An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < -es -it -sc 201 951 abe abs abs aca acc acc aco act ada adh ado aer aft air Alf alg alk alp Alt alt amb ana And ang ani ann ant ant ant apo app app Apu arc arg Arn art ass ast ast ast atm ato att aur aut avo azi bac bal bar bar bat Bea Bel bet bia big bin bio Bir bla bla blo Blu bol Boo bou box bre Bri bro bur cal cal Can cap car Car cat cau cel cen cen cha Cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ cla clo clo CMB coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con coo cor cor cor Cos cos cos cou cou cra cri cro cry cul cur cyc D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec def def deg Del Den dep der det deu dew dic dif dif dil dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dog Dop dou Dra Dsc dus dwa dyn Dys Ear ecc eco edg egg Ein Ela ele ele ele ele ell eme emp enc eng ent epi equ equ equ eru eth Eur eve exa exc exe exi exo exp ext ext ext fab fai Fan fea fem fer fie fil fir fir fla fli flu foc for for for fra fre fre fri fun fuz gal gal gal Gam gau Gau gen geo geo geo geo Gib glo gov gra gra gra gra gre gro Gui H-a hal Ham har Hay hea hei hel Hel her het hie hig hoa hom hor hot Hub Hug hur hyd hyd hyl hyp ice ide ima ima imp imp inc inc ind ine inf inf inf ing inn ins ins int int int int int int int int inv inv ion iro Isl iso iso Jab jet Jov Jup Kar Kep kil Kip Kra Lag Lam Lan Lar las law lea Leg Leo lev lig lim lin lin lin lit loc loc log Lor low lum lun lun Lym Mac mag mag mag mag mag mai Mal map mas mas mat Mau mea mea med Men mer Mes Met met mic mic Mie mil min Mir mix mod mol mom Moo mor mov mul mur n-b nan nat nea neg Ner neu new New NGC noc nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut obj obl obs occ oct off old one ope opp opt opt orb ord org Ori osc oth ove Owl P-s Pal par par par par Pas pat pec pen per per per per per Pha pha pho pho pho phy pie pix Pla pla pla pla Pli Poi pol pol pol pol por pos pos pow pre pre pre pre pri pri pri pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pub pul pyc qua qua qua qua qui rad rad rad rad rad rad rai ran rar Ray rea Rea rec rec red red ref ref reg rel rel rel ren res res res res ret rev Ric rig rin roc roo rot rot rur S5- Sal sat sca sca Sch sci Scu sec sec sed sel sel sem seq set sha she sho sid sie sil sim sin sit sky slo sno sod sol sol sol sol son sou spa spa spe spe spe spe sph spi spo squ sta sta sta sta ste ste ste Sti sto str str sub sub sub sul sup sup sup sup sur sur syl syn sys tal Tay tel ten ter tex the the the the Tho thr tid tim Tit too Tor tra tra Tra tra Tra tri Tri tru tub tur two Typ ult ult unc uni uni uni upl ura uti val var vec vel ver Ver vie vir vis vis vol W-R war wav wav wea Wei wha wid win WN3 Wol wri xen yok zen zij > >>

Number of Results: 13176 Search : far
CMB lensing
  لنزش ِ CMB   
lenzeš-e CMB

Fr.: effet de lentille du rayonnement du fond cosmique, ~ ~ du CMB   

The gravitational effect of the intervening large-scale potentials on the → cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). This effect smoothes out the temperature peaks and alters the statistics of the CMB.

CMB; → lensing.

CN molecule
  مولکول ِ CN   
molekul-e CN

Fr.: molécule CN   

The simplest molecule formed by the → cyano radical. The CN molecule is of considerable astrophysical importance, since many of its transition lines/bands are observed in various astronomical objects: interstellar medium, comets, various stars such as late-type F and G-dwarfs, and late-type giants. CN was the second interstellar molecule, after → CH (methylidine), to be identified; toward the bright star → Zeta Ophiuchi at ultraviolet wavelengths (A. McKellar, 1940 ASP Conf. Ser. 52, 187). CN was also one of the earliest molecules to be detected in other galaxies (Henkel et al. 1988, A&A 201L, 23).

cyano-; → molecule.


Fr.: CNO   

Referring to → carbon, → nitrogen, and → oxygen, as in → CNO cycle and → CNO star.


CNO cycle
  چرخه‌یِ CNO   
carxe-ye CNO (#)

Fr.: cycle CNO   

A series of → nuclear reactions taking place in stars in which → carbon, → nitrogen, and → oxygen are used to transform → hydrogen into → helium. In → massive stars the carbon cycle is the dominant process of energy generation, whereas in → low-mass stars such as the Sun, the → proton-proton chain of reactions converts hydrogen into helium. The carbon cycle starts and ends with carbon-12, which acts as a catalyst in the sequential production of helium from hydrogen; neutrinos and gamma rays are also produced.

CNO; → cycle.

CNO star
  ستاره‌ی ِ CNO   
setâre-ye CNO

Fr.: étoile CNO   

A late → O-type star or an early → B-type star in whose spectrum the lines of some of the elements → carbon (C), → nitrogen (N), and → oxygen (O) are present.

CNO; → star.

CO formation
  دیسش ِ CO   
diseš-e CO

Fr.: formation de CO   

The chemical reaction that gives rise to → carbon monoxide in the → interstellar medium. According to models, several processes may lead to CO formation. For example, HCO+ + e → CO + H. The molecule HCO+ is itself produced through several paths, for example: H3+ + C → CH2+ + H, CH2+ + H2 → CH3+ + H, CH3+ + O → HCO+ + H. Alternatively: C+ + H2O → HCO+ + H. Another possibility: C+ + OH → CO+ + H, CO+ + H2→ HCO+ + H.

carbon monoxide; → formation.

CO ladder
  نردبان ِ CO   
nardebân-e CO

Fr.: échelle CO   

A spectral line energy distribution which plots the intensity of each → carbon monoxide (CO) transition as a function of the upper J number. This type of → diagram is a powerful diagnostic tool, where models show that these CO ladders have very different shapes depending on the type of excitation (i.e. photon dominated region, PDR or X-ray dominated region, XDR) as well as density and radiation environment.

carbon monoxide (CO); → ladder.

ham- (#)

Fr.: co-   


co-added image
  وینه‌ی ِ هم‌افزوده، تصویر ِ ~   
vine-ye hamafzudé, tasvir-e ~

Fr.: image intégrée   

An image made up of several individual images of relatively short exposure times which are added together in order to produce a final image of higher quality.

Co-added, from → co- "together" + added p.p. of → add; → image.

Tasvir, → image; hamafzudé from ham- "together", → com-, + afzudé p.p. of afzudan, → add.

co-formation theory
  نگره‌ی ِ هم-دیسش   
negare-ye ham-diseš

Fr.: théorie de co-formation   

A theory according to which the Earth and Moon formed from the → protoplanetary disk at the same time. See also → giant impact hypothesis, → capture theory, → fission theory.

co-; → formation; → theory.


Fr.: co-orbital   

Of or relating to two or more celestial bodies that share, or almost share, the same orbit.

co-; → orbital.

co-orbital motion
  جنبش ِ هم‌مداری   
jonbeš-e ham-madâri

Fr.: mouvement co-orbital   

The motion of two or more bodies around the Sun on different orbits when it takes them the same amount of time to complete one revolution. There are three possible types of co-orbital motions of a small body associated with a planet: → tadpole orbits, → horseshoe orbits, and → quasi-satellite orbits.

co-orbital; → motion.

co-orbital satellite
  ماهواره‌ی ِ هم‌مدار، بنده‌وار ِ ~   
mâhvâre-ye ham-madâr, bandevâr-e ~

Fr.: satellite co-orbital   

Any of satellites which either share the same orbit or which occupy immediately adjacent orbits that change periodically as the satellites approach one another (Ellis et al., 2007, Planetary Ring Systems, Springer).

co-orbital; → satellite.

  هم‌مداری؛ هم‌مدار   
ham-madâri; ham-madâr

Fr.: co-orbitage; c-orbitant, co-orbiteur   

The action or quality of a → co-orbiting asteroid.

From co- "together," → com- + → orbit + → -ing.

From ham- "together," → com- + madârorbit + -i noun suffix.

co-orbiting asteroid
  سیارک ِ هم‌مدار   
sayyârak-e ham-madâr

Fr.: astéroïde co-orbiteur   

An asteroid having a → co-orbital motion.

co-orbiting; → asteroid.

co-rotational limit (CoRol)
  حد ِ هم-چرخشی   
hadd-e ham-carxeši

Fr.: limite co-rotationnelle   

For any rotating planetary body, a thermal limit beyond which the → rotational velocity at the equator intersects the → Keplerian orbital velocity. Beyond this corotation limit, a hot planetary body forms a structure, called a → synestia, with a corotating inner region connected to a disk-like outer region. Beyond this limit a body cannot have a single → angular velocity. It can instead exhibit a range of morphologies with disk-like outer regions. The (CoRoL is a function that depends upon the composition, thermal state, → angular momentum and mass of a body (Simon J. Lock nd Sarah T. Stewart, 2017, arXiv:1705.07858v1).

co-; → rotational; → limit.

  ماسیدن، رچیدن، لخته بستن   
mâsidan, rocidan, laxté bastan

Fr.: coaguler   

1) ( Generally, of liquids, to change into a thickened mass, curdle; congeal.
2) Biology, Medicine: of blood, to form a clot.
3) Physical chemistry: of colloidal particles, to flocculate or cause to flocculate.
4) Astrophysics: of dust grains in the interstellar medium and protoplanetary disks, to grow into larger entities. → dust coagulation.

Mâsidan "to coagulate, clot," originally "of milk, to turn into yogurt," mâst "clotted milk, yogurt;" Gilaki mas, Lori mâs, Kurd. mâzd, mâst, Sangesari must, Baluchi madhagh, mastagh; Mid.Pers. mâs- "to coagulate, become hard;" cf. Skt. mástu- "milk cream," Arm. macum "soar milk," macanim "to clot, congeal."
Rocidan from Lori roc "congealed," rocesse "to congeal, clot."
Laxté bastin lit. "coagulate into (solid) piece," from laxté "piece, part, portion," + bastan "to coagulate, congeal; to bind, shut" (Mid.Pers. bastan/vastan "to bind, shut," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," banda- "band, tie," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind).

  ماسش، رچش، لخته بندی   
mâseš, roceš, laxté bandi

Fr.: coagulation   

Verbal noun from → coagulate.
Physical chemistry: A separation or precipitation of particles from a dispersed state in a colloid solution.
Astrophysics: The mechanism by which dust grains grow into larger entities in the interstellar medium and protoplanetary disks. → dust coagulation.

Verbal noun from → coagulate.

zoqâlsang (#)

Fr.: charbon, houille   

A black, hard mineral consisting of carbon and various carbon compounds. Coal is formed from the decomposition of ancient plants buried deep in the Earth's crust for millions of years. It is currently the most widely used substance to generate electricity and heat. Its combustion products are used as raw material for a variety of products including cement, asphalt, and plastics. Due to the harmful gases that it releases, the use of coal is constantly being reduced as alternative fuels are found.

M.E. cole, from O.E. col "charcoal, live coal;" (cf. O.Fr. kole, M.Du. cole, Du. kool, O.H.G. chol, Ger. Kohle, from PIE root *g(e)u-lo- "live coal" (cf. Irish gual "coal").

From zoqâl, → charcoal, + sang, → stone.

Coal Sack
  گونی ِ زغال   
Guni-ye Zoqâl (#)

Fr.: sac de charbon   

A prominent → dark nebula visible to the naked eye as a dark patch silhouetted against the starry band of → Milky Way in the Southern sky. It obscures an area of about 5 by 7 degrees on the sky and extends beyond the borders of → Crux into neighboring → constellations → Centaurus and → Musca. It lies at a distance of approximately 500 → light-years.

coal; sack, from M.E., from O.E. sacc, from L. saccus, from Gk. sakkos, of Semitic origin (cf. Heb. saq "sack").

Guni "sack;" zoqâl, → charcoal.

<< < -es -it -sc 201 951 abe abs abs aca acc acc aco act ada adh ado aer aft air Alf alg alk alp Alt alt amb ana And ang ani ann ant ant ant apo app app Apu arc arg Arn art ass ast ast ast atm ato att aur aut avo azi bac bal bar bar bat Bea Bel bet bia big bin bio Bir bla bla blo Blu bol Boo bou box bre Bri bro bur cal cal Can cap car Car cat cau cel cen cen cha Cha cha che Chi chr cir cir civ cla clo clo CMB coa coe coh col col col com com com com com com com com Com con con con con con con con con con con con con coo cor cor cor Cos cos cos cou cou cra cri cro cry cul cur cyc D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec def def deg Del Den dep der det deu dew dic dif dif dil dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dog Dop dou Dra Dsc dus dwa dyn Dys Ear ecc eco edg egg Ein Ela ele ele ele ele ell eme emp enc eng ent epi equ equ equ eru eth Eur eve exa exc exe exi exo exp ext ext ext fab fai Fan fea fem fer fie fil fir fir fla fli flu foc for for for fra fre fre fri fun fuz gal gal gal Gam gau Gau gen geo geo geo geo Gib glo gov gra gra gra gra gre gro Gui H-a hal Ham har Hay hea hei hel Hel her het hie hig hoa hom hor hot Hub Hug hur hyd hyd hyl hyp ice ide ima ima imp imp inc inc ind ine inf inf inf ing inn ins ins int int int int int int int int inv inv ion iro Isl iso iso Jab jet Jov Jup Kar Kep kil Kip Kra Lag Lam Lan Lar las law lea Leg Leo lev lig lim lin lin lin lit loc loc log Lor low lum lun lun Lym Mac mag mag mag mag mag mai Mal map mas mas mat Mau mea mea med Men mer Mes Met met mic mic Mie mil min Mir mix mod mol mom Moo mor mov mul mur n-b nan nat nea neg Ner neu new New NGC noc nom non non nor nor nuc nuc nul nut obj obl obs occ oct off old one ope opp opt opt orb ord org Ori osc oth ove Owl P-s Pal par par par par Pas pat pec pen per per per per per Pha pha pho pho pho phy pie pix Pla pla pla pla Pli Poi pol pol pol pol por pos pos pow pre pre pre pre pri pri pri pro pro pro pro pro pro pro pub pul pyc qua qua qua qua qui rad rad rad rad rad rad rai ran rar Ray rea Rea rec rec red red ref ref reg rel rel rel ren res res res res ret rev Ric rig rin roc roo rot rot rur S5- Sal sat sca sca Sch sci Scu sec sec sed sel sel sem seq set sha she sho sid sie sil sim sin sit sky slo sno sod sol sol sol sol son sou spa spa spe spe spe spe sph spi spo squ sta sta sta sta ste ste ste Sti sto str str sub sub sub sul sup sup sup sup sur sur syl syn sys tal Tay tel ten ter tex the the the the Tho thr tid tim Tit too Tor tra tra Tra tra Tra tri Tri tru tub tur two Typ ult ult unc uni uni uni upl ura uti val var vec vel ver Ver vie vir vis vis vol W-R war wav wav wea Wei wha wid win WN3 Wol wri xen yok zen zij > >>