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Local Group goruh-e mahali (#) Fr.: Groupe local A small → galaxy cluster of about 50 galaxies to which our → Milky Way galaxy belongs. The Local Group occupies a volume of space nearly 10 million → light-years across centered somewhere between the → Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Milky Way, which are the dominant galaxies of the group; Andromeda being the principal member. Both of these galaxies exhibit spiral structures, and each is attended by a large family of satellite → dwarf galaxies. The Local Group also includes a third spiral galaxy known as → Triangulum (M33), which is bound to Andromeda. The remaining members span a range of → Hubble classification types from dwarf spheroidal to Irr to Sb and Sc and cover a factor of 10 in → metallicity. The total mass of the Local Group is estimated to be about 2 × 1012 solar masses, although this value is still uncertain to within a factor of about 2. The velocities of the individual galaxies of the Local Group are not particularly high. Therefore no member is believed to be able to escape the group, which is thus considered to be gravitationally → bound. Another remarkable member of the Group is → IC 10. |
local inertial frame cârcub-e laxtnâk-e mahali, ~ laxtimand-e ~ Fr.: référentiel inertiel local A coordinate system or frame of reference defined in the vicinity of the Earth in which Newton's first law of motion is valid; that is, a non-rotating and non-accelerating reference frame. |
local interstellar cloud abr-e andar-axtari-ye mahali Fr.: nuage interstellaire local An → interstellar cloud that surrounds the → heliosphere. → local; → interstellar; → cloud. |
local Lorentz invariance nâvartâyi-ye Lorentz-e mahali Fr.: invariance de Lorentz locale → Einstein equivalence principle. → local; → Lorentz; → invariance. |
local maximum bišine-ye mahali Fr.: maximum local The point x = c in an → interval where the value of the → function f(y) is larger than the value anywhere else in that interval. In other words, f(c) ≥ f(x) for all x in the interval. |
local meridian nimruzân-e mahali Fr.: méridien local The meridian through any particular place, serving as the reference for local time, in contrast to the Greenwich meridian. |
local minimum kamine-ye mahali Fr.: minimum local The point x = c in an → interval where the value of the → function f(y) is smaller than the value anywhere else in that interval. In other words, f(c) ≤ f(x) for all x in the interval. |
local oscillator navešgar-e mahali (#) Fr.: oscillateur local The oscillator in a heterodyne or superheterodyne radio receiver which produces the radio frequency oscillations with which the received wave is combined. → local; → oscillator. |
local position invariance nâvartâyi-ye neheš-e mahali Fr.: invariance de position locale → Einstein equivalence principle. → local; → position; → invariance. |
local sidereal time zamân-e axtari-ye mahali Fr.: temps sidéral local Local time measured by the apparent motion of the stars. It is the most useful form of sidereal time since it gives the right ascension of a transiting celestial object at a given location. |
Local Spur šaxâk-e mahali Fr.: bras local Same as → Orion Arm. |
local standard of rest estânde-ye mahali-ye âram Fr.: standard local de repos A frame of reference that turns around the Galactic center at a velocity and a distance which are the mean values for the stars in the solar neighborhood. In this reference system the stars belonging to the solar neighborhood are statistically at rest. The orbital velocity of the Local Standard of Rest around the Galaxy is about 220 km/sec. |
Local Supercluster abarxuše-ye mahali (#) Fr.: superamas local The supercluster to which the Local Group belongs. It is composed of some 100 clusters of galaxies, with the Virgo cluster of galaxies at its center. → local; → supercluster. |
local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) tarâzmandi-ye garmâtavânik-e mahali Fr.: équilibre thermodynamique local The assumption that all distribution functions characterizing the material and its interaction with the radiation field at a point in the star are given by → thermodynamic equilibrium relations at local values of the temperature and density. → local; → thermodynamic; → equilibrium. |
local time zamân-e mahali (#) Fr.: temps local Time based upon the local meridian as reference, in contrast to that of the time zone within which the place is located, or the Greenwich time. |
local Universe giti-ye mahali Fr.: Univers local A not well-defined concept describing a region of radius within ~ 20 → Mpc centered on the → Local Group of galaxies, corresponding to → redshift z ≤ 0.01. See also the → Local Volume. |
Local Volume (LV) gonj-e mahali Fr.: Volume local A sphere of radius ~ 10 Mpc centered on the → Local Group of galaxies. The Local Volume includes at least 500 known galaxies, many of which congregate in well-known groups like the Local Group, the relatively loose → Sculptor Group, and the more compact Centaurus A group. As of 2010, the latest catalog of LV galaxies was presented by Karachentsev et al. (2004, AJ 127, 2031). About 85% of the LV population are → dwarf galaxies which contribute to about 4% to the local optical luminosity density and roughly to 10-15% to the total H I mass density. |
localization mahal giri (#) Fr.: localisation The condition of the wave-function of an electron if it is confined to a small region of a large system rather than being extended through the system. Verbal noun of → localize. |
localize 1) mahal dâdan; 2) mahal gereftan Fr.: 1) localise; 2) se localiser 1) To confine, restrict, or attribute to a particular locality. |
lock 1) qofl (#); 2) qofl kardan, ~ šodan Fr.: 1) vérouille; 2) vérouiller, se vérouiller 1) A device fitted to a gate, door, drawer, lid, etc, to keep it firmly closed and
often to prevent access by unauthorized persons. M.E., from O.E. loc "fastening, bar;" cognate with M.L.G. lok, O.H.G. loh "dungeon," Ger. Loch "opening, hole," O.N. lok "a cover, lid;" akin to O.E. lucan "to shut." Qofl, loan from Ar. |
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