neutral natâr (#) Fr.: neutre Physics:
Of an atom, molecule, collection of particles, having no net charge; not electrified. → neuter. |
neutral atom atom-e natâr Fr.: atome neutre An atom in which the number of → protons equals the number of → electrons and therefore has no net → electric charge. |
neutral density filter pâlâye-ye cagâli-ye natâr Fr.: filtre neutre A filter having a flat response over the range of wavelengths of interest. Also called neutral filter or gray filter. |
neutral filter pâlâye-ye natâr Fr.: filtre neutre Same as → neutral density filter. |
neutral gas gâz-e natâr Fr.: gaz neutre A gas which is not ionized. |
neutral hydrogen hidrožen-e natâr Fr.: hydrogène neutre Non-ionized → atomic hydrogen gas which constitutes an important component of the → interstellar medium, accounting for perhaps half its mass, even though its density is very low. Its radio emission → 21-centimeter line has made it possible to map the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the → spiral arms of our own Galaxy and other nearby galaxies. |
neutral mode mod-e natâr, tarz-e ~ Fr.: mode neutre In hydrodynamic instability theory, a wave solution the amplitude of which does not change with time; it neither grows nor decays. Also called neutral wave. |
neutral point noqte-ye natâr Fr.: point neutre 1) A point where two fields are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction so
that the net force exerted on it is zero. |
neutral tail dom-e natâr, donbâle-ye ~ Fr.: queue neutre Same as → sodium tail. |
neutral wave mowj-e natâr Fr.: onde neutre Same as → neutral mode. |
neutralino notrâlino (#) Fr.: neutralino A hypothetical particle predicted by supersymmetry theories, which aim at relating bosons to fermions. Under certain assumptions, the lightest such partner particle would be stable, and if it is neutral (a "neutralino"), would make a good dark matter candidate. Reasonable neutralino masses range from 30 GeV to 10 TeV. From → neutral + -ino diminutive suffix. |
neutralization natâreš Fr.: neutralisation In optics, the process of combining two lenses having equal and opposite powers to produce a result having no power. Verbal noun of → neutralize. |
neutralize natâridan Fr.: neutraliser To make neutral; cause to undergo neutralization. Infinitive from → neutral. |