An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1358
compact radio source
  خن ِ رادیویی ِ همپک   
xan-e râdioyi-ye hampak

Fr.: source radio compacte   

An object emitting intense energy in radio wavelength from a small, unresolved central region.

compact; → radio source.

compact space
  فضای ِ همپک   
fazâ-ye hampak

Fr.: espace compact   

A topological space for which every collection of open sets that covers the space has a finite subset that also covers the space.

compact; → space.


Fr.: compactification   

1) Math.: A process applied to topological spaces having many dimensions to make them compact spaces.
2) Physics: In string theory, the process of "curling up" the extra dimensions (six in the superstring theory). According to these theories, the Universe actually has 10 spatial dimensions but that 7 of them have become "compactified" down to subatomic size and thus are unobservable.

Compactification, n. from → compactify.


Fr.: compactifier   

Verbal form of → compactification.

Compactify, from → compact + -ify "cause to become," M.E. -fien, from O.Fr. -fier, from L. -ficare, root of facere "to make, do;" PIE base *dhe- "to put, to do" (cf. Skt. dadhati "puts, places;" Av. dadaiti "he puts," O.Pers. ada "he made," Gk. tithenai "to put, set, place."


Fr.: compactage   

1) The act of compacting or the state of being compacted.
2) Geology: The physical process whereby the volume of a fixed mass of sediment reduces either by the weight of overlying deposits or by the pressure of earth movements.

compact; → -tion.

  همپکی، همپکیدگی   
hampaki, hampakidegi

Fr.: compacité   

1) General: The quality of being compact.
2) For a → compact object, a rough measure of the importance of gravity, defined by a dimension-less quantity which is the ratio between its gravitational radius (→ Schwarzschild radius) and its physical radius. It is expressed as φ = 2 GM / c2 R, where M and R are the mass and radius of the object respectively, and G and c are the → gravitational constant and speed of light respectively. For a → black hole  φ is of order unity (by definition), for a → white dwarf it is of order 10-4, and for a → neutron star  φ is around 0.5.

compact + → -ness.

hamdam (#)

Fr.: compagnon   

The fainter of the two components in a → binary system.

Companion from O.Fr. compaignon "fellow, mate," from L.L. companionem, lit. "bread fellow, messmate," from L. → com- "with" + panis "bread."

Hamdam "bearthing together, i.e. an intimate companion, friend," from ham- "with", → com- + dam "breath," Mod.Pers./Mid.Pers. damidan "to breathe, blow," Av. dāδmainya- "blowing up," cp. Skt. dham- "to blow," dhamati "he bows," Proto-Indo-Iranian *dhamH-, Proto-Iranian *damH- "to blow, breathe; to swell," PIE *dhemH- "to blow."

companion of Sirius
  همدم ِ تیشتر   
hamdam-e Tištar

Fr.: compagnon de Sirius   

A faint star of 8th magnitude in a binary system with → Sirius. Called also Sirius B, it is a → white dwarf with a mass comparable to that of the Sun, but with a diameter smaller than that of the Earth. The mean distance between the stars is about 20 A.U. (angular separation 4.6 seconds of arc), and their period of revolution about 50 years. This star was discovered in 1844 by Friedrich Bessel, who noticed that Sirius had a slight wobbling motion, as if it was orbiting an unseen object. In 1863, the optician and telescope maker Alvan Clark spotted the companion. The star was later determined to be a → white dwarf.

companion; → Sirius.

hamsanješi (#)

Fr.: comparatif   

1) Of or relating to comparison.
2) Proceeding by, founded on, or using comparison as a method of study.
3) Grammar: Being, noting, or pertaining to the intermediate degree of the comparison of adjectives, as better and more beautiful, the comparative forms of good and beautiful, and of adverbs, as nearer and more carefully, the comparative forms of near and carefully (

comparison; → -ive.


Fr.: comparateur   

A device that compares the measured property of an object (position, shape, color, brightness) with a standard. → blink comparator.

L.L. comparator "comparer," from compara, → compare, + -tor suffix forming personal agent nouns, cf. Gk. -tor, Skt. -tar.

Hamsanjgar, agent noun from hamsanjidancomparison.

hamsanjidan (#)

Fr.: comparer   

To examine in order to note similarities and differences.

From O.Fr. comparer, from L. comparare "to match, make equal with, liken," from → com- "with" + parare "to make or esteem equal," from par "equal."

Sanjidan "to compare; to measure," from Mid.Pers. sanjidan "to weigh," from present tense stem sanj-, Av. θanj- "to draw, pull;" Proto-Iranian *θanj-. Other terms from this base in Pers.: lanjidan "to pull up," hanjidan, âhanjidan "to draw out," farhang "education, culture."

hamsanješ (#)

Fr.: comparaison   

The act of comparing or the process of being compared.

From O.Fr. comparaison from L. comparationem, from p.p. stem of comparare, → compare.

Hamsanješ, from hamsanj present tense stem of hamsanjidan, → compare, + verbal noun suffix.

comparison spectrum
  بیناب ِ هم‌سنجش   
binâb-e hamsanješ

Fr.: spectre de comparaison   

A spectrum of known substances used as a standard of comparison for investigating spectra of celestial objects.

comparison; → spectrum.

comparison star
  ستاره‌ی ِ هم‌سنجش   
setâre-ye hamsanješ

Fr.: étoile de comparaison   

A non-variable star used to monitor the variations of another nearby star.

comparison; → star.

qotbnemâ (#)

Fr.: compas magnétique   

A device for determining directions, as by means of a freely rotating → magnetic needle that indicates → magnetic north.

M.E. compas, from O.Fr. compas "circle, pair of compasses," from compasser "to go around, measure," from V.L. *compassare "to pace out," from L. → com- "together" + passus "a step."

Qotbnemâ, literally "pole indicator," from qotb, → pole, + nemâ "indicator, showing," from nemudan "to show," → display.

compass needle
  سوزن ِ قطبنما   
suzan-e qotbnemâ (#)

Fr.: aiguille de compas magnétique   

The needle in a → magnetic compass.

compass; → needle.

pargâr (#)

Fr.: compas   

An instrument that consists of two arms, joined at the top, one arm of which serves as a stationary reference point or pivot, while the other describes a circle or is extended. It is used for measuring angles, transferring lengths, and drawing circumferences. Also pair of compasses.


Pargâr "a pair of compasses," from Proto-Ir. *pari-kar- "to draw around, to plough around," from *pari- "around, round about" (Mod.Pers. par-, pirâ-, cognate with Gk. peri-), → circum-, + *kar-, karš- "to draw (a furrow), till, plant" (Mod.Pers. kašidan "to draw," kâštan, kâridan "to plant"); Lori, Hamadâni kerr "line, scratch;" Laki keronen, Hamadâni kerândan "to pull along, drag;" Tâleši kernye; Tabari kərəš "to drag;" cf. Av. pairikara- "a furrow round about," Skt. parikara- "girdle, waist-band, zone."

sâzgâri (#)

Fr.: compatibilité   

General: The fact or conditions of existing or working together.
Informatics: The ability of a software or peripheral device to function with another computer or computer system without modification.

Noun from → compatible.

sâzgâr (#)

Fr.: compatible   

Capable of existing harmoniously with another or others.
Informatics: of a software or peripheral device, capable of working with another computer or computer system without modification.

M.Fr. compatible, from M.L. compatibilis, literally "sympathetic," from L.L. compati, from → com- "together" + pati "to suffer, undergo;" PIE base *pe(i)- "to hurt" (cf. Skt. pijati "reviles, scorns," Gk. pema "ruin, affliction," Av. pâman- "scab; skin disease") + -ible, → -able.

Sâzgâr variant sâzkâr "consonant, in accordance, agreeing," from sâz- present tense stem of sâzidan, sâxtan "to adapt, adjust, be fit; to build, make, fashion," Mid.Pers. sâxtan, sâz-, Manichean Parthian s'c'dn "to prepare, to form," Av. sak- "to understand, to mark," sâcaya- (causative) "to teach;" + agent suffix -gâr, variant -kâr, O.Pers. kara-, O.Pers./Av. kar- "to do, make, build," Av. kerenaoiti "makes," cf. Skt. kr- "to do, to make," krnoti "makes," karma "act, deed;" PIE base kwer- "to do, to make."

  واداریدن، وادارکردن   
vâdâridan, vâdâr kardan

Fr.: obliger, contraindre, forcer   

To force or oblige (someone) to do something.

M.E. compellen, from O.Fr. compellir and directly from L. compellere "to drive together, drive to one place" (of cattle), "to force or compel" (of persons), from → com- "together" + pellere "to drive."

Vadâridan, vâdâr kardan, from vâdâr present stem of vâdâštan "to keep back, restrain, oblige; to provoke, impel, instigate; to hide, conceal," from vâ-, → de-, + dâr-, dâštan "to hold, have, possess," → possession.

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