An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 86 Search : rate
  بخاریدن؛ بخاراندن   
boxâridan; boxârândan

Fr.: évaporer   

(v.intr.) To change from liquid state into vapor; ( To convert into a gaseous state or vapor.

Verbal form of → evaporation.


Fr.: extraterrestre   

1) (adj.) Of or from outside the limits of the Earth.
2) (n.) A hypothetical extraterrestrial being; → alien.

extra- + → terrestrial.

extraterrestrial life
  زیست ِ استرزمینی   
zist-e ostarzamini

Fr.: vie extraterrestre   

Life that may exist and originate outside the planet Earth.

extraterrestrial; → life.


Fr.: fédérer   

1) To join together in a → federation.
2) To organize on a → federal basis.

From L. foederatus "leagued together, allied," p.p. of foederare "to establish by treaty," from foedus "league, treaty, alliance," related to fides "faith."

Hiyâvidan, from Tabari hiyâ "together, with each other," probably related to Av. hi- "to chain, bind," hiθav- "association, assemblage," hinav- "bond, chain," hita- "fastened;" O.P. vištāspa- literally "with unbound horses;" Av. hitāspa-; Pers. gošudan "to open," → resolve; cf. Skt. sā-/say- "to bind, fasten, fetter." Coined on the model of Ger. Bund "federation, alliance, band," cognate with Pers. bastan "to bind," → absolute.

federated database system (FDBS)
  راژمان ِ پایگاه ِ داده‌های ِ هیاویده   
râžmân-e pâygâh-e dâdehâ-ye hiyâvidé

Fr.: système de base de données fédéré   

A composition of different databases which work in an integrated manner while preserving their autonomy.

federate; → database; → system.

flow rate
  نرخ ِ تچان   
nerx-e tacân

Fr.: débit   

The amount of a substance, specifically a → fluid, moving across a specified unit → area in a given amount of → time.

flow; → rate.


Fr.: générer   

To bring into existence; create; produce.
Math.: To trace (a figure) by the motion of a point, straight line, or curve.

Generate, from M.E., from L. generatus "produce," p.p. of generare "to bring forth," from gener-, genus "descent, birth," akin to Pers. zâdan, Av. zan- "to give birth," as explained below.

Âzânidan, from â- nuance/strengthening prefix + zân, from Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazāite, zāta- "born;" Mod.Pers. zâdan, present stem zā- "to bring forth, give birth" (Mid.Pers. zâtan; cf. Skt. jan- "to produce, create; to be born," janati "begets, bears;" Gk. gignomai "to happen, become, be born;" L. gignere "to beget;" PIE base *gen- "to give birth, beget") + -idan infinitive suffix.


Fr.: tournoyer   

To move in a circle or spiral, or around a fixed point; to revolve in or as if in a spiral course. Close concepts: → revolve; → rotate; → spin. See also: → gyro-.

From L. gyratus, p.p. of gyrare "to turn around," from L. gyrus "circle," from Gk. gyros "circle, ring;" PIE base *geu- "to bend, curve."

Leridan, from Lori, Laki lerr "revolving, whirling, turning" (lerr dâye "to make rotate, to stir a liquid," lerese "to rotate, turn"), variant xer "circular, round" (xer dâyen "to make turn"), maybe cognate with Gk. gyros "circle, ring," as above; variants in Mod.Pers. lulé "rolled-up, wound-up; tube," lulé kardan "to roll up, wind up;" Hamadâni lul "spiral, twisted;" Kurd. lûl "curly (of hair)," garda-lûl, ~ lûlân "wind that whirls dust."

  هیدریدن، آبیدن   
hidridan, âbidan (#)

Fr.: hydrater   

To combine chemically with → water.

From → hydr-, → hydro- + -ate a verbal suffix.

Hidridan, from Gk. → hydr-, âbidan, from âb, → water, + -idan infinitive suffix.

  هیدریده، آبیده   
hidridé, âbidé (#)

Fr.: hydraté   

Combined with → water molecules.

P.p./adj. of → hydrate.


Fr.: émigrer   

To come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.

in-; → migrate.

impact crater
  لاوک ِ برخورد   
lâvak-e barxord

Fr.: cratère d'impact   

A depression produced by the collision of a meteorite, asteroid, or comet with the surface of a planet or a satellite. Impact craters are the most characteristic surface features of solar system rigid bodies. They range in size up to hundreds or thousands of kilometers (where the impacts create giant basins as on the Moon, Mars, and Mercury).

impact; → crater.

  دُرُستالیدن، دُرُستال‌گرفتن   
dorostâlidan, dorostâl gereftan

Fr.: intégrer   

1) To carry out the mathematical operation of → integration.
2) To add up photons when exposing a detector to incoming light through the telescope.

From L. integratus p.p. of integrare "to renew, restore," → integer + -ate a verb forming suffix.

Dorostâlidan, infinitive of dorostâl, → integral; dorostâl gereftan "to take (an) integral;" gereftan "to take, seize" (Mid.Pers. griftan, Av./O.Pers. grab- "to take, seize," cf. Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, take," graha "seizing, holding, perceiving," M.L.G. grabben "to grab," from P.Gmc. *grab, E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE base *ghrebh- "to seize").

integrated circuit
  برقراه ِ یکپارچه، ~ دُرُستالیده   
barqrâh-e yekpârxcé, ~ dorostâlidé

Fr.: circuit intégré   

A circuit whose components are found on a single semiconductor substrate.

Integrated, p.p. of → integrate; → circuit.

integrated electronics
  الکترونیک ِ یکپارچه، ~ دُرُستالیده   
elektronik-e dorostâlidé

Fr.: électronique intégrée   

The branch of electronics that deals with integrated circuits, especially the interdependence of material, circuits, and design.

Integrated, p.p. of → integrate; → electronics.

integrated magnitude
  برز ِ دُرُستالیده   
borz-e dorostâlidé

Fr.: magnitude intégrée   

The magnitude an extended object (nebula, galaxy,etc.) would have if all of its light were concentrated into a point source

Integrated, p.p. of → integrate; → magnitude.


Fr.: itérer   

1) To utter or to do something over again or repeatedly. → repeat.
2) Math.: → iteration.

Iterate "to do again, repeat," back-formation from iteration, from L. iterationem (nom. iteratio) "repetition," noun of action from iterare "to do again, repeat," from iterum "again, for the second time;" cf. Skt. itara- "the other (of the two), another."

Itaridan, from L. iter(um), Skt. itar(a-), as above, and Pers. dialects Kâšâni (Voništun) târ "the other;" Kurd. tir "the other" + -idan Pers. infinitive suffix.

Korolev crater
  لاوک ِ کورولیف   
lâvak-e Korolev

Fr.: cratère de Korolev   

An ice-filled → impact crater located in the northern lowlands of Mars at 73° north latitude and 165° east longitude, south of the large Olympia Undae dune field that partly surrounds Mars' north polar cap. Korolev crater is 82 km across with its centre hosting a mound of water ice some 1.8 kilometres thick all year round. The reason for the permanently stable water ice in the crater is because its deepest part acts as a natural cold trap. The air above the ice cools and is thus heavier compared to the surrounding air: since air is a poor conductor of heat, the water ice mound is effectively shielded from heating and sublimation.

The crater is named after chief rocket engineer and spacecraft designer Sergei Korolev (1907-1966), dubbed the father of Soviet space technology.

lunar crater
  لاوک ِ ماه، ~ ِ مانگی، کندال ِ ~   
lâvak-e mâh, ~ mângi, kandâl-e ~

Fr.: cratère lunaire   

A → crater on the surface of the Moon.

lunar; → crater.

dâdyâr (#)

Fr.: magistrat   

1) A civil officer charged with the administration of the law.
2) A minor judicial officer, as a justice of the peace or the judge of a police court, having jurisdiction to try minor criminal cases and to conduct preliminary examinations of persons charged with serious crimes (

M.E., from O.Fr. magistrat, from L. magistratus "a magistrate, public functionary," from magistrare "to serve as a magistrate," from magister, "chief, director," → master.

Dâdyâr, from dâd, → justice, + yâr, "assistant, helper," → gravity assist.

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