An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 972
angular power spectrum
  بیناب ِ توانی ِ زاویه‌ای   
binâb-e tavâni-ye zâviye-yi

Fr.: spectre de puissance angulaire   

Of the → cosmic microwave background radiation, a plot of how much the temperature varies from point to point on the sky versus the angular frequency. This spectrum answers fundamental questions about the nature of the Universe. → cosmic microwave background anisotropy; → dipole anisotropy.

angular; → power; → spectrum.

angular resolution
  واگشود ِ زاویه‌ای   
vâgošud-e zâviye-yi

Fr.: résolution angulaire   

Of a telescope, the smallest angle betwwen two → point sources that produces distinct images. It depends on both the wavelength at which observations are made and on the diameter of the telescope. Same as → spatial resolution.

angular; → resolution.

angular separation
  جدایی ِ زاویه‌ای   
jodâyiye zâviye-yi

Fr.: séparation angulaire   

Same as → angular distance.

angular; → separation.

angular size distance
  اپست ِ زاویه‌ای   
apest-e zâviye-yi

Fr.: distance angulaire   

Same as → angular diameter distance.

angular; → size; → distance.

angular velocity
  تندا‌ی ِ زاویه‌ای   
tondâ-ye zâviye-yi

Fr.: vitesse angulaire   

A measure of the angular displacement per unit time. Of a particle traveling on a circular path or a rotating body, the ratio of the angle traversed to the amount of time it takes to traverse that angle: ω = dθ/dt. For a rigid body, all lines in it rotate through the same angle in the same time, and the angular velocity is the characteristic of the body as a whole. The angular velocity is related to the linear velocity by the equation v = rω, where r is the distance of the point from the rotation axis. → vector angular velocity.

angular; → velocity.

jânevar (#)

Fr.: animal   

Any living creature that is distinguished from plants by independent movement and responsive sense organs.

From L. animale "living being, being which breathes," neuter of animalis "animate, living; of the air," from anima "breath; soul; breeze," cognate with Pers. jân, as below.

Jânevar, jânvar, Mid.Pers. gyânwar "animal; animate," literally "living, alive; quick," from jân, Mid.Pers. (+ prefix *ui-) gyân "(breathing) soul," gyânig "spiritual, vital;" Av. viiānayā "spirit(ness)"; Proto-Iranian *HanH- "to breathe" cf. Skt. ani- "to breathe," aniti "breathes;" Gk. anemos "wind;" L. animus "soul, spirit," anima "breeze, breath, soul;" Goth. uz-anan "to exhale" (Cheung 2007) + -e epenthesis + -var possession suffix; also hen o hen "to pant;" dialects, e.g. Lori, Kurd., henâs, henâsa "breath," henowša "panting."


Fr.: animer   

1) To give life to; make alive; make lively or vigorous; give motion to.
2) To give an image or cartoon character the appearance of movement using animation techniques.

From L. animatus p.p. of animare "give breath to," also "to endow with a particular spirit, to give courage to," from anima "life, breath"  L. animus "soul, spirit," anima "breeze, breath, soul;" Goth. uz-anan "to exhale;" Gk. anemos "wind;" PIE root *ane- "to blow, to breathe;" cognate with Pers. jân "vital spirit, soul, mind," as below.

Farhanidan, from far- perfection prefix + han variant of jân "vital spirit, soul;" hen o hen "to pant;" Lori, Kurd., henâs, henâsa "breath," henowša "panting;" Mid.Pers. (+ prefix *ui-) gyân "(breathing) soul," gyânig "spiritual, vital;" Av. viiānayā "spirit(ness);" Proto-Iranian *HanH- "to breathe" cf. Skt. ani- "to breathe," aniti "breathes;" Gk. and L., as above, + -idan infinitive suffix.


Fr.: animation   

1) An act or instance of animating or enlivening; the state or condition of being animated.
2) The technique of imaging successive drawings or positions of cartoons to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence.

animate; → -tion.

ânion (#)

Fr.: anion   

A → negatively charged → ion or → radical. Anions in a liquid subjected to electric potential are attracted toward the → anode. See also → cation.

From Gk. anienai "to go up," from an-, from → ana- "up," + -i-, from ire, eo "to go, walk," cf. Pers. ây-, → assembly, + -on, as in → ion.

  انیزوبیراهی، انیزوبیراهمندی   
anizobirâhi, anizobirâhmandi

Fr.: anisoplanatisme   

In an imaging system, the dependence of its performance on field angle. In other words, the spatial variability of the → point spread function for off-axis sources.

an- + → isoplanatism.


Fr.: anisoplanicité   

The departure from → isoplanicity.

an-; → isoplanicity.


Fr.: anisotrope   

Describing a medium in which certain physical properties are different in different directions.

anisotropy; → -ic.

anisotropic homogeneous cosmological model
  مدل ِ کیهانشناختی ِ همگن و نا-ایزوگرد   
model-e keyhânšenâxti-ye hamgen o nâ-izogard

Fr.: modèle cosmiologique homogène mais anisotrope   

A solution to Einstein's theory of → general relativity that is spatially homogeneous but allows for rotation and/or shear. See also → Bianchi cosmological model.

anisotropic; → homogeneous; → cosmological; → model.

  ناهمسانگردی، نا-ایزوگردی   
nâhamsângardi, nâ-izogardi

Fr.: anisotropie   

A variation in a property with direction, e.g. → cosmic microwave background anisotropy, → dipole anisotropy.

From → an-, privative prefix, + → isotropy.

quzak (#)

Fr.: cheville   

1) (in humans) The joint between the foot and the leg, in which movement occurs in two planes.
2) The corresponding joint in a quadruped or bird; hock (

M.E. ankel, enkel, cognate with M.L.G., Du. enkel, O.H.G. anchal, enchil, O.Norse okkul.

Quzak, from quz, variant of kuž "humped," → convex.

nâbudi (#)

Fr.: annihilation   

The process in which the entire → mass of → two colliding → particles, one of → matter and one of → antimatter, is → converted into → radiant energy in the form of → gamma rays. See also → annihilation operator.

L. annihilatus, p.p. of annihilare "to reduce to nothing," from ad- "to" + nihil "nothing," from ne- "not" + hilum "small thing, trifle"

Nâbudi, from nâ- "not" + bud "to be, exist," from budan "to be, exist" + -i noun forming suffix.

annihilation operator
  آپارگر ِ نابودی   
âpârgar-e nâbudi

Fr.: opérateur d'annihilation   

In → quantum field theory, the operator that lowers → eigenstates one → energy level, contrarily to the → creation operator.

annihilation; → operator.


Fr.: annoncer   

To make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of (

M.E., from M.Fr. anoncer, O.Fr. anoncier "announce, proclaim," from L. annuntiare, adnuntiare "to announce, relate," literally "to bring news," from → ad- "to" + nuntiare "relate, report," from nuntius "messenger."

žâyidan, from prefix â- + Sogd., Munji žây- "to speak, to say," Yaghnobi žoy- "to read, sing," Yazghulami γay- "to call," Pers. (prefixed) afqân "lamentation, groaning;" Av. gā- "to sing," pairi.gā.vacah- "who sings the words around," bərəzi.gāθra- "singing high," gāθə- "song, gāthā;" cf. Skt. gā- "to sing;" O.Russ. gajati "to croak (ravens)"; Lith. giedoti "to sing" (Cheung 2007).


Fr.: annuel   

Covering the period of a year; occurring or happening every year or once a year.

Annual, from M.Fr. annuel, from L.L. annualis, blend of L. annuus "yearly," from annus "year" and L. annalis "yearly," from annus "year," from PIE *atnos, from *at- "to go" (Skt. a'tati "he goes, wanders").

Sâlâné, from sâl, → year, + âné "-ly".

annual aberration
  بیراهش ِ سالانه   
birâheš-e sâlâné

Fr.: aberration annuelle   

The apparent, small displacement in position of a star during the year due to the → aberration of starlight. It depends on the → celestial latitude, and its maximum value is about 20''.50. See also → constant of aberration; → aberration orbit.

annual; → aberration.

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