An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 972

Fr.: aspérité   

1) Roughness or unevenness of surface.
2) Physics: A microscopic projection on a metal surface resulting from normal surface finishing processes.
3) Geology: A site on a → fault surface where the two sides are held together by an area of higher strength than the areas surrounding it. When the stress on the fault exceeds the strength of the asperity, the asperity fails as an → earthquake.

M.E. asperite, from O.Fr. asperité "difficulty, painful situation," from L. asperitas, from asper "rough, harsh," of unknown origin.

From zaft "thick, gross, rude," (Steingass, Dehxodâ), + noun suffix -i.

hamâyeš (#)

Fr.: assemblée   

A company of persons gathered for a common reason, as for deliberation, legislation, worship, or entertainment.
The act of assembling; the state of being assembled.

M.E. assemblee, from M.Fr., from O.Fr., from assembler "to gather together."

Hamâyeš, from ham- "together," → com- + âyeš "coming," from ây- present stem of âmadan "to come;" O.Pers. aitiy "goes;" Av. ay- "to go, to come," aēiti "goes;" cf. Skt. e- "to come near," eti "arrival;" Gk. eimi "I go," L. ire "to go, walk," eo "I go;" Tokharian AB i-; PIE *ei- "to go, to walk."


Fr.: affirmer   

To state with assurance, confidence, or force; state strongly or positively; affirm.

From L. assertus, p.p. of asserere/adserere "to claim, lay claim to, declare," from → ad- "to" + serere "to join together, range in a row," from PIE root *ser- (2) "to line up."

Sotvârdan from sotvâr, ostovâr "firm, reliable," Mid.Pers. awestwâr, ôst "firm, reliable," O.Pers./Av. sta- "to stand; set," (Av. hištaiti, cf. Skt. sthâ- "to stand," Gk. histemi "put, place, weigh," stasis "a standing still," L. stare "to stand"); PIE base *sta- "to stand."


Fr.: affirmation   

The act of asserting or something that is asserted.

assert; → -tion.


Fr.: assigner   

1) To give or allocate; allot.
2) To give out or announce as a task.
3) To designate; name; specify (

M.E. assignen, from O.Fr. assiginer "assign; appoint legally; allot," from L. assignare "to mark out, to allot by sign," from → ad- "to" + signare "to make a sign," from signum "mark," → sign

Nešârdan, from neš, → sign, + nuance suffix -âr.


Fr.: rendez-vous, attribution   

1) An appointment for a meeting.
2) The act of assigning; → assignment (

Verbal noun of → assign.


Fr.: mission, attribution, allocation, affectation   

1) An act of assigning; appointment.
2) Something assigned, as a particular task or duty.
3) A position of responsibility, post of duty, or the like, to which one is appointed (

Verbal noun of → assign.

  ۱) آهزیدن؛ ۲) آهزیده شدن؛ ۳) آهزگار   
1) âhazidan; 2) âhazide šodan; 3) âhazgâr

Fr.: 1a) associer; 1b) s'associer; 2) associé; allié   

1) ( To join or connect together; to bring together or into relationship in any of various intangible ways (as in memory or imagination). → dissociate.
2) (v.intr.) To come or be together as partners, friends, or join with other parts.
3) A person joined with another or others in business or at work; something that usually accompanies another thing.

M.E. associat "associated," from L. associatus, p.p. of associare "to unite," from ad- + sociare "to join," from socius "ally, companion" ("follower"); PIE base *sekw- "to follow."

Âhazidan, from â- prefix + hazidan "to associate, accompany, follow," from Av. hac-, hax- "to associate, follow, accompany" (hacenay- "getting together, association," haxay-, hašy-, haš- "friend"), hacaiti "follows;" hacā "from, out of;" O.Pers. hacā "from" (Mid.Pers. hâz- "to lead, guide," hac "from;" Mod.Pers. az "from"); PIE base *sekw- "to follow;" cf. Skt. sac- "to be associated or united with," sácate "accompanies, follows," sácā "with;" Gk. hepesthai "to follow;" L. sequi "to follow."
Âhazgâr, from âhaz- present stem of âhazidan + agent noun suffix -gâr, → -or, as in âmuzgâr, parhizgâr, sâzgâr, âmizgâr, sepuzgâr.

associated molecular cloud
  ابر ِ مولکولی ِ آهزیده   
abr-e molekuli-ye âhazidé

Fr.: nuage moléculaire associé   

A → molecular cloud that is physically or apparently related to a star formation region.

associate; → molecular; → cloud.

  آهزش؛ انجمن   
âhazeš; anjoman (#)

Fr.: association   

1) The act of associating, → associate; the state of being associated.
2) A group of → astronomical objects physically or apparently gathered in a particular area of sky, for example an → stellar association.
3) An organization of persons having a common interest. → dissociation.

Association, noun from → associate.

Âhazeš, verbal noun of → âhazidanassociate. Anjoman, for the meaning 3, from Mid.Pers. anjaman, from Av. han-jamana, from han- "together" + jamana, from gam- "to come;" cf. Skt. samgamana "gathering together."

association member
  هموند ِ آهزش   
hamvand-e âhazeš

Fr.: membre d'une association   

A celestial body making part of an astronomical association.

association; → member.

  آهزشی، آهزنده   
âhazeši, âhazandé

Fr.: associatif   

1) Of, characterized by, resulting from, or causing association.
2) In a mathematical operation, being independent of the sequence in which the elements are grouped. For ex., if a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, the operation indicated by + (addition) is associative.

Adj. from associate.

associative algebra
  جبر ِ آهزشی   
jabr-e âhazeši

Fr.: algèbre associative   

An algebra whose multiplication is associative.

associative; → algebra.

associative axiom
  بنداشت ِ آهزش   
bondâšt-e âhazeš

Fr.: axiome d'associativité   

A basic rule in → group theory stating that if a, b and c are members of a group then (a * b) * c and a * (b * c) are members of the group.

associative; → axiom.

associative law
  قانون ِ آهزشی   
qânun-e âhazeši

Fr.: loi associative   

In mathematics, the rule that states that the result of two identical operations is independent of the sequence of these operations. For ex., in the addition operation, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c = a + b + c. Multiplication of numbers is also associative.

associative; → law.


Fr.: associativité   

Of or relating to association; state of being associative.

associative + → -ity.

  آگربیدن، فرض کردن، فرضیدن   
âgarbidan, farz kardan, farzidan (#)

Fr.: supposer   

To take as granted or true; suppose.

M.E., from L. assumere "to take up," from ad- "to, up" + sumere "to take," from sub "under" + emere "to take."

Âgarbidan, from âgarb, → assumption.

  آگرب، فرض   
âgarb, farz (#)

Fr.: supposition   

A fact or statement (as a proposition, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted.

M.E., from L.L. assumption, assumptio "taking up," from L. assumere, → assume.

Âgarb, from â-, nuance prefix, + garb, from Av./O.Pers. grab-, Av. gərəb- "to take, to seize;" cf. Mod.Pers. gereftan "to take; to assume;" Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, to take," graha "seizing, holding, perceiving;" M.L.G. grabben "to grab;" E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE *ghrebh- "to seize."
Ar. farz "assumption, hypothesis."


Fr.: assurance   

A positive declaration intended to give confidence; promise or pledge; guaranty; surety (

assure; → -ance.


Fr.: assurer   

1) To declare earnestly to; inform or tell positively; state with confidence to.
2) To give confidence to; encourage.

M.E. as(e)uren, assuren, from O.Fr. aseurer, from L.L. assecurare, from as-, variant of → ad-, + secur-, → secure, + -a- thematic vowel, + -re infinitive suffix.

Âtenzidan, from â- intensive prefix, + tenz, → sure, + -idan infinitive suffix, → -ize.

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