electric intensity dartanuyi-e barqi (#) Fr.: intensité électrique The strength of an electric field at any point as measured by the force exerted upon a unit positive charge placed at that point. |
intensity dartanuyi Fr.: intensité General: The quality or condition of being intense. Dartanuyi state, condition noun of dartanu, → intense. |
intensity of a line dartanuyi-ye xatt Fr.: intensité de raie The height of a spectral line above the continuum base. |
intensity of radiation datanuyi-e tâbeš Fr.: intensité de rayonnement The rate of emitted energy from unit surface area through unit solid angle. The radiation from a surface has different intensities in different directions. |
line intensity dartanuyi-ye xatt Fr.: intensité de raie A measure of the total effect of an absorption or emission line. The line intensity is equal to the integration of the absorption coefficient over the entire shape of the absorption line. |
luminous intensity dartanuyi-ye tâbeši Fr.: intensité lumineuse A measure of the amount of light that a point source radiates in a given direction. It is expressed by the luminous flux per unit leaving the source in the direction per unit of solid angle. |
magnetic intensity dartanuyi-e meqnâtisi Fr.: intensité magnétique Strength of a magnetic field at a point, denoted H. The force which could be exerted on unit north magnetic pole situated at that point. Measured in oersteds. Same as → magnetic field strength. |
radiant intensity dartanuyi-ye tâbeši Fr.: intensité de rayonnement A measure of the amount of radiation emitted from a point expressed as the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving this source. |
sound intensity dartanuyi-ye sedâ Fr.: intensité de son The average → sound power passing through a unit area perpendicular to the direction that the sound is traveling. It is usually expressed in watts per square meter. |
sound intensity level tarâz-e dartanuyi-ye sedâ Fr.: niveau de l'intensité de son The expression of sound intensity in decibel units. The sound intensity level (LI), in decibels, is computed as: LI = 10 log (I/I0), where I is the measured sound intensity and I0 is the reference intensity (1 x 10 -12 watt per square meter). |
specific intensity dartanuyi-e âbizé Fr.: intensité spécifique A measure of the amount of radiation received per unit solid angle per unit time per unit area normally from an element of surface. |