real number adad-e hasyâ Fr.: nombre réel A number that can be represented by a point on a line. The set of real numbers includes all rational and irrational numbers, but not the imaginary numbers. |
real object baâxt-e hasyâ Fr.: objet réel In an optical system, a collection of points which actually serves as a source of light rays. |
real-time operation âpâreš dar zamân-e hasyâ Fr.: opération en temps réel The operation of a computer during the actual time that the related physical processes take place so that the results can be used to guide the physical processes. |
real-time processing âmâyeš dar zamân-e hasyâ Fr.: traitement en temps réel Data processing that takes place instantaneously upon data entry or receipt of a command. → real; → time; → processing. |
realism hasyâgerâyi; hasyâbâvari Fr.: réalisme 1) An inclination or concern for the actual or real, as distinguished from
the abstract or speculative. |
realist 1) hasyâgerâ, hasyâbâvar; 2) hasyâmand Fr.: réaliste 1) A person who tends to view or represent things as they really are; an adherent of
→ realism. |
realistic hasyâmand Fr.: réaliste 1) Interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical. From → real + -istic, from L. -isticus, Gk. -istikos, from -ikos, → -ic. |
reality hasyâi Fr.: réalité 1) The state or quality of being real. A real thing or fact. |
really hasyâné Fr.: vraiment In reality; actually; indeed. |
sidereal axtari (#) Fr.: sidéral Of, relating to, or determined by or from stars. From M.Fr. sidereal, from L. sidereus "starry, astral," from sidus (genitive sideris) "star, constellation." Axtari, pertaining to axtar "star," probably a variant of setâré→ star. |
sidereal day ruz-e axtari (#) Fr.: jour sidéral The period of → Earth's rotation around its axis, the mean value of which is about 23h 56m 04.092s (23.934 470 hours). In other words, the interval between two successive passages of a star across a given → meridian. The sidereal day is 3 minutes 56 seconds shorter than the → mean solar day. The reason is that Earth moves a little less than a degree around the Sun during the time it takes for one full axial rotation. So, for the Sun to appear on the same meridian in the sky again after one full axial rotation, the Earth has to rotate one extra degree to bring the Sun into the same apparent meridian in the sky. This is also why the stars rise and set about 4 min earlier each day. |
sidereal hour angle zâviye-ye sâ'ati-ye axtari (#) Fr.: angle horaire The angle on the celestial sphere measured westward from the hour circle of the vernal equinox to that of the celestial body. → sidereal; → hour angle. |
sidereal month mâh-e axtari (#) Fr.: mois sidéral The time taken by the Moon to complete one → revolution around the Earth with respect to a background, → fixed star. The average time is 27.321 661 days (27d 7h 43m 11.5s). Same as → lunar sidereal orbital period. |
sidereal period dowre-ye axtari (#) Fr.: période sidérale |
sidereal revolution period dowre-ye gardeš-e axtari (#) Fr.: période de révolution sidérale The time taken by a planet or satellite to complete one revolution about its primary with respect to stars. For Earth, same as → sidereal year. Sidereal periods of the solar system planets, interms of the sidereal year, are as follows: Mercury 0.240846 (87.9691 days); Venus 0.615 (225 days); Earth 1 (365.25636 solar days); Mars 1.881; Jupiter 11.86; Satrurn 29.46; Uranus 84.01; and Neptune 164.8. That of the Moon is 0.0748 (27.32 days) and for → Sedna 12050. → sidereal; → revolution; → period. |
sidereal rotation period dowre-ye carxeš-e axtari Fr.: période de rotation sidérale The rotation period of a celestial body with respect to fixed stars. For Earth, same as → sidereal day. |
sidereal time zamân-e axtari (#) Fr.: temps sidéral The time based upon → Earth's rotation with respect to the stars, with the → sidereal day as the unit of measurement. At the moment when the → vernal equinox crosses the → meridian in → upper culmination, sidereal time is equal to zero hours for that observing position. The → hour angle of the vernal equinox is equal to sidereal time. |
sidereal year sâl-e axtari (#) Fr.: année sidérale The interval between two successive passages of the Sun, in its apparent → annual motion around the → celestial sphere, through a particular point relative to stars. It is equal to 365.256356 days for the J2000.0 epoch and is 20m 24.5s longer than the → tropical year. |
true sidereal time zamân-e axtari-ye râstin Fr.: temps sidéral vrai The → sidereal time with respect to the → true equinox. |