An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



<< < D l dar dat day dea dec dec dec dee def deg del Den den der det deu dew dic dif dif dil Dip dir dis dis dis dis dis diu dod Dop dou Dra dry dus dwa dyn Dys > >>

Number of Results: 763
daylight saving time
  وخت ِ نور‌اندوزی، وقت ِ ~   
vaxt-e nur anduzi, vaqt-e ~

Fr.: heure d'été   

A system of adjusting the official local time in some countries in order to provide a better match between the hours of daylight and the active hours of work and school. The "saved" daylight is spent on evening activities which get more daylight, rather than being "wasted" while people sleep past dawn. Although known also as summer time, it includes the spring season and nearly half of autumn.

day; → light; saving, from save, from O.Fr. sauver, from L.L. salvare "to secure," from L. salvus "safe," PIE *solwos, from base *sol- "whole" (cf. O.Pers. haruva-, Av. haurva- "whole, intact," Mod.Pers. har "every, all; any," Skt. sarva- "whole, entire," Gk. holos "whole"); → time.

Vaxt, written vaqtوقت but pronounced vaxtوخت, is a Pers. word meaning "portion (of time)". Its variants and related words in Mod./Mid.Pers. are: baxt "what is alloted, fate, fortune," baxš "portion, part, division," baxšidan, baxtan "to divide, distribute, grant," Av. base bag- "to attribute, allot, distribute," baxš- "to apportion, divide, give to," baxta- "what is alloted (luck, fortune)," baxədra- "part, portion," baγa- "master, god," O.Pers. bāji- "tribute, tax," cf. Skt. bhaj- "to share, divide, distribute, apportion," bhájati "divides," bhakta- "alloted; occupied with; a share; food or a meal, time of eating?," Gk. phagein "to eat (to have a share of food)"; PIE base *bhag- "to share out, apportion."
anduzi, verbal noun of anduxtan "to save; acquire, gather," from Mid.Pers. handôxtan, handôz- "to gain, acquire, amass," from *ham-tuj-, from ham- "together," → com- + *tuj- "to save, gather, (re)pay," cf. Skt. tuj- "to promote, be strong, move quickly."

ruzhangâm (#)

Fr.: temps de jour   

The time interval when the Sun is above the horizon for a given position.

day; → time.

Ruzhangâm, from ruzday + hangâm "time, hour, season," Mid.Pers. hangâm "time, epoch, season," Av. ham-gam- "to meet together," from ham- "together," → com- + gam- "to come; to go," jamaiti "goes," O.Pers. gam- "to come; to go," Mod.Pers. âmadan "to come," Skt. gamati "goes," Gk. bainein "to go, walk, step," L. venire "to come," Tocharian A käm- "to come," O.H.G. queman "to come," E. come; PIE root *gwem- "to go, come."

DB gap
gâf-e DB

Fr.: lacune DB   

The observed absence of helium white dwarfs with temperatures between 45,000 and 27,000 K. A possible explanation lies in the chemical evolution of white dwarfs. Four processes can change the structure of a white dwarf: gravitational settling, interstellar medium accretion, mass loss, and subsurface convective mixing.

DB white dwarf; → gap.

DB white dwarf
  سفید‌کوتوله‌ی ِ DB   
sefid kutule-ye DB

Fr.: naine blanche DB   

A → white dwarf whose spectrum shows strong He I in the absence of hydrogen or metal lines.

D short for → dwarf; B a convention; → white.

DC white dwarf
  سفید‌کوتوله‌ی ِ DC   
sefid kutule-ye DC

Fr.: naine blanche DC   

A → white dwarf showing a continuous spectrum with no readily apparent lines.

D short for → dwarf; C a convention; → white.

de Broglie equation
  هموگش ِ دوبروی   
hamugeš-e de Broglie

Fr.: équation de de Broglie   

According to the → de Broglie hypothesis, which has been verified by experiments, every → particle of matter, whatever its nature, has a characteristic → wavelength associated with its wavelike quantum aspect. The de Broglie equation gives the equivalent wavelength of a moving particle: λ = h/mv, where h is → Planck's constant, m the mass of the particle, and v its velocity.
See also: → de Broglie wavelength, → Davisson-Germer experiment.

Named after Louis Victor de Broglie (1892-1987), French physicist, creator of a new field in physics, wave mechanics, who won the Nobel prize in physics in 1929. → equation

de Broglie hypothesis
  انگاره‌ی ِ دوبروی   
engâre-ye de Broglie

Fr.: hypothèse de de Broglie   

The suggestion by Louis de Broglie in 1924 whereby if → electromagnetic waves possess particle properties (→ particle nature), then it might be reasonable to suppose that material particles, such as → electrons, should possess wave properties (→ wave nature). The de Broglie hypothesis was based on the intuitive feeling that nature seems to have strong attachment to symmetry. In other words, if radiation has particle-like properties, then material particles should possess wave-like properties. At the time no direct experimental evidence was present for the validity of this suggestion. The first confirmation of de Broglie's hypothesis was provided by the → Davisson-Germer experiment. See also → wave-particle duality;

de Broglie equation; → hypothesis.

de Broglie wavelength
  موج-طول ِ دوبروی   
mowjtul-e de Broglie

Fr.: longueur d'onde de Broglie   

The wavelength of the wave associated with a → particle as given by the → de Broglie equation.

de Broglie equation; → wavelength.

de Sitter Universe
  گیتی ِ دوسیتر   
giti-ye de Sitter

Fr.: Univers de de Sitter   

A solution to → Einstein's field equations of → general relativity which contains no ordinary matter (ΩM = 0) or radiation (ΩR = 0), is → Euclidean (k = 0), but has a → cosmological constantΛ > 0). The Universe expands exponentially forever. This solution was the first model expanding of → expanding Universe. See also → empty Universe, → Milne Universe.

After the Dutch mathematician and physicist Willem de Sitter (1872-1934) who worked out the model in 1917; → universe.

de Vaucouleurs law
  قانون ِ دووکولور   
qânun-e de Vaucouleurs

Fr.: loi de Vaucouleurs   

A mathematical expression describing the → surface brightness profile of a typical → elliptical galaxy, whereby the projected luminosity distribution varies as exp(-R)1/4.

de Vaucouleurs radius; → law.

de Vaucouleurs radius
  شعاع ِ دووکولور   
šo'â'-e de Vaucouleurs

Fr.: rayon de Vaucouleurs   

An → isophotal radius of a galaxy, where the → surface brightness in the B band falls to 25 mag arcsec-2.

After the French-born American astronomer Gérard de Vaucouleurs (1918-1995); → radius.

de Vaucouleurs system
  راژمان ِ دووکولور   
râžmân-e de Vaucouleurs

Fr.: système de Vaucouleurs   

A widely used scheme for classifying galaxies which is an extension to the → Hubble sequence Hubble sequence. De Vaucouleurs introduced a more elaborate classification system for spiral galaxies (→ spiral galaxy) based on three morphological characteristics:
1) Bars. Galaxies are divided on the basis of the presence or absence of a nuclear → stellar bar. SA denotes spiral galaxies without bars, complementing Hubble's use of SB for → barred spirals. De Vaucouleurs also defined an intermediate class, SAB, containing weakly barred spirals. → Lenticular galaxies are also classified as unbarred (SA0) or barred (SB0), with the notation S0 reserved for those galaxies for which it is impossible to tell if a bar is present or not.
2) Rings. Galaxies possessing ring-like structures are denoted (r), those without rings (s), and transition galaxies (rs).
3) Spiral arms. These are divided into the following subclasses: Sd (SBd), that is diffuse, broken arms made up of individual stellar clusters and nebulae; very faint central → bulge; Sm (SBm): irregular in appearance; no bulge component; and Im, that is highly irregular galaxy.
Galaxies in the classes Sm and Im are termed the → Magellanic spirals and irregulars, respectively. The → Large Magellanic Cloud is of type SBm, while the → Small Magellanic Cloud is an irregular (Im).

de Vaucouleurs radius; → system.

  وا-، فرو-   
vâ- (#), foru- (#)

Fr.: de-   

A prefix occurring in loanwords from L. to indicate:
1) Opposition, reversal: decentralize, decode, deactivate, de-emphasis.
2) Removal from: dethrone.
3) Reduction, degradation: declass, devalue.
4) reversal: detract, detect.
5) Derivation from: derive, deverbative.

M.E., from O.Fr. de-, des-, partly from L. de- "from, down, away," and partly from L. → dis-.

Prefix vâ- denoting "reversal, opposition; separation; repetition; open; off; away," variant of bâz-, from Mid.Pers. abâz-, apâc-; O.Pers. apa- [pref.] "away, from;" Av. apa- [pref.] "away, from," apaš [adv.] "toward the back;" cf. Skt. ápāñc "situated behind."
Foru- "down, downward; below; beneath," Mid.Pers. frôt "down, downward," O.Pers. fravata "forward, downward," Skt. pravát- "a sloping path, the slope of a mountain."

  فرو انگیزش   

Fr.: désexcitation   

Transition from an excited energy state to a lower energy level, as in spectral line formation or particle emission from an atomic nucleus.

From → de- + → excitation.


Fr.: désorbiter   

To cause a spacecraft to leave its operational orbit to enter a descent phase or to change course.

From → de- + → orbit.


Fr.: désorbitage   

Of a spacecraft, the act or process of departing from an operational orbit. → de-orbit.

Noun form of → de-orbit.


Fr.: déprojection   

A method for estimating the real orientation of a field and/or related velocities/separations from two-dimensional images.

de-; → projection.


Fr.: dérougir   

To correct the intensity or flux of a spectral line by eliminating the → reddening effect of → interstellar dust.

De-redden, from → de- + redden verb of → red.

Vâsorxidan, from vâ-, → de-, + sorxidan verb of sorx, → red.

de-reddened magnitude
  برز ِ واسرخیده   
borz-e vâsorxidé

Fr.: magnitude dérougie   

A magnitude which has been corrected for the interstellar reddening.

De-reddened, p.p. of → de-redden; → magnitude.

Borz, → magnitude; vâsorxidé p.p. of vâsorxidan, → de-redden.


Fr.: dérougissement   

The process that de-reddens. The state of being de-reddened.

Verbal noun of → de-redden.

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