An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 3106 Search : on
hamsâzi (#)

Fr.: concorde   

Agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; unanimity; accord. → concordance.
Music: A stable, harmonious combination of tones.

From O.Fr. concorde, from L. concordia "agreement, union," from concors (gen. concordis) "of the same mind," literally "of the same heart, hearts together," from → com- "together" + cor "heart;" cf. Pers. del "heart;" Av. zərəd-; Skt. hrd-; Gk. kardia; Arm. sirt; P.Gmc. *khertan- (O.E. heorte, E. heart, Ger. Herz, Bret. kreiz "middle"); PIE base *kerd- "heart".

Hamsâzi, from ham-, → com-, + sâz "(musical) instrument; apparatus; harness; furniture," from sâzidan, sâxtan "to build, make, fashion; to adapt, adjust, be fit" (from Mid.Pers. sâxtan, sâz- "to prepare, to form;" Av. sak- "to understand, to mark," sâcaya- (causative) "to teach") + -i suffix that forms nouns from adjectives.

concordance model
  مدل ِ همسازگانی   
model-e hamsâzgâni

Fr.: modèle de concordance   

The currently most commonly used cosmological model that describes the Universe as a flat infinite space in eternal expansion, accelerated under the effect of a repulsive → dark energy. The Universe is 13.7 billion years old and made up of 4% baryonic matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy; the Hubble constant is 71 km/s/Mpc and the density of the Universe is very close to the critical value for re-collapse. These values were derived from → WMAP satellite observations of the → cosmic microwave background radiation.

M.E. concordaunce, from O.Fr. concordance, from L. concordantia, from → concord + -ance a suffix used to form nouns either from adjectives in -ant or from verbs.

Hamsâzgâni, from hamsâz, → concord, + -gân relation and multiplicity suffix + -i suffix that forms noun from adjectives.

  ۱) امبس، بسودنی؛ امبس؛ ۲) امبسیدن   
1a,b) ambas, basudani; 1c) ambas; 2) ambasidan

Fr.: 1) concret; 2) se concrétiser   

1a) Relating to a particular instance or object, as opposed to → general.
1b) Relating to or characteristic of things capable of being perceived by the senses, as opposed to → abstractions.
1c) Formed by the coalescence of particles; condensed; solid.
2a) To form into a mass by coalescence of particles; render solid. → concretion.
2b) To make real, tangible, or particular.

M.E. concret, from L. concretus "condensed, hardened, thick, stiff, clotted," p.p. of concrescere "to grow together," from → com- "together" + crescere "to grow," cognate with Pers. korré "foal, colt," korr "son, boy," → crescent.

Ambas, a variant of anbast in several dialects (e.g. Tabari) "dense, thick;" Mid.Pers. hambast "compact, tied together," from ham- "together," → com- + bast p.p. of bastan "to clot, congeal; to bind," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," basta- "bound, tied," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind.
Basudani "tangible," from basudan "to touch," variant pasâvidan, ultimately from Proto-Ir. *pra-sau-, from *sau- "to rub; whet; wear;" cf. sudan, sâyidan "to rub," sân "whetstone," variants fasân, afsân, awsân; Mid.Pers. sūdan "to rub;" Khotanese sauy- "to rub;" Sogd. ps'w "to rub;" Choresmian bs'w "to rub off, polish;" Skt. sā- "to sharpen, whet."


Fr.: concrétion   

1) The act or process of concreting or becoming substantial.
2) The state of being concreted.
3) Geology: A hard, dense mass of mineral matter that formed within a rock of a composition different from its own through the precipitation of minerals and ranging in diameter from centimeters to meters.

Verbal noun of → concrete.


Fr.: concourir   

1) To be of the same opinion; agree.
2) To act together to a common object or effect.

From L. concurrere "to run together, assemble hurriedly; fight," from → com- "together" + currere "to run."

Hâtazidan, from hâ-, variant of ham- "together," → com-, + taz-, variant of tâz-, tâxtan "to run; to hasten; to assault," → flow.


Fr.: concours   

The act of concurring; accordance in opinion; agreement.

Verbal noun of → concur.


Fr.: concourant   

1) Existing, happening, or done at the same time.
2) Acting in conjunction; cooperating. → concurrent forces.

Verbal adj. from → concur.

concurrent forces
  نیروهای ِ هاتزنده   
niruhâ-ye hâtazandé

Fr.: forces concourantes   

A system of forces applied to a → rigid body in such manner that their lines of action intersect at a single point. A system of concurrent forces acting on a rigid body can be replaced by an equivalent force applied at the same point. → line of action.

concurrent; → force.

  اراختن، ارازیدن   
erâxtan (#), erâzidan (#)

Fr.: condamner   

1) To express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of.
2) To pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment (

M.E., from O.Fr. condamner "to condemn," from L. condemnare "to sentence, blame, disapprove," from → com- intensive prefix + damnare "to harm, damage."

Erâxtan, erâzidan, from Mid.Pers. êrâxtan, êrâžinidan "to condemn" (Parthian êranz- " to condemn, damn, blame, conquer"); ultimately from Proto-Ir. *api-raic-, from *raic- "to leave, abandon," cf. Av. raēc- "to leave;" Pers. parhiz "to keep away from, abstain, avoid," gorixtan, goriz- "to escape."


Fr.: condamnation   

The act of condemning; the state of being condemned.

Verbal noun of → condemn.


Fr.: condensat   

A substance formed by condensation, such as a liquid reduced from a gas or vapor.

From L. condensatus, p.p. of condensare, → condense.

Cagâlâk, from present stem of cagâlidan, → condense, + suffix -âk (on the model of xorâk, pušâk, kâvâk, dârâk, suzâk, xâšak, maqâk).

cagâleš (#)

Fr.: condensation   

1) General: The act of making more dense or compact.
2) Physics: The physical process by which a vapor becomes a liquid; the opposite of → evaporation. → sublimation; → deposition.
3) Acoustics: The ratio of the instantaneous excess of density to the normal density at a point in a medium transmitting longitudinal sound waves. → rarefaction.
4) Chemistry: Chemical change in which two or more molecules react with the elimination of water or of some other simple substance.
5) Meteorology: Any process by which water vapor changes to dew, fog, or cloud.

Verbal noun from → condense; → -tion.

condensation nucleus
  هسته‌ی ِ چگالش   
haste-ye cagâleš

Fr.: noyau de condensation   

A tiny suspended particle in the → atmosphere around which → water vapor condenses to form → droplets. Condensation nuclei are usually less than about 0.001 mm in diameter and can be made of → ice, → salt, → dust, and other materials. The droplets that form can be liquid water or ice, depending on the surrounding temperature. When the number of these droplets is large enough, a cloud is visible.

condensation; → nucleus.

condensation of vapor
  چگالش ِ بخار   
cagâleš-e boxâr (#)

Fr.: condensation de vapeur   

Change of vapor into liquid. It takes place when the pressure of the vapor becomes equal to the maximum vapor pressure of the liquid at that temperature.

condensation; → vapor.

cagâlidan (#)

Fr.: condenser   

General: ( To reduce the volume of, to make more concise. (v.intr.) To become more compact, to undergo condensation.
Physics: To cause a gas or vapor to change to a liquid. To remove water from a substance.

L. condensare "to make dense," from → com- intensive prefix + densare "make thick," from densus, → dense.

Cagâlidan from cagâl "dense, thick," of unknown etymology, + -idan infinitive suffix.

cagâlidé (#)

Fr.: condensé   

Relating to or produced by → condensation.

Adj. from → condense.

condensed matter
  ماده‌ی ِ چگالیده   
mâdeh-ye cagâlidé (#)

Fr.: matière condensée   

Matter in the liquid or solid state.

condensed; → matter.


Fr.: condition   

1) Physics: The state of a physical system at a given time. Also called → physical condition.
2) Math: A premise, statement, or restriction upon which a mathematical result or consequence depends. → initial conditions; → boundary conditions.

From O.Fr. condition, from L. condicionem (nom. condicio) "agreement, situation," from condicere "to speak with, talk together," from → com- "together" + dicere "to speak," from PIE *deik- "to point out;" cf. Av. daēs- "to show; assign; make known," Skt. dis- "to show, point toward," disati "shows," Gk. deiknunai "to show," O.H.G. zeigon, Ger. zeigen "to show," E. token "indication, sign."

Butâr, from Mid.Pers. but past tense stem of butan Mod.Pers. budan "to be, become," → exist, + -âr noun suffix (as in raftâr, jostâr, goftâr, kerdâr).

  بوتاری، بوتارمند   
butâri, butârmand

Fr.: conditionnel   

1) Imposing, containing, subject to, or depending on a condition or conditions; not absolute; made or allowed on certain terms.
2a) Logic: (of a proposition) Asserting that the existence or occurrence of one thing or event depends on the existence or occurrence of another thing or event.
2b) (of a → syllogism) Containing at least one → conditional proposition as a → premise (
2c) The "if ... then" relation.

condition; → -al.

conditional introduction
  اندرهازش ِ بوتاری   
andarhâzeš-e butâri

Fr.: introduction conditionnelle   

A derivation rule that begins with an → assumption in a → subproof and allows for deriving a conditional outside the subproof. The derived conditional consists of the assumed proposition as the → antecedent and the derived conclusion in the subproof as the → consequent.

conditional; → introduction.

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