<< < -sc Sag sam sat sca sca Sch sci Sea sec sec see sel sem sen ser Sey Sha she sho sid sig SIM sim Sin ske sle Smi SNR sof sol sol sol sol sou sou spa spa spe spe spe sph spi spi Sp� squ sta sta sta sta Ste ste ste sto str str str sub sub sub sun sup sup sup sup sur sus sym syn syz > >>
server zâvar Fr.: serveur General: Something that serves or is used in serving. Server, agent noun from serve, from M.E. serven, from O.Fr. servir "to serve," from L. servire "to serve," originally "be a slave," related to servus "slave;" cognate with Av. har- "to guard, watch," harətar- "guardian," hāra- "caring for;" Mid./Mod.Pers. zinhâr "protection, security; beware! mind!" Zâvar "attendant, servant" (Dehxodâ), zâvari "attendance, service" (Dehxodâ), maybe related to Skt. sev- "to attend upon, serve," sevā- "service, attendance, worship," sevati "serves, attends," sevaka- "attendant, servant, follower." |
service zâvari, zâvareš (#) Fr.: service 1) A helpful act by somebody for somebody else as a job, duty, or favor. M.E., from O.Fr. servise, from L. servitium "slavery, servitude," from servus "slave," servire "to serve," originally "be a slave;" cognate with Av. har- "to guard, watch," → server. Zâvari "service" (Dehxodâ) → server. |
service observing nepâheš bâ zâvari, ~ zâvareši Fr.: observation de service Observation approved by the selection committee of an observatory which is carried out by the staff astronomers of the observatory. → service; → observation. |
set 1) hangard; 2) forušodan (#); 3) beštidan Fr.: 1) ensemble; 2) se coucher; 3) placer, poser, régler 1) Math.:
A finite or infinite collection of objects in which order has no significance.
Members of a set are often referred to as elements and the notation
a ∈ A
is used to denote that a is an element of a set A. The study of
sets and their properties is the object of set theory. 1) M.E. sette, from O.Fr. sette "sequence," variant of secte,
from M.L. secta "religious group, sect," from L. secta
"manner, following, school of thought," literally
"something to follow, pathway, course of conduct, school of thought," from
sectari "to pursue, accompany,"
"a way, road," from sequi "to follow," → sequence. 1) Hangard, from Mid.Pers. hangart "whole, complete,"
hangartik "complete," hangartênitan "to collect, assemble," from
*hamkard- literally
"created, cut together," from
han- variant of ham- "together," cognate with
L.L. insimul
"at the same time,"
from in- intensive prefix + simul "together, at the same time"
(cf. Gk. homos "same," Mod./Mid.Pers.
ham- "together, with," O.Pers./Av.
ham-, Skt. sam-; also O.Pers./Av. hama-
"one and the same," Skt. sama-;
originally identical with PIE numeral *sam-
"one," from *som-).
(→ com-),
+ gard, variant of kard "created, cut," Mid.Pers.
kirrēnītan, kirrēn- "to cut, create,"
cf. fragard "section, chapter,"
Av. karət- "to cut," kərəntaiti "cuts, breaks,"
with fraca- "to create, bring forth,"
karəta- "knife, dagger" (Mid.Pers. kârt "knife;"
Mod.Pers. kârd "knife"), Skt. kart- "to cut, split, break,"
krti- "sword, knife;" PIE base
*(s)kert- "to cut;" Hitt. kartae- "to cut;" Arm. kherthem
"to skin;" L. cortex "bark of a tree," corium "skin, leather;"
O.H.G. scrinden "to split;" Lith. kertu
"to fell, cut down." |
set partition parkeš-e hangard Fr.: partition d'un ensemble A collection of → nonempty subsets of a set A such that every element of A is in exactly one of the subsets. In other words, A is the → disjoint → union of these subsets. |
set theory negare-ye hangard Fr.: théorie des ensembles The branch of mathematics that studies sets. Set theory is closely associated with the branch of mathematics known as logic. It was initiated by the German mathematician Georg Cantor (1845-1918). |
set up barbeštidan Fr.: installer To install and configure hardware and software on a computer. Verb of → setup. |
setting 1) forušod (#); 2) bešte Fr.: 1) coucher; 2) configuration, réglage 1) The act of setting; the appearance of a → celestial body
below the → horizon. Opposite
of → rising. |
setting circles dâyerehâ-ye âmaj-giri Fr.: cercles de pointage Two graduated disks attached to the right ascension and declination axis of an equatorial mount used in amateur astronomy that help an observer find astronomical objects in the sky by their equatorial coordinates. M.E.; O.E. settan "cause to sit, put in some place, fix firmly" (cf. O.N. setja, O.Fris. setta, Du. zetten, Ger. setzen); → circle. Dâyeré, → circle; âmâj-giri "taking aim," from âmâj "aim, target," → point + giri "taking" (vebal noun of gereftan "to take, seize, hold;" Mid.Pers. griftan, gir- "to take, hold, restrain;" O.Pers./Av. grab- "to take, seize," cf. Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, take," graha- "seizing, holding, perceiving," M.L.G. grabben "to grab," from P.Gmc. *grab, E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE *ghrebh- "to seize"). |
settle 1) niyâšândan; 2) niyâšidan Fr.: 1) stabiliser, régler, mettre en ordre, calmer; 2) se dépose, retomber, s'apaiser,
s'installer 1) (tr.) To put in order; arrange in a desired state or condition. M.E. set(t)len, O.E. setlan "to place," derivative of setl "a seat; stall; position, abode;" related to sittan "to sit," from Proto-Germanic *setla- (cognates: Middle Low German, Middle Dutch setel, Dutch zetel, German Sessel, Gothic sitls), from PIE *sedla- (cognates: L. sella "seat, chair," O.C.S. sedlo "saddle," O.E. sadol "saddle"), from root *sed-. Niyâšidan, from Yidghda niâst- , Munji niôst- "to sit down;" Nâini âš-/âšis- "to become seated;" Baluci ništ, related to nešastan "to sit down," → sit (see also → reside); ultimately from Proto-Ir. *had- "to sit, be setaed." |
settled disk gerde-ye niyâšidé Fr.: disque stabilisé A → galactic disk that has undergone → disk settling. |
settling niyâšeš Fr.: stabilisation; dépose The act of a person or thing that settles. → disk settling, → dust settling. |
setup barbešt Fr.: installation 1) The process of connecting and preparing a software program, hardware
device, or computer to function properly. Setup is a file commonly called
"setup.exe" that is executed to begin installing a software program onto a
computer. See also → set up. Barbešt, from prefix bar-, → on-. |
seven haft (#) Fr.: sept A → cardinal number between → six and → eight. From M.E. seoven(e), seofne, seven, O.E. seofon, cognate with M.Du. seven, Du. zeven, O.H.G. sibun, Ger. sieben, related to Pers. haft, as below, from PIE *septm "seven." Haft, from Mid.Pers. haft, Av. hapta Skt. sapta, Gk. hepta, L. septem. |
sexagesimal šast-šasti (#) Fr.: sexagésimal Relating to, or based on, the number 60. From M.L. sexagesimalis, from L. sexagesimus "sixtieth," from sexaginta "sixty." Šast-šasti, from Šast, → sixty. |
sexagesimal system râžmân-e šast-šasti Fr.: système sexagésimal A number system whose base is 60. It originated with the ancient Sumerians around 2000 B.C., was transmitted to the Babylonians, and is still used in modified form for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates. → sexagesimal; → system. |
Sextans Šešakân Fr.: Sextant The Sextant. An inconspicuous constellation located on the celestial equator at 10h 20m, 0° declination. Its brightest star, Alpha Sextantis is of 4th magnitude. It was introduced in the 17th century by Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687). Abbreviation: Sex; genitive: Sextantis. The name is L. for → sextant, an instrument that Hevelius made frequent use of in his observations. |
sextant šešakân Fr.: sextant An instrument used mainly in nautical astronomy to determine the angular distances of celestial bodies above the horizon. The sextant consists of a 60° graduated arc, or limb, a small telescope, and two mirrors. Only half of one of the mirrors, the horizon glass, is silvered and, like the telescope, it is fastened to the frame supporting the limb. The other mirror, the index mirror, moves with an index arm pivoted at the center of the arc. The index arm is equipped with a → vernier which moves along the limb. An object in direction S can be observed in the telescope through the un-silvered portion of the horizon glass. By moving the index arm, the second object S' is made to coincide with S in the telescope. According to the law of reflection, the angle between S and S' is double the angle between the mirrors. The angular distance between the objects can therefore be obtained from the measurement of angles between the planes of the mirrors. From Mod.L. sextans, from L. sextans "a sixth," from sex→ six. Šešakân, from šešak "a sixth," from šeš, → six + -ak, contraction of yak "one," (Mid.Pers. êwak; Proto-Iranian *aiua-ka-; O.Pers. aiva- "one, alone;" Av. aēuua- "one, alone" (cf. Skt. éka- "one, alone, single;" Gk. oios "alone, lonely;" L. unus "one;" E. one) + -ân nuance suffix. |
sextet šeštâyé Fr.: sextet Any group or set of six. → Seyfert's sextet. From Latinized sestet, from It. sestetto, diminutive of sesto "sixth," from L. sextus "sixth," from sex, → six. Šeštâyé, from šeš, → six, + tâ "fold, plait, ply; piece, part" (Mid.Pers. tâg "piece, part") + -(y)é nuance suffix. |
sextuplet šeštâyi Fr.: sextuplet A group or combination of six objects, such as the → Mizar and the → Castor star systems. From sextuple, from L. sext(us) "sixth," → six, + et |
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