inner rim. The surface layers in this region do not receive stellar photons directly. Therefore, there is no significant heating of the disk midplane by reprocessed stellar flux from the disk surface. The midplane temperatures in the shadowed part of the disk are governed by the → near infrared emission of the inner rim, scattering of stellar light by dust particles outside the disk plane, and radial diffusion which exchanges energy between adjacent slabs. As for the outer parts of the disk, the surface is irradiated by the central star thanks to the outward widening of the disk. These parts remain flared, because the absorbed stellar flux is partially emitted toward the midplane, keeping the internal temperatures high enough to push the surface layers up. The flattened-disk model explains the observed → spectral energy distribution of some objects such as HD 179218. It also accounts for the observed strong → far-infrared, → excess, strong → PAH emission, and strong [O I] emission. Compare with → self-shadowed disk. See also → protoplanetary disk.

Flared, from flare "to spread gradually outward, as the end of a trumpet, having a gradual increase in width," of unknown origin; → disk.

Gerdé, → disk; borun-gošâ "opening outward," from borun "out, the outside" (Mid.Pers. bêron, from "outside, out, away" + rôn "side, direction;" Av. ravan- "(course of a) river") + gošâ stem of gošâdan, gošudan "to open;" Mid.Pers. wišâdan "to open, let free;" Khotanese hiyā "bound;" O.Pers. višta "untied, loosend;" vištāspa- (personal name) "with loosened horses;" Av. višta "untied," hita- "fastened, tied on;" cf. Skt. sā- "to bind, fasten," syáti "binds."



Any of a series of features occurring in the → light curve of → dwarf novae and → Soft X-ray Transient (SXT)s during → outburst decay. Reflares appear when the surface density Σ behind the cooling front is high enough to reach Σmax. At the radius at which this happens, the disk becomes thermally unstable and a new heating front develops. This front propagates outward like an inside-out outburst, reheating the disk until Σ(R) ≤ Σmin, when cooling can resume. The density in the cold region is depleted as matter is accreted during this process, and the following reflare occurs at smaller radii and have lower amplitudes (G. Dubus et al., 2001, A&A 373, 251).

re-; → flare.

solar flare
  آلاو ِ خورشیدی   
âlâv-e xoršidi (#)

Fr.: éruption solaire   

A bright eruption form the Sun's → chromosphere in the vicinity of a → sunspot. Solar flares are caused by tremendous explosions on the surface of the Sun. In a matter of just a few minutes they heat the material to many millions of degrees and release as much energy as a billion → megatons of → T.N.T..

solar; → flare.

tidal disruption flare
  آلاو ِ گسیخت ِ کشندی   
âlâv-e gosixt-e kešandi

Fr.: éruption   

A luminosity enhancement in the → light curve of a galaxy observed in X-rays or ultraviolet surveys supposed to be associated with the → tidal disruption of a star that has passed close to a → supermassive black hole in the core of a → host galaxy. An → accretion disk forms after the tidal disruption. The flare event marks the beginning of the accretion process onto the black hole.

tidal; → disruption; → flare.