An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 233 Search : era
excitation temperature
  دمای ِ بر‌‌انگیزش   
damâ-ye barangizeš

Fr.: température d'excitation   

Of a gas or plasma, the temperature deduced from the → populations of atomic → excited states, as expressed by the Boltzmann formula: Nu/Nl = (gu/gl) exp (-ΔE/kTex), where Nu and Nl are the upper level and lower level populations respectively, gu and gl the statistical weights, ΔE = hν the energy difference between the states, k is → Boltzmann's constant, and hPlanck's constant. The higher the energy of the occupied states, the higher the excitation temperature.

excitation; → temperature.


Fr.: féderal   

Relating to or characteristic of a unified body (e.g. a government) with constituent parts (states) that retain a measure of autonomy.

From Fr. fédéral, from L. foedus (genitive foederis) "league, treaty, alliance," → federate, + → -al.

Hiyâvi, from hiyâvidan, → federate.


Fr.: fédérer   

1) To join together in a → federation.
2) To organize on a → federal basis.

From L. foederatus "leagued together, allied," p.p. of foederare "to establish by treaty," from foedus "league, treaty, alliance," related to fides "faith."

Hiyâvidan, from Tabari hiyâ "together, with each other," probably related to Av. hi- "to chain, bind," hiθav- "association, assemblage," hinav- "bond, chain," hita- "fastened;" O.P. vištāspa- literally "with unbound horses;" Av. hitāspa-; Pers. gošudan "to open," → resolve; cf. Skt. sā-/say- "to bind, fasten, fetter." Coined on the model of Ger. Bund "federation, alliance, band," cognate with Pers. bastan "to bind," → absolute.

federated database system (FDBS)
  راژمان ِ پایگاه ِ داده‌های ِ هیاویده   
râžmân-e pâygâh-e dâdehâ-ye hiyâvidé

Fr.: système de base de données fédéré   

A composition of different databases which work in an integrated manner while preserving their autonomy.

federate; → database; → system.


Fr.: fédération   

1) The act of federating or uniting in a league.
2) A political unit formed from smaller units on a → federal basis.

Verbal noun of → federate.


Fr.: fédératif   

Pertaining to or of the nature of a → federation.


  هیاونده، هیاوگر   
hiyâvandé, hiyâvgar

Fr.: fédérateur   

He who, or that which, federates.

Agent noun of → federate + → -or.

Fermi interaction
  اندرژیرش ِ فرمی   
andaržirš-e Fermi

Fr.: interaction de Fermi   

An old explanation, proposed by Enrico Fermi, of the → weak interaction.

fermi; → interaction.

four-dimensional operator
  آپارگر ِ چهار-وامونی   
âpârgar-e cahâr-vâmuni

Fr.: opérateur à quatre dimensions   

An operator defined as: ▫ = (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z, 1/(jc∂/∂t).

four; → dimensional; → operator.

fractional sky coverage
  پوشش ِ برخه‌ای ِ آسمان   
pušeš-e barxe-yi-ye âsmân

Fr.: couverture partielle du ciel   

The portion of the 4π → steradians of the sky that a radiotelescope can observe from a given location on Earth over a 24-hour time interval.

fractional; → sky; → coverage.

fundamental interaction
  اندرژیرش ِ بنیادین   
andaržireš-e bonyâdin

Fr.: interaction fondamentale   

Any of the four interactions in nature between bodies of matter and that are mediated by one or more particles. Also called the → fundamental force. In order of decreasing strength, the four fundamental interactions are the → strong interaction, the → electromagnetic interaction, the → weak interaction, and the → gravitational interaction.

fundamental; → interaction.


Fr.: général   

(Adj.) 1) Not limited to one class, field, product, service, etc. 2) Relating to the whole or to the all or most. 3) Dealing with overall characteristics, universal aspects, or important elements.
See also:
general precession, → general relativity, → generalization, → generalize, → generalized, → generalized coordinates, → generalized forces, → generalized momenta, → generalized velocities, → New General Catalogue (NGC).

From L. generalis "relating to all, of a whole class," from genus "race, stock, kind," akin to Pers. zâdan, Av. zan- "to bear, give birth to a child, be born," infinitive zazāite, zāta- "born;" Mod.Pers. zâdan, present stem zā- "to bring forth, give birth" (Mid.Pers. zâtan; cf. Skt. jan- "to produce, create; to be born," janati "begets, bears;" Gk. gignomai "to happen, become, be born;" L. gignere "to beget;" PIE base *gen- "to give birth, beget."

Harvin, from Mid.Pers. harvin "all," from har(v) "all, each, every" (Mod.Pers. har "every, all, each, any"); O.Pers. haruva- "whole, all together;" Av. hauruua- "whole, at all, undamaged;" cf. Skt. sárva- "whole, all, every, undivided;" Gk. holos "whole, complete;" L. salvus "whole, safe, healthy," sollus "whole, entire, unbroken;" PIE base *sol- "whole."

general precession
  پیشایان ِ هروین   
pišâyân-e harvin

Fr.: précession générale   

The secular motions of the → celestial equator and → ecliptic. In other words, the sum of → lunisolar precession, → planetary precession, and → geodesic precession.

general; → precession

general precession in longitude
  پیشایان ِ هروینِ درژنا   
pišâyân-e harvin-e derežnâ

Fr.: précession générale en longitude   

The secular displacement of the → equinox on the → ecliptic of date.

general; → precession; → longitude.

general precession in right ascension
  پیشایان ِ هروین ِ راست‌افراز   
pišâyân-e harvin-e râst afrâz

Fr.: précession générale en ascension droite   

The secular motion of the → equinox along the → celestial equator.

general; → precession; → right ascension.

general relativistic
  بازانیگی‌مند ِ هروین   
bâzânigimand-e harvin

Fr.: de relativité générale   

Of, relating to, or subject to the theory of → general relativity.

general; → relativistic.

general relativity
  بازانیگی ِ هروین   
bâzânigi-ye harvin

Fr.: relativité générale   

The theory of → gravitation developed by Albert Einstein (1916) that describes the gravitation as the → space-time curvature caused by the presence of matter or energy. Mass creates a → gravitational field which distorts the space and changes the flow of time. In other words, mass causes a deviation of the → metric of space-time continuum from that of the "flat" space-time structure described by the → Euclidean geometry and treated in → special relativity. General relativity developed from the → principle of equivalence between gravitational and inertial forces. According to general relativity, photons follow a curved path in a gravitational field. This prediction was confirmed by the measurements of star positions near the solar limb during the total eclipse of 1919. The same effect is seen in the delay of radio signals coming from distant space probes when grazing the Sun's surface. Moreover, the space curvature caused by the Sun makes the → perihelion of Mercury's orbit advance by 43'' per century more than that predicted by Newton's theory of gravitation. The → perihelion advance can reach several degrees per year for → binary pulsar orbits. Another effect predicted by general relativity is the → gravitational reddening. This effect is verified in the → redshift of spectral lines in the solar spectrum and, even more obviously, in → white dwarfs. Other predictions of the theory include → gravitational lensing, → gravitational waves, and the invariance of Newton's → gravitational constant.

general; → relativity.

general secretary
  هروین دبیر   
harvin dabir

Fr.: secrétaire général   


general; → secretary.

  هروین‌کرد، هروینش   
harvinkard, harvineš

Fr.: généralisation   

The act or process of generalizing; → generalize.
A result of this process; a general statement, proposition, or principle.

Verbal noun of → generalize.

  هروین کردن، هروینیدن   
harvin kardan, harvinidan

Fr.: généraliser   

To make general, to include under a general term; to reduce to a general form.
To infer or form a general principle, opinion, conclusion, etc. from only a few facts, examples, or the like.

general; → -ize.

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