Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zamân-e jahâni-ye hamrârâsté Fr.: temps universel coordonné An international high-precision time standard based on the Greenwich Mean Time and adjusted to compensate for divergence from atomic time. It is based on the non-uniform rotation of the Earth (UT1) and the perfectly uniform international atomic time (TAI). UTC differs from TAI by the total number of → leap seconds, so that UT1-UTC stays smaller than 0.9 sec in absolute value. → coordinate; → universal; → time. |
universal 1a) hargâni; 1b) gitik, gitiyâné (#); 1c) jahâni (#);
2) hargâné Fr.: universal 1a) Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of all or the whole;
relating to, affecting, or including everyone in a group or situation. |
universal astrolabe ostorlâb-e hargâni Fr.: astrolabe universel |
universal gas constant pâyâ-ye hargâni-ye gâzhâ Fr.: constante universelle des gaz Same as → gas constant. |
universal IMF IMF-e hargâni Fr.: IMF universelle Same as → canonical IMF. |
universal quantifier candigâr-e harvin Fr.: quantificateur universel A symbol of → predicate logic which expresses that the statements within its scope are → true for everything, or every instance of a specific thing. The symbol ∀ "for all" is used as the universal quantifier. Universal quantifiers are normally used in logic in conjunction with predicate symbols, which say something about a variable or constant, in this case the variable being quantified. → universal; → quantifier. |
Universal Time (UT) zamân-e jahâni Fr.: temps universel A measure of time that conforms, within a close approximation, to the mean diurnal motion of the Sun and serves as the basis off all civil timekeeping. The local civil time for a position on the Greenwich meridian. |
Universal Time Coordinated zamân-e jahâni-ye hamrâyânidé Fr.: temps universel coordonné Sale as → Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
universality hargânigi Fr.: universalité The character or state of being universal. |
universality of free fall hargânigi-ye oft-e âzâd Fr.: universlité de chute libre Same as → weak equivalence principle. → universality; → free; → fall. |
universality of the IMF hargâni-ye karyâ-ye âqâzin-e jerm Fr.: universalité de l'IMF The hypothesis whereby there exists a universal parent → distribution function which describes the stellar → initial mass function in individual star forming events. A consensus appears to have emerged in the community that the stellar IMF is largely invariant for star formation conditions as are found throughout the Local Group of galaxies at the present time. For details and discussion see Pavel Kroupa (2012), Recent advances on IMF research,, and references therein. |