annihilation operator âpârgar-e nâbudi Fr.: opérateur d'annihilation In → quantum field theory, the operator that lowers → eigenstates one → energy level, contrarily to the → creation operator. → annihilation; → operator. |
creation operator âpârgar-e âfarineš Fr.: opérateur de création An operator that acts on the → eigenstate describing the → harmonic oscillator to raise its → energy level by one step. The creation operator is the → Hermitian conjugate operator of the → annihilation operator. |
d'Alembertian operator âpârgar-e d'Alembert Fr.: d'alembertien A second order, → partial differential operator in space-time, defined as: ▫2 = ∂2/∂x2 + ∂2/∂y2 + ∂2/∂z2 - (1/c2)∂2/∂t2, or ▫2 = ∇2 - (1/c2)(∂2/∂t2), where ∇2 is the → Laplacian and c is the → speed of light. This operator is the square of the → four-dimensional operator ▫, which is Lorentz invariant. |
del operator âpârgar-e del Fr.: opérateur del In → vector calculus,
a vector → partial derivative represented by the symbol
→ nabla and defined in three dimensions to be: From Gk. alphabet letter delta. |
four-dimensional operator âpârgar-e cahâr-vâmuni Fr.: opérateur à quatre dimensions An operator defined as: ▫ = (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z, 1/(jc∂/∂t). → four; → dimensional; → operator. |
Hamiltonian operator âpârgar-e Hamilton Fr.: opérateur hamiltonien The dynamical operator in → quantum mechanics that corresponds to the → Hamiltonian function in classical mechanics. → Hamiltonian function; → operator. |
Hermitian operator âpârgar-e Hermiti Fr.: opérateur hermitien An operator A that satisfies the relation A = A*, where A* is the adjoint of A. → Hermitian conjugate. → Hermitian conjugate; → operator. |
identity operator âpârgar-e idâni Fr.: opérateur d'identité An operator which takes a real number to the same real number. |
integral operator âpârgar-e dorostâli Fr.: opérateur intégral Math.: An operator whose inverse is a differential operator. |
Laplace operator âpârgar-e Laplace Fr.: opérateur de Laplace Same as → Laplacian. |
operator âpârgar Fr.: opérateur Math.: Something that acts on another function to produce another function. In linear algebra an "operator" is a linear operator. In calculus an "operator" may be a differential operator, to perform ordinary differentiation, or an integral operator, to perform ordinary integration. |
quantum-mechanical operator âpârgar-e mekânik-e kuântomi Fr.: opérateur en mécanique quantique A linear → Hermitian operator associated with a physical quantity. |
unitary operator âpârgar-e yekâyi Fr.: opérateur unitaire A linear operator whose inverse is its → adjoint. In addition to → Hermitian operators, unitary operators constitute a fundamentally important class of quantum-mechanical operators. |