An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1358
characteristic age
  سن ِ سرشتاری   
senn-e sereštâri

Fr.: âge caractéristique   

Of a pulsar, a normalized period of rotation assumed to be a good approximation to pulsar's true age.

characteristic; → age.

characteristic curve
  خم ِ سرشتاری   
xam-e sereštâri

Fr.: courbe caractéristique   

Graph representing an optical film's response to the amount of light falling on it.

characteristic; → curve.

characteristic equation
  هموگش ِ سرشتاری   
hamugeš-e sereštâri

Fr.: équation caractéristique   

Physics: An analytical relationship between a set of physical variables that determines the state of a physical system.
Math.: The equation which is solved to find a matrix's eigenvalues, also called the characteristic polynomial.

characteristic; → equation.

characteristic mass
  جرم ِ سرشتاری   
jerm-e sereštâri

Fr.: masse caractéristique   

A typical or most likely mass for the formation of an astronomical object. In current star formation models, it is of order of a few tenths of a → solar mass.

characteristic; → mass.

characteristic thermal energy
  کاروژ ِ گرمایی ِ سرشتاری   
kâruž-e garmâyi-ye sereštâri

Fr.: énergie thermique caractéristique   

The quantity kT in the → Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, where k is → Boltzmann's constant and T the gas temperature. See also → thermal energy.

characteristic; → thermal; → energy

  ۱) سرشتارش؛ ۲) تنومسا سازی   
1) sereštâreš 2) tanumsâ sâzi

Fr.: 1) caractérisation; 2) représentation des caractères   

1) The act of describing the character or qualities of someone or something.
2) The artistic representation (as in fiction or drama) of human character or motives (

characterize; → -tion.


Fr.: caractériser   

1) To mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of.
2) To describe the character or individual quality of.
3) To attribute character to (

character; → -ize.

zoqâl (#)

Fr.: charbon de bois   

A black amorphous substance produced by heating wood or other natural organic matter in the absence of air. It is used as a fuel.

M.E. charcole, maybe from cherre "char" + cole, → coal.

Zoqâl "live coal, charcoal," variant sokâr; Sogd. askâr; Pashto skor-; Khotanese skara, probably ultimately from Proto-Ir. *uz-gar-, from *uz- "out," → ex-, + *gar "to heat, kindle fire, cook;" cf. Tabari kalə "furnace," kəlen "ash;" Laki koira; Kurd. kulan, kulandan "to cook;" related to garm "warm;" cf. Skt. ghar- "to burn," PIE root *gwher- "to warm, be warm," → warm.

bâr (#)

Fr.: charge   

electric charge.

Charge from O.Fr. chargier "load, burden," from L.L. carricare "to load a wagon, cart," from L. carrus "wagon."

Bâr "charge, weight," from Mid.Pers. bâr, from O.Pers./Av. base bar- "to bear, carry," Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry," L. brutus "heavy, dull, stupid, brutish," Skt. bhara- "burden, load," bharati "he carries," Gk. baros "weight," Mod.Pers. gerân "heavy," Skt. guru, L. gravis; PIE *gwere- "heavy," *bher- "carry, give birth."

charge bleeding
  سرریز ِ بار   
sarriz-e bâr

Fr.: étalement de charge   

The heavy saturation of CCD pixels whereby electrons spill over up and down the column; also called blooming.

chrge; bleeding, from Bleed, from O.E. bledan, from P.Gmc. *blothjan "emit blood" (cf. Ger. bluten), from *blotham "blood", PIE root bhel- "to bloom, thirve".

Sarriz "overflow", from sar "head" (Mid.Pers. sar, Av. sarah- "head," Skt. siras- "head," Gk. kara "head," keras "horn," Mod.Pers. sarun "horn," L. cerebrum "brain;" PIE *ker- "head, horn") + riz present stem of rixtan "to pour; to flow; to cast" (Mid.Pers. rēxtan and rēcitan "to flow," Av. raēk- "to leave, set free; to yield, transfer," infinitive *ricyā, Mod.Pers; rig in morderig "heritage" (literally, "left by the dead"), Skt. rinakti "he leaves," riti- "stream; motion, course," L. rivus "stream, brook," Old Church Slavic rēka "river," Rus. reka "river," Goth. rinnan "run, flow," rinno "brook," O.E. ridh "stream;" PIE base *rei- "to flow; to run").

charge carrier
  برنده‌ی ِ بار، باربر   
barande-ye bâr (#), bârbar (#)

Fr.: porteur de charges   

A mobile particle carrying an electric charge. In semiconductors, a mobile electron or hole. Also called carrier.

charge; → carrier.

charge conjugation
  همیوغش ِ بار   
hamyuqeš-e bâr (#)

Fr.: conjugaison de charges   

In particle physics, an operation that changes a particle to its antiparticle in equations describing subatomic particles or, equivalently, reverses its charge and magnetic moment.

charge; → conjugation.

charge density
  چگالی ِ بار   
cagâli-ye bâr

Fr.: densité de charge   

The → electric charge per unit volume in space, or per unit area on a surface, or per unit length of a line. They are respectively called volume- (ρ), surface- (σ), or line (λ) charge density.

charge; → density.

charge distribution
  واباژش ِ بار   
vâbâžeš-e bâr

Fr.: distribution des charges   

The way a number of → electric charges are arranged in space with respect to the point of observation.

charge; → distribution.

charge exchange
  گهولش ِ بار   
gahuleš-e bâr

Fr.: échande de charge   

A collisional process in which an → ion collides with a neutral → atom or → molecule and captures one of its electrons. One of the most important charge-exchange processes occurring in the → interstellar medium is: O+ + H → H+ + O + 0.020 eV.

charge; → exchange.

charge invariance
  ناورتایی ِ بار   
nâvartâyi-ye bâr

Fr.: invariance de charge   

The → electric charge carried by an object is independent of the → velocity of the object with respect to the → observer. In other words, the charge is the same in any → frame of reference.

charge; → invariance.

charge symmetry
  همامونی ِ بار   
hamâmuni-ye bâr

Fr.: symétrie de charge   

Same as → charge conjugation and → C-symmetry.

charge; → symmetry.

charge trap
  تله‌ی ِ بار   
tale-ye bâr

Fr.: piège à charge   

Defects or impurities in a CCD structure which prevent charges in certain pixels from being transferred to the next pixel.

charge; trap, from O.E. træppe "snare, trap," from P.Gmc. *trap-.

Talé "trap," Mid.Pers. talag "trap, snare."

charge-coupled device (CCD)
  دستگاه ِ جفسری ِ بار   
dastgâh-e jafsari-ye bâr, sisidi

Fr.: dispositif à transfert de charge   

A solid-state detector that stores the electrons, produced by incident photons, in potential wells at the surface of a semiconductor. The packages of charge are moved about the surface by being transferred to similar adjacent potential wells. The wells are controlled by the manipulation of voltage applied to surface electrodes.

charge; coupled adj. from → couple; → device.

charge-injection device (CID)
  دستگاه ِ درشانش ِ بار   
dastrgâh-e daršâneš-e bâr

Fr.: dispositif à injection de charge   

A charge-transfer device that passes along stored charges positioned at predetermined locations; it is used as an image sensor in which the image points are accessed by reference to their horizontal and vertical coordinates.

charge; → injection; → device.

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