An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1358
hammarkaz (#)

Fr.: concentrique   

Having a common center, as circles or spheres.

From O.Fr. concentrique, from M.L. concentricus, from → com- "together" + centrum "circle, center."

ham- + centric, from → center

concentric lens
  عدسی ِ هم‌مرکز   
adasi-ye hammarkaz (#)

Fr.: lentille concentrique   

A lens having surfaces whose centers of curvature coincide.

concentric; → lens.


Fr.: concept   

1) Something → conceived in the → mind; a constituent of → thought.
2) The generic term for the members of a given → class of any sort, or the → term for the class itself. In other words, a unit of → knowledge abstracted from a set of characteristics or properties attributed to a class of objects, relations, or entities.

From M.L. conceptus "something conceived," p.p. of concipere "to take in," from → com- intensive prefix + cipere, combining form of capere "to take," PIE base *kap- "to grasp;" cf. Skt. kapati "two handfuls;" Gk. kaptein "to swallow;" O.Ir. cacht "servant-girl," literally "captive;" Goth. haban "have, hold;" O.E. habban "to have, hold;" Av. haf-, hap- "to keep, observe;" probably Mod.Pers. kapidan, qâpidan "to seize."

Begert "seized, taken, caught; supposed, imagined," from intensive prefix be- "to, for, in, on, with, by" (→ ad hoc) + gert, from gerté, variant of gerefté "seized, taken," from gereftan "to seize, take, catch; to suppose, imagine," as in Laki gert, gerten, Lori gereta, Kurd. girtin "to take, seize, catch;" Abyâne-yi geratan, Ardestâni girette, Abuzeydâbâdi grata; Mid.Pers. griftan, Av./O.Pers. grab- "to take, to seize," cf. Skt. grah-, grabh- "to seize, to take," graha "seizing, holding, perceiving;" M.L.G. grabben "to grab;" Gothic greipan, O.H.G. grifan, Ger. greifen "to seize," begreifen "to seize, understand," Begriff "concept;" E. grab "to take or grasp suddenly;" PIE *ghrebh- "to seize."

concept map
  نقشه‌ی ِ بگرتی   
naqše-ye begerti

Fr.: schéma conceptuel   

A chart showing a central concept with suggested relationships with other concepts, which are subtopics of the central concept. The map is ordered into a tree structure with multiple branches.

concept; → map.


Fr.: conception   

1) The act of conceiving; the state of being conceived.
2) The process of arriving at an abstract idea or belief.

Verbal noun of → conceive.

  بگرتال، بگرتی   
begertâl, begerti

Fr.: conceptuel   

Of, relating to, or consisting of concepts.

concept + → -al.

conceptual diagram
  نمودار ِ بگرتی   
nemudâr-e begerti

Fr.: schéma conceptuel   

Same as → concept map.

conceptual; → diagram.


Fr.: conceptualisme   

Any of several doctrines existing as a compromise between realism and nominalism and regarding universals as concepts (

conceptual; → -ism.

  بگرتالش، بگرتی-کرد   
begertâleš, begerti-kard

Fr.: conceptualisation   

The act or result of forming into a → concept.

conceptual + → -ize.

  بگرتالیدن، بگرتی کردن   
begertâlidan, begerti kardan

Fr.: conceptualiser   

To form a → concept of or to interpret conceptually.

conceptual + → -ize.

  ۱) هاژیدن، هاژه داشتن؛ ۲) هاژه   
1) hâžidan, hâžé dâštan; 2) hâžé

Fr.: 1) concerner, toucher, affecter; 2) rapport, relation   

1) To relate to; be connected with; be of interest or importance to; affect.
2a) Marked interest or regard usually arising through a personal tie or relationship.
2b) Matter for consideration.

M.E. concernen, from M.Fr. concerner, from M.L. concernere "to concern, touch, belong to," from L. concernere "to sift, mix, as in a sieve," from → com- "with" + cernere "to sift," hence "perceive, comprehend," → crisis.

Hâžidan (Dehxodâ, Steingass) "to look at, to see; to be distracted, at a loss" (on the model of E. regard, as regards, regarding), maybe ultimately from Proto-Ir. *Haxš- "to guard, supervise, to look, see;" cf. Av. aiβiiāxš- "to guard, supervise;" Mid.Pers. 'xšyn- "to hear;" Gazi b-âš "look!;" Yaghnobi yaxš- "to be seen, visible;" Skt. áksi- "eye;" Gk. osse "both eyes;" L. oculus "eye" (Cheung 2007).

  ۱) هاژیده؛ ۲) نگران   
1) hâžidé; 2) negarân

Fr.: 1) concerné; 2) inquiét, soucieux, affecté   

1a) Involved in something or affected by it.
1b) Having a connection or involvement; participating.
2) Troubled or anxious.

Past participle of → concern.

  هاژان ِ   

Fr.: concernant   

Relating to; regarding; about.

concern; → -ing.


Fr.: conclure   

To bring or come to an end; to determine, settle, or arrange finally.

From L. concluere "to close, end an argument," from → con- "together" + claudere "to close, shut," → include.

Âkolândan, from â- nuance/intensive prefix + kolândan "to shut," → include.


Fr.: conclusion   

1) The act of concluding; the end or last part.
2) Logic: Of an argument, the → sentence whose → truth is to be established.

Verbal noun of → conclude.

  آکلاننده، آکلان‌مند   
âkolânandé, âkolânmand

Fr.: concluant   

Serving to put an end to debate; decisive; definitive; convincing.

Adj. from → conclude.

hamsâzi (#)

Fr.: concorde   

Agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; unanimity; accord. → concordance.
Music: A stable, harmonious combination of tones.

From O.Fr. concorde, from L. concordia "agreement, union," from concors (gen. concordis) "of the same mind," literally "of the same heart, hearts together," from → com- "together" + cor "heart;" cf. Pers. del "heart;" Av. zərəd-; Skt. hrd-; Gk. kardia; Arm. sirt; P.Gmc. *khertan- (O.E. heorte, E. heart, Ger. Herz, Bret. kreiz "middle"); PIE base *kerd- "heart".

Hamsâzi, from ham-, → com-, + sâz "(musical) instrument; apparatus; harness; furniture," from sâzidan, sâxtan "to build, make, fashion; to adapt, adjust, be fit" (from Mid.Pers. sâxtan, sâz- "to prepare, to form;" Av. sak- "to understand, to mark," sâcaya- (causative) "to teach") + -i suffix that forms nouns from adjectives.

concordance model
  مدل ِ همسازگانی   
model-e hamsâzgâni

Fr.: modèle de concordance   

The currently most commonly used cosmological model that describes the Universe as a flat infinite space in eternal expansion, accelerated under the effect of a repulsive → dark energy. The Universe is 13.7 billion years old and made up of 4% baryonic matter, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy; the Hubble constant is 71 km/s/Mpc and the density of the Universe is very close to the critical value for re-collapse. These values were derived from → WMAP satellite observations of the → cosmic microwave background radiation.

M.E. concordaunce, from O.Fr. concordance, from L. concordantia, from → concord + -ance a suffix used to form nouns either from adjectives in -ant or from verbs.

Hamsâzgâni, from hamsâz, → concord, + -gân relation and multiplicity suffix + -i suffix that forms noun from adjectives.

  ۱) امبس، بسودنی؛ امبس؛ ۲) امبسیدن   
1a,b) ambas, basudani; 1c) ambas; 2) ambasidan

Fr.: 1) concret; 2) se concrétiser   

1a) Relating to a particular instance or object, as opposed to → general.
1b) Relating to or characteristic of things capable of being perceived by the senses, as opposed to → abstractions.
1c) Formed by the coalescence of particles; condensed; solid.
2a) To form into a mass by coalescence of particles; render solid. → concretion.
2b) To make real, tangible, or particular.

M.E. concret, from L. concretus "condensed, hardened, thick, stiff, clotted," p.p. of concrescere "to grow together," from → com- "together" + crescere "to grow," cognate with Pers. korré "foal, colt," korr "son, boy," → crescent.

Ambas, a variant of anbast in several dialects (e.g. Tabari) "dense, thick;" Mid.Pers. hambast "compact, tied together," from ham- "together," → com- + bast p.p. of bastan "to clot, congeal; to bind," Av./O.Pers. band- "to bind, fetter," basta- "bound, tied," Skt. bandh- "to bind, tie, fasten," PIE *bhendh- "to bind," cf. Ger. binden, E. bind.
Basudani "tangible," from basudan "to touch," variant pasâvidan, ultimately from Proto-Ir. *pra-sau-, from *sau- "to rub; whet; wear;" cf. sudan, sâyidan "to rub," sân "whetstone," variants fasân, afsân, awsân; Mid.Pers. sūdan "to rub;" Khotanese sauy- "to rub;" Sogd. ps'w "to rub;" Choresmian bs'w "to rub off, polish;" Skt. sā- "to sharpen, whet."


Fr.: concrétion   

1) The act or process of concreting or becoming substantial.
2) The state of being concreted.
3) Geology: A hard, dense mass of mineral matter that formed within a rock of a composition different from its own through the precipitation of minerals and ranging in diameter from centimeters to meters.

Verbal noun of → concrete.

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