hyperbolic hozluli (#) Fr.: hyperbolique Of or pertaining to a → hyperbola. |
hyperbolic cosine kosinus-e hozluli Fr.: cosinus hyperbolique A function, denoted cosh x, defined for all real values of x, by the relation: cosh x = (1/2) (ex + e-x). → hyperbolic; → cosine. |
hyperbolic function karyâ-ye hozluli Fr.: fonction hyperbolique Any of the six functions sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, csch, and sech that are related to the → hyperbola in the same way the → trigonometric functions relate to the → circle. Many of the formulae satisfied by the hyperbolic functions are similar to corresponding formulae for the trigonometric functions, except for + and - signs. For example: cosh2x - sinh2x = 1. See also: → hyperbolic cosine, → hyperbolic sine. Hyperbolic functions were first introduced by the Swiss mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777). → hyperbolic; → function. |
hyperbolic orbit madâr-e hozluli (#) Fr.: orbite hyperbolique An orbit that is an open curve whose ends get wider apart at any rate between that of an ellipse and a straight line. Some comets' orbits become hyperbolic through the gravitational influence of a planet the comet passes near. → hyperbolic; → orbit. |
hyperbolic sine sinus-e hozluli Fr.: sinus hyperbolique A function, denoted cosh x, defined for all real values of x, by the relation: cosh x = (1/2) (ex - e-x). → hyperbolic; → sine. |
hyperbolic space fazâ-ye hozluli (#) Fr.: espace hyperbolique A three-dimensional space whose geometry resembles that of a saddle-shaped surface and is said to have negative curvature. → hyperbolic; → space. |