An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1358
hamnehâdé (#)

Fr.: composite   

Made up of distinct components. The components may retain part of their identities. → compound, → combination.

From O.Fr. composite, from L. compositus, p.p. of componere "to put together," → compose.

Hamnehâdé, p.p. of hamnehâdancompose.

composite number
  عدد ِ همنهاده   
adad-e hamnehâdé

Fr.: nombre composite   

A whole number which is the product of whole numbers other than itself and 1. The opposite of prime number. → compound number.

composite; → number.

composite population
  پرینش ِ همنهاده   
porineš-e hamnehâdé

Fr.: population composite   

A stellar population consisting of more than one → simple population. Also called complex population.

composite; → population.

composite spectrum
  بیناب ِ همنهاده   
binâb-e hamnehâdé

Fr.: spectre composite   

A stellar spectrum displaying lines characterising two stars of different types.

composite; → spectrum.

hamneheš (#)

Fr.: composition   

1) General: The act or manner of composing; the result or product of composing.
2) Chemistry: The proportion of the elements of which a substance is made up.
3) Mechanics: The determination of a force whose effect is the same as that of two or more given forces acting simultaneously.

Hamnehesh, from ham-, → com-, + neheš verbal noun from nehâdan "to put, place," → compose.

  ۱) همنات؛ ۲) همناتیدن   
1) hamnât; 2) hamnâtidan

Fr.: 1) composé; 2) composer   

1a) General: Consisting of two or more separate substances, ingredients, elements, or parts. A compound usually constitutes a new and independent entity with regard to its components. → composite, → combination.
1b) Chemistry: A substance whose molecules are made up of at least two different elements.
1c) Linguistics: A word consisting of two or more independent elements such as sunflower, eyeball, football.
2a) To combine so as to form a whole; mix.
2b) To produce or create by combining two or more ingredients or parts; compose or make up.

M.E. compouned, p.p. of compounen, M.Fr. compon-, stem of compondre, from L. componere, → compose.

Hamnât, literally "placed together," from ham- "together," → com-, + nât "placed, put," variant of nâd, nâde, from Lori nâdan "to place, put" (Tabari da-nâyan "to place, put"), variant of nehâdan "to place, put," → compose.

compound angle
  زاویه‌ی ِ همنات   
zâviye-ye hamnât

Fr.: angle composé   

An angle that results from the combination of two other angles. These angles are expressed by → compound angle formulae.

compound; → angle.

compound angle formula
  دیسول ِ زاویه‌ی ِ همنات   
disul-e zaviye-ye hamnât

Fr.: formule d'angle composé   

One of eight equations that give the → trigonometric functions of → compound angles.
sin(A± B) = sinA.cosnd angleB± cosA.sinB
cos(A + B) = cosA.cosB - sinA.sinB
cos(A - B) = cosA.cosB + sinA.sinB
tan(A + B) = (tanA + tanB)/(1 - tanA.tanB)
tan(A - B) = (tanA - tanB)/(1 + tanA.tanB).

compound; → angle; → formula.

compound curve
  خم ِ همنات   
xam-e hamnât

Fr.: courbe composée   

A curve that is made up of a series of successive tangent circular arcs.

compound; → curve.

compound event
  رویداد ِ همنات   
ruydâd-e hamnât

Fr.: événement composé   

In statistics, an event whose probability of occurrence depends upon the probability of occurrence of two or more independent events.

compound; → event.

compound fraction
  برخه‌ی ِ همنات   
barxe-ye hamnât

Fr.: fraction composée   

Same as → complex fraction.

compound; → fraction.

compound lens
  عدسی ِ همنات   
adasi-ye hamnât

Fr.: lentille composée   

A lens system consisting of two or more lenses with the same radius used together in order to remove aberrations found in a single lens.

compound; → lens.

compound nucleus
  هسته‌ی ِ همنات   
hasteh-ye hamnât

Fr.: noyau composé   

A temporary excited state of the atomic nucleus which results from the collision of an incident energetic particle with a target nucleus. Subsequently the nucleus decays by emitting particle(s).

compound; → nucleus.

compound number
  عدد ِ همنات   
adad-e hamnât

Fr.: nombre composé   

A quantity expressed as the sum of two or more quantities of differing units. For example 5 hours and 15 minutes or 4 meters and 20 centimeters. → composite number.

compound; → number.

compound proposition
  گزاره‌ی ِ همنات   
gozâre-ye hamnât

Fr.: proposition composée   

A statement formed from simple statements by the use of words such as "and," "or," "not," "implies," or their corresponding symbols.

compound; → proposition.

compound verb
  کرواز ِ همنات   
karvâz-e hamnât

Fr.: verbe composé   

A verb that is made up of several words, such as tear up, take away, double-click.

compound; → verb.


Fr.: comprendre   

1) Grasp mentally; understand.
2) Include, comprise, or encompass.
Comprehend and understand are very often interchangeable. In fact, both words mean "grasp the meaning of," but in some cases understand stresses the final result, while comprehend stresses the process of getting there.

From L. comprehendere "to take together, to unite; include; seize," from → com- "together, with," + prehendere "to seize," → prehend.


Fr.: compréhension   

1) The ability to → comprehend something.
2) In logic, the sum of all the essential attributes which analysis can find in a concept or term. For example, the comprehension of the term man is rational animal; the → extension of the term man, is all men and women. Comprehension and extension are inversely proportional. The greater is the comprehension of a term, the less is its extension.

Verbal noun of → comprehend.


Fr.: 1) détaillé, complet; 2) vaste, étendu   

1) Completely or broadly covering; including a large proportion of something.
2) Having or showing extensive understanding.

From M.Fr. compréhensif, from L.L. comprehensivus, from L. comprehendere, → comprehend. comprehendo.

tanjidan (#)

Fr.: comprimer   

To press together; force into less space.

From O.Fr. compresser, from L. compressare "to press together," from comprimere "to squeeze," from → com- "together" + premere "to press;" PIE *prem-/*pres- "to strike."

Tanjidan "to squeeze, press, pull together," related to tang "tight," also "horse girth, a strap for fastening a load" (Mid.Pers. tang "tight, narrow"); cf. Skt. tanákti "draws together, contracts;" cognate with E. → tight; cp. Skt. tanákti "draws together, contracts;" M.H.G. dihte "dense, thick;" Ger. dicht "dense, tight;" O.H.G. gidigan; Ger. gediegen "genuine, solid, worthy;" PIE *tenk- "to thicken, clot; thick, solid."

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