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perfect number adad-e farsâxt Fr.: nombre parfait An → integer that is equal to the → sum of its → positive → divisors, not including itself. For example 6, because its positive divisors are 1, 2, and 3, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Two other examples are 28 and 496. |
perfect power tavân-e farsâxt Fr.: puissance parfaite A → positive integer that can be expressed as an integer → power of another positive → integer. For example, n is a perfect power if there exist natural numbers m> 1, and k> 1 such that mk = n. → perfect cube, → perfect square. |
perfect set hangard-e farsâxt Fr.: ensemble parfait A set P is called perfect if P = P', where P' is the derived set of P. |
perfect square câruš-e farsâxt Fr.: carré parfait An → integer of the form n2, where n is a → positive number. In other words, a → perfect power when k = 2. |
perfectible farsâxtani, farsâxtpazir Fr.: perfectible Capable of becoming or of being made perfect. |
perfection farsâxtegi, farsâzeš Fr.: perfection The state or quality of being or becoming perfect. |
perfectionism farsâxtgerâyi, farsâxtgari Fr.: perfectionisme 1) Any of various doctrines holding that religious, moral, social, or political
perfection is attainable. → perfection; → -ism. |
perfectionist farsâxtgerâ, farsâxtgar Fr.: perfectioniste 1) A person who adheres to or believes in → perfectionism. → perfection; → -ist. |
perform pergâlidan Fr.: exécuter, accomplir 1) To carry out; → execute; do. M.E. parformen, from Anglo-Fr. performer, from O.Fr. parfornir "to do, carry out, finish, accomplish," from par- "completely," → per-, + fornir "to provide." Pergâlidan, from Kurd. (Sanandaj) pergâl "work, doing; order, command," ultimately from Proto-Ir. *parikar-, from *pari- "through, throughout; thoroughly" (O.Pers. pariy "around, about;" Av. pairi "around, over") + *kar- "to do;" Pers. kar-, variants kâr, gar, gâr, → work. |
performance pergâl Fr.: 1, 3) représentation, interprétation; 2) fonctionnement, performance;
exécution 1) The act of performing a ceremony, play, piece of music, etc. |
performative 1) pergâli; 2) vâpeš-e pergalandé Fr.: 1) performatif; d'interprétation; 2) performativité 1) Relating to or of → performance, especially of
dramatic or artistic performance. |
performative utterance vâpeš-e pergâlandé Fr.: performativité A sentence or expression which is not only describing a given reality, but actually does or accomplishes something. For example "I now declare you husband and wife" (when uttered by the authorized officiator during a marriage ceremony). → performative; → utterance. |
performer pergâlgar, pergâlandé Fr.: interprète, acteur, artiste 1) Someone who performs in front of an audience, for example an actor or musician. |
peri- pirâ- (#) Fr.: péri- A prefix meaning "about, around" (perimeter, periscope), "enclosing, surrounding" (pericardium), and "near" (perigee, perihelion). From Gk. peri "around, about, beyond;" cognate with Pers. pirâ-, as below. Pirâ-, variant par- "around, about," from Mid.Pers. pêrâ; O.Pers. pariy "around, about," Av. pairi "around, over," per- "to pass over, beyond;" cf. Skt. pari; Indo-Iranian *pari- "around;" PIE base *per- "through, across, beyond;" cf. Gk. peri "around, about, beyond;" L. per "through." |
periapsis pirâhabâk Fr.: périapse The point in an orbit of a body where it is closest to its primary; opposite of → apoapsis. |
periastron pirâaxtar Fr.: périastre In a binary system, the point in the orbit where a component is nearest the other component; opposite of → apastron. |
pericenter pirâmarkaz Fr.: péricentre The point in the orbit of one component of a binary system which is closest to the center of mass of the system; opposite of → apocenter. |
pericynthion pirâmâh Fr.: périlune The point in the orbit of a satellite around the Moon closest to the Moon; opposite of → apocynthion. |
perigalactic pirâkahkešâni Fr.: périgalactique Of or pertaining to a → perigalacticon. |
perigalacticon pirâkahkešân Fr.: périgalacticon The point in an object's orbit around a galaxy when the object lies closest to the galactic center; opposite of → apogalacticon. |
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