follow-up observation nepâheš-e peygir Fr.: An observation which expands previous observations and aims at obtaining complementary data in particular with other telescopes/instruments. Follow-up, from follow, from O.E. folgian, fylgan "to follow, pursue," from W.Gmc. *fulg- (cf. O.Fris. folgia, M.Du. volghen, Ger. folgen "to follow") + up, O.E. up, uppe (cf. Du. op, Ger. auf "up, upward"), from PIE base *upo "up from below;" cf. O.Pers./Av. upā; Skt. úpa; Gk. hypo; L. sub, → hypo-; → observation. Nepâheš, → observation; peygir, from pey "after; step," related to pâ "foot, step, track," → foot, + gir present stem of gereftan "to take, seize" (Mid.Pers. griftan, Av./O.Pers. grab- "to take, seize," cf. Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, take," graha "seizing, holding, perceiving," M.L.G. grabben "to grab," from P.Gmc. *grab, E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE base *ghrebh- "to seize"). |
ground-based observation nepâheš az zamin Fr.: observation au sol An astronomical observation carried out using a telescope on Earth, as opposed to that from an orbiting satellite. → ground; based, adj. of base, from O.Fr. bas, from L. basis "foundation," from Gk. basis "step, pedestal," from bainein "to step;" → observation. Nepâheš, → observation; az "from," → ex-; zamin, → ground. |
high-resolution observation nepâheš-e mehvâgošud Fr.: observation à haute résolution An observation that provides a particularly narrow, peaked image of a point source. → point spread function. → high; → resolution; → observation. |
meridian observation nepâheš-e nimruzâni Fr.: observation au méridien The observation of a star when it crosses an observer's meridian. → meridian; → observation. |
meteorological observation napâheš-e havâšenâxti Fr.: observation météorologique Evaluation or measurement of one or more meteorological elements. Meteorological, of or pertaining to → meteorology; → observation. |
observation nepâheš, nepâh Fr.: observation 1) Act or instance of observing; → observe. Verbal noun of → observe. |
observational nepâheši Fr.: observationnel Pertaining to, or founded on observation, especially based on observation rather than theory. Adj. of → observation. |
observational astrophysics axtarfizik-e nepâheši Fr.: astrophysique observationnelle That part of astrophysics that is mainly concerned with the collection of observational data, in comparison with theoretical astrophysics → observational; → astrophysics. |
observational bias varak-e nepâheši Fr.: biais observationnel An error in observation arising from systematically favoring brighter or weaker objects or some particular object morphologies; e.g. → Malmquist bias. → observational; → bias. |
observational cosmology keyhânšenâsi-ye nepâheši Fr.: cosmologie observationnelle The application of observational data to the study of the Universe as a whole. → observational; → cosmology. |
observational effect oskar-e nepâheši Fr.: effet observationnel A feature appearing in an observation, which is not intrinsic to the object observed, but is due to the inappropriate method used (e.g. limited angular resolution). → observational; → effect. |
observational error irang-e nepâheši Fr.: erreur observationnelle The difference between a measured value of quantity and its true value. → observational; → error. |
off-source observation nepâheš-e ap-xan Fr.: observation hors source An observation when the telescope is pointed away from the source in order to measure the sky background contribution. → off-; → source; → observation. |
on-source observation nepâheš-e bar-xan Fr.: observation sur la source In comparison with → off-source observation, an observation which is concerned with the source itself. → on-; → dource; → observation. |
single-dish observation nepâhešè-e tak-jâm Fr.: observation avec antenne uinique A radio astronomical observation which uses only one antenna, in contrast to interferometric observations. → single; → dish; → observation. |