An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 77 Search : function
Schechter function
  کریای ِ ششتر   
karyâ-ye Schechter

Fr.: fonction de Schechter   

A mathematical expression that describes the → luminosity function of galaxies. The function correctly reflects the facts that the luminosity function decreases with increasing luminosity and that the decrease is particularly marked at high luminosities. It is expressed as: φ(L) = φ*(L/L*)α exp (-L/L*), which has two parts and three parameters: φ* is an empirically determined amplitude, α is an empirically derived exponent, and L* is a characteristic luminosity which separates the low and high luminosity parts. For small luminosities (L much smaller than L*) the Schechter function approaches a power law, while at high luminosities (L much larger than L*) the frequency of galaxies drops exponentially. φ*, L*, and the faint-end slope α depend on the observed wavelength range, on the → redshift, and on the environment where the galaxies are observed.

Named after the American astronomer Paul Schechter (1948-), who proposed the function in 1976 (ApJ 203, 297); → function.

source function
  کریای ِ خن   
karyâ-ye xan

Fr.: fonction source   

For a radiating material, the ratio of emissivity to opacity.

source; → function.

spline function
  کریای ِ اسپلین   
karyâ-ye splin

Fr.: fonction spline   

A function consisting of several segments, usually → polynomials, joined smoothly together at specific points with an explicitly stated degree of accuracy. Spline functions are used to approximate a given function on an interval.

From East Anglian dialect, maybe related to O.E. splin and to modern splint. A spline was originally a slat or a thin strip of wood. A later meaning was "a long, thin, flexible strip used as a guide for drawing arcs of curves;" → function.

stellar creation function
  کریای ِ آفرینش ِ ستارگان   
karyâ-ye âfarineš-e setâregân

Fr.: fonction de création stellaire   

The number of stars born per unit area in the mass range log M to log M + d log M during the time interval t to t + dt. The integration of the creation function over time gives the → present-day mass function (Miller & Scalo, 1797, ApJSS 41, 513).

stellar; → creation; → function.

step function
  کریای ِ پله‌ای   
karyâ-ye pelle-yi

Fr.: fonction échelon   

Math.: A function f of a real variable defined on an interval [a,b] so that [a,b] can be divided into a finite number of sub-intervals on each of which f is a constant. The graph of a step function is a series of line segments resembling a set of steps.

Step, from M.E. steppen, O.E. steppan; cf. Du. stap, O.H.G. stapfo, Ger. stapfe "footprint;" → function.

Karyâ, → function; pellé "stair, step;" Mid.Pers. pylg "step," pillagân "steps, staircase;" from *palak, from *padak, from pad-, → foot, + relation suffix -ak.

total function
  کریای ِ هماک   
karyâ-ye hamâk

Fr.: fonction totale   

A function whose value is defined for all possible input values.

total; → function.

transcendental function
  کریای ِ ترا-فرازنده   
karyâ-ye tarâfarâzandé

Fr.: fonction transcendante   

A function which is not → algebraic. For example y = cosx, y = 10xx.

transcendental; → function.

transfer function
  کریای ِ تراوژ   
karyâ-ye tarâvaž

Fr.: fonction de transfert   

The mathematical relationship between the output of a control system and its input: for a linear system, it is the Laplace transform of the output divided by the Laplace transform of the input under conditions of zero initial-energy storage.

transfer; → function.

transition function
  کریای ِ گذرش   
karyâ-ye gozareš

Fr.: fonction de transition   

The → probability of finding the → Universe in a → state labelled X2 at a time t2, if it was in a state X1 at an earlier time t1.

transition; → function.

trigonometric function
  کریای ِ سه‌برسنجیک   
karyâ-ye sebarsanjik

Fr.: fonction circulaire, ~ trigonomtérique   

A function of an angle, one of six functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant) that represent ratios of sides of right triangles. Also called circular function.

trigonometric; → function.

truth function
  کریای ِ راستینی   
karyâ-ye râstini

Fr.: fonction de vérité   

A → total function from → truth values to truth values (a sequence of truth values).

truth; → function.

unbounded function
  کریای ِ بیکران   
karyâ-ye bikarân

Fr.: fonction non bornée   

The function y = f(x) in a given range of the argument x if there is no number M such that for all values of x in the range under consideration the inequality | f(x) | ≤ M will be fulfilled. → bounded function.

unbound; → function.

vector function
  کریای ِ برداری   
karyâ-ye bordâri

Fr.: fonction vectorielle   

A function whose value at each point is n-dimensional, as compared to a scalar function, whose value is one-dimensional.

vector; → function.

visibility function
  کریای ِ دیاری، ~ پدیداری   
karyâ-ye diyâri, ~ padidâri

Fr.: fonction de visibilité   

The → Fourier transform of a source's → brightness distribution, weighted by the characteristics of the → interferometer's antennas.

visibility; → function.

wave function
  کریای ِ موج   
karyâ-ye mowj

Fr.: fonction d'onde   

In → quantum mechanics, the function of space and time that satisfies → Schrodinger equation. The square of the modulus of its amplitude at any point represents the probability of finding a particle there.

wave; → function.

window function
  کریای ِ روزنه   
karyâ-ye rowzané

Fr.: fonction fenêtre   

A function whose value is zero outside a given interval. Applications of window functions include signal filtering and spectral analysis. The various types of windw functions include: → rectangular window, cosine window, triangular window, Gaussian window, Hanning window, and so on.

window; → function.

work function
  کریای ِ کار   
karyâ-ye kâr

Fr.: travail d'extraction   

The least amount of energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a solid, to a point just outside the solid where the electron has zero kinetic energy. See also → photoelectric effect.

work; → function.

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