An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 763
  هاوشانی، هاوشان‌مند   
hâvešâni, hâvešânmand

Fr.: disciplinaire   

Of, for, or constituting a → discipline. See also → interdisciplinary, → multidisciplinary, and → transdisciplinary.

discipline; → -ary.


Fr.: discipline   

1) A branch of learning or instruction.
2) A system of rules for behavior, methods of practice, etc.

M.E., from M.Fr. discipline, descepline, from L. disciplina literally "teaching, instruction," from discipulus "pupil, student, follower," from dis- + cipere, combining form of capere "to take," → concept, + -ulus, → -ule.

Hâvešân, from hâveš "disciple, pupil," Mid.Pers. hâvišt "disciple, pupil;" Av. hāvišta- "disciple, pupil," + -ân a suffix denoting "group, order, system."

nâpeyvastegi (#)

Fr.: discontinuité   

A break in sequence or continuity of anything. → Balmer discontinuity
Math.: A point at which a function is not continuous.
Geology: A surface separating rock layers of differing properties or compositions.

M.L. discontinuitas, from discontinuus, from → dis- + continuus, → continuous.

Nâpeyvastegi, noun from nâpeyvasté "discontinuous," from nâ- "non, un-," → a-, + peyvasté, → continuous.

  پدواریدن، کشف کردن   
padvâridan, kašf kardan

Fr.: découvrir   

To find (something previously unseen or unknown) after study or search.

M.E. discoverir, descovrir, from O.Fr. descovrir "uncover, unveil, reveal," from L.L. discooperire, from L. → dis- "opposite of" + cooperire "to cover up," → cover.

Padvâridan "to uncover," infinitive from padvâr, from prefix pad- "against, contrary, opposite to," variants pat-, pâd-, → anti-, + vâr- "to cover;" cf. Av. vār- "to cover;" Mid.Pers. (with prefix *uz-) uzvâr- "to interprete, uncover, grasp," Pers. hozvâr(eš) "interpretation;" Khotanese (+ *ui-) gvir- "to be revealed;" Choresmian (+ *apa-) bw'rg- "to uncover;" Pers. barg "cover, clothes;" šalvâr "trousers" (Cheung, 2007).

  پدوار، پدوارش، کشف   
padvâr, padvâreš, kašf

Fr.: découverte   

The act or an instance of discovering. Something discovered.

Verbal noun of → discover.

nâhamxâni (#)

Fr.: écart, désaccord   

Divergence or disagreement, as between facts, claims, or calculations.

From L. discrepantia, from discrepantem, pr.p. of discrepare "sound differently, differ," from → dis- "apart, off" + crepare "to rattle, crack."

Nâhamxâni, from nâ- "non, un-," → a-, + hamxâni "siniging together," from ham- "together," → com-, + xâni, from xân stem of xândan "to sing; to read; to call," Mid.Pers. xwân- "to resound; to call," Av. xvan- "to sound," Proto-Iranian *huan- "to call;" cf. Skt. svan-, sváranti "to sound, make a sound, sing;" L. sonus "sound," sonare "to sound;" O.E. swinn "music, song," PIE base *suen- "to sound" (Cheung 2007).

  گسسته، جدا   
gosasté, jodâ (#)

Fr.: discret   

Apart or detached from others; separate; distinct. Composed of distinct or discontinuous elements.

From O.Fr. discret, from L. discretus "separated, distinct," from p.p. of discernere "to distinguish," from → dis- "off, away" + cernere "distinguish, separate, sift," → crisis.

Gosasté "broken, broken off," p.p. of gosastan "to break, split," Mid.Pers. wisistan "to break, split," Av. saed- "to split," asista- "unsplit, unharmed," Skt. chid- "to split, break, cut off," Gk. skhizein "to split," L. scindere "to split;" PIE stem *skei- "to split, cut."
Jodâ "separate, distinct," Mid.Pers. jutâk (yutâk), jut (yut).

discrete absorption component (DAC)
  همنه‌ی ِ درشمی ِ گسسته   
hamne-ye daršami-ye gosasté

Fr.: composante d'absorption discrète   

The rapid, systematic changes in the absorption parts of the → P Cygni profiles of the ultraviolet → resonance lines (Si IV, C IV, and N V) observed in a majority of massive → hot stars. DACs are typically seen to accelerate to the → blue wing of the profile over a few days, becoming narrower as they approach the → terminal velocity.

discrete; → absorption; → component.

discrete data
  داده‌های ِ گسسته   
dâdehâ-ye gosasté (#)

Fr.: données discrètes   

Data that can only take a small set of particular values, usually whole numbers. For instance, number of children in a family cannot be 2.4, since parents cannot actually have 2.4 children. → continuous data.

discrete; → data.

discrete radio source
  خن ِ رادیویی ِ جدا   
xan-e râdioyi-ye jodâ

Fr.: radiosource discrète   

A localized source on the celestial sphere that can be observationally separated at radio wavelengths from its background emission.

discrete; → radio; → source.

discrete spectrum
  بیناب ِ گسسته   
binâb-e gosasté

Fr.: spectre discret   

A spectrum in which the component wavelengths (and wave numbers and frequencies) constitute a discrete sequence of values (finite or infinite in number) rather than a continuum of values.

discrete; → spectrum.

discrete transition
  گذرش ِ گسسته   
gozareš-e gosasté

Fr.: transition discrète   

A transition between two quantum-mechanical energy levels. See also → discrete spectrum.

discrete; → transition.

discrete value
  ارزش ِ گسسته   
arzeš-e gosasté

Fr.: valeur discrète   

A quantity that has certain magnitudes and does not represent a → continuous variable.

discrete; → value.

discrete variable
  ورتنده‌ی ِ گسسته   
vartande-ye gosasté

Fr.: variable discret   

A variable which has only → discrete values and has no in-between values.

discrete; → variable.

discrete-time quantum walk
  پویش ِ کو‌آنتومی با زمان ِ گسسته   
puyeš-e kuântomi bâ zamân-e gosasté

Fr.: marche quantique à temps discret   

A → quantum walk involving a probabilistic → operator that changes the direction while leaving the position fixed, and a shift operator that changes the position. Discrete-time quantum walk was introduced by J. Watrous (2001, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 62, 376)

discrete; → time; → quantum; → walk.


Fr.: discriminer   

To make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit (

From L. discriminatus, p.p. of discriminare "to divide, separate," from discrimen "a space between, division, separation, difference," from discernere "to separate, divide; distinguish, perceive," from → dis- "off, away" + cernere "distinguish, separate, sift;" ultimately from PIE root *krei- "to sieve," → critique.

Vâkarbidan, from prefix vâ-, → dis-, + karb-, related to stem qarb- in qarbâl, qalbur, gerbâl "sieve," probably related to PIE root *krei- "to sieve," as above.


Fr.: discrimination   

1) An act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
2) Unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice (

Verbal noun of → discriminate.


Fr.: discriminatoire   

Characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc. (

From → discriminate + adjective and noun suffix -ory.

  بهسیدن، بهس (بحث) کردن   
bahsidan, bahs kardan

Fr.: discuter   

To → consider or → examine by → argument, → comment, etc.; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; → debate (

M.E., from Anglo-Fr. discusser, from L. discussus "struck asunder, shaken, scattered," p.p. of discutere to break up, "strike asunder," from → dis- "apart," + quatere "to shake, strike."

Bahsidan, infinitive from bahs, from Ar. baHS (بحث) "investigating, examining, controversy, debate, dispute."

  بهس، بحث   

Fr.: discussion   

An act or instance of discussing; → consideration or → examination by → argument, → comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate (

Verbal noun from → discuss.

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