An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 86 Search : rate

Fr.: conglomérer   

1) Anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements.
2) Geology: A sedimentary rock made of rounded rock fragments (greater than two millimeters in diameter), such as pebbles, cobbles, and boulders, in a finer-grained matrix.

From L. conglomeratus, p.p. of conglomerare "to roll together," from → com- "together" + glomerare "to gather into a ball," from glomus (genitive glomeris) "a ball," globus "globe;" PIE *gel- "to make into a ball."

Hâgolemidan, from hâ- "together," → com-, + golem "glomus," → agglomerate.

  ۱، ۲) لاوک، کندال؛ ۳) جام   
1, 2) lâvak, kandâl; 3) Jâm

Fr.: 1, 2) cratère; 3) Coupe   

1) A bowl-like depression on the rigid surface of a planet, satellite, or asteroid usually caused by the high-speed impact of a colliding object.
2) A bowl-shaped cavity at the mouth of a volcano.
3) The Cup. A small → constellation with faint stars, in the Southern Hemisphere, that lies next to → Hydra, at about 11h 20m right ascension, 15° south declination. Abbreviation: Crt; genitive: Crateris.

From Gk. krater "a wide, two-handled bowl for mixing wine with water," from kerannynai "to mix;" PIE base *kere- "to mix, confuse."

Lâvak "a large wooden bowl for kneading dough."
Kandâl "cavity, pit" in Qâeni, from kand- past tense stem of kandan "to dig" (Mid.Pers. kandan, O.Pers./Av. kan- "to dig," Skt. khan- "to dig") + -al, → -al.
Jâm "cup, chalice, goblet, bowl," Mid.Pers. jâm "vessel, goblet; glass," Av. yama- "glass, glass vessel," yâmô.pacika- "baked glass;" related to Skt. camasa- "a vessel used at sacrifices for drinking Soma, kind of flat dish or cup?"

crater floor
  کف ِ لاوک   
kaff-e lâvak

Fr.: sol de cratère   

The lower part of an → impact crater bounded by the rising → crater rim.

crater; → floor.

crater rim
  لبه‌ی ِ لاوک   
labe-ye lâvak

Fr.: bords de cratère   

That part an → impact crater that extends above the height of the local surface, usually in a circular or elliptical pattern.

crater; → rim.

  لاوک زایی، کندال زایی   
lâvakzâyi, kandâlzâyi

Fr.: cratérisation   

The process by which craters form on the surface of Solar System objects.

From → crater + → -ing

From lâvak or kandâl, → crater, + zâyi from zâ- present tense stem of zâdan "to give birth," Mid.Pers. zâtan, Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazâite, zâta- "born," cf. Skt. janati "begets, bears," L. gignere "to beget," PIE base *gen- "to give birth, beget."

  لاوک‌چه، کندال‌چه   
lâvakcé, kandâlcé

Fr.: petit cratère   

A small crater often beside a larger one on the surface of the Moon or solid planets.

From → crater + -let diminutive suffix.

Lâvakcé, kandâlcé from lâvak, kandâl, → crater, + -cé diminutive suffix.

  واشتابیدن؛ واشتاباندن   
vâšetâbidan (#); vâšetâbândan (#)

Fr.: décélérer   

(v.intr.) To slow down. ( To decrease the velocity of.

From → de- + (ac)celerate, from → accelerate.

Vâšetâbidan, from vâ-de- + šetâbidan, → accelerate.


Fr.: faire une déflagration, s'enflammer   

To burn suddenly and violently with great heat and intense light. → deflagration.

From L. deflagratus, p.p. of deflagrare "to burn down," from → de- + flag(rare) "to blaze, glow, burn" (L. fulgur "lightning;" PIE *bhleg- "to shine;" cf. Gk. phlegein "to burn, scorch," Skt. bhárgas- "radiance, lustre, splendour," O.E. blæc "black") + -atus "-ate"

Taškaftidan, from taš "fire," variant of âtašfire + kaftidan "to explode," → explode.

vâgen (#)

Fr.: dégénéré   

Characterized by or associated with → degeneracy.

L. degeneratus, p.p. of degenerare "depart from one's kind, fall from ancestral quality," from → de- + gener-, stem of genus "race, stock, kind," gignere "to beget," cf. with Gk. genos "race, kind," gonos "birth, offspring," from PIE base *gen-/*gon-/*gn- "to produce, beget, be born," cf. Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazāite, zāta- "born," zana- "race" (in sruuô.zana- "belonging to the race of the horned ones"), O.Pers. zana- "tribe" (in paru-zana- "consisting of many tribes"), Skt. janati "begets, bears," jana- "creature, human being, race, tribe, people."

Vâgen, from vâ-, → de-, + gen "kind," (as in hamgen "of the same kind, like each other; friend, partner," from ham- "together," → com- + gen "kind," O.Pers./Av. zana- "race; tribe," cognate with L. genus, as above). Alternatively, gen may be a variant of Mid./Mod.Pers. gôn/gun "kind, type; manner; color, skin color," from Av. gaona- "hair, hair color, color."

degenerate dwarf
  کوتوله‌ی ِ واگن   
kutule-ye vâgen

Fr.: naine dégénérée   

Same as → white dwarf.

degenerate; → dwarf.

degenerate matter
  ماده‌ی ِ واگن   
mâdde-ye vâgen (#)

Fr.: matière dégénérée   

Highly compressed matter in which the normal atomic structure has broken down and which, because of quantum-mechanical effects, exerts a pressure that is independent of temperature. Bodies with masses less than → Chandrasekhar's limit (1.4 solar masses) are supported by electron → degeneracy pressure and have densities of about 106 kg/m3. In collapsed stars of mass above 1.4 solar masses, gravity will overwhelm electron degeneracy and further collapse ensues. Electrons combine with protons to form neutrons, so producing a → neutron star. Because neutrons, like electrons, are → fermions and therefore subject to the → Pauli exclusion principle, at high enough densities, about 1014 kg/m3, neutron degeneracy pressure prevents further collapse of the star. For masses larger than 2-3 solar masses, even neutron degeneracy cannot prevent further collapse, and a → black hole is formed.

degenerate; → matter.


Fr.: démontrer   

1) To make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning; prove.
2) To describe, explain, or illustrate by examples, specimens, experiments, or the like.
3) To manifest or exhibit; show.
4) T display openly or publicly, as feelings (

From L. demonstratus, p.p. of demonstrare "to show, point out," from → de- + monstrare "to show," from monstrum "sign, portent."

Padišidan, from Sogd. padēš "to show," ultimately from Proto-Ir. *apa-dais-, from *dais- "to show," cf. Av. daēs- "to show," related to andiš, → think.


Fr.: deutérer   

To add → deuterium to a → chemical compound.

From L. deuter(ium), → deuterium, + -ate a suffix forming verbs from L. -atus (masc.), -ata (fem.), -atum (neut.).

Doteridan, infinitive from doteriom, → deuterium.


Fr.: deutéré   

Describing a → chemical compound to which → deuterium is added.

Past participle of → deuterate.

deuterated species
  آرز ِ دوتریده   
âraz-e doteridé

Fr.: espèce deutérée   

A chemical species in which the → deuterium abundance is → enriched with respect to a mean standard value.

deuterated; → species.

differential equation with separated variables
  هموگش ِ دگرسانه‌ای با ورتنده‌های ِ جدا   
hamugeš-e degarsâne-yi bâ vartandehhâ-ye jodâ

Fr.: équation différentielle à variables séparées   

A → differentail equation that can be transformed into the form: M(x)dx + N(x)dy = 0.

differential; → equation; → separate; → variable.

double-degenerate binary system
  راژمان ِ درین ِ دوبار واگن   
râžmân-e dorin-e dobâr vâgen

Fr.: système binaire doublement dégénéré   

A system of evolved → binary stars in which both → components have ejected their envelopes and evolve toward → white dwarf stage. So far a half dozen double-degenerate → binary systems are known, for example Henize 2-248 (M. Santander-Garcia et al., 2015, 518, 5).

double; → degenerate; → binary; → system.

drift rate
  نرخ ِ دلک   
nerx-e delek

Fr.: taux de dérive   

The amount of drift, in any of its several senses, per unit time.

drift; → rate.


Fr.: émigrer   

To leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate.

ex-; → migrate.

energy generation rate
  نرخ ِ آزانش ِ کاروژ   
nerx-e âzâneš-e kâruž

Fr.: taux de génération d'énergie   

Of a stellar → nuclear fusion, the energy produced per unit mass per unit time, usually denoted ε (erg g-1s-1). The general form of the energy generation equation is: ε = ε0ρλTν, where ε0, ρ, and λ are constants over some efficiently restricted range of → temperature T, → density ρ, and → chemical composition. The temperature exponent ν is about 4, 15, and 40 for → proton-proton chain, → CNO cycle, and → triple alpha process, respectively.

energy; → generation; → rate.

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