An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 1358
šomârgar (#)

Fr.: compteur   

Generally,a device for indicating a number or amount.
Any of various instruments for detecting ionizing radiation and for registering counts. → Geiger counter.

M.E. countour, from O.Fr. conteor, from L. computator, from computa(re) "to compute" + → -tor suffix forming personal agent nouns mainly from verbs.

Šomârgar, from šomâr present tense stem of šomârdan "to count," → count + agent suffix -gar.

pâd- (#)

Fr.: contre-   

A prefix used with the meanings "against, contrary, opposite." → contra-.

M.E. countre-, from O.Fr. contre-, from L. contra "opposite, against;" PIE base *kom- "beside, near, by, with."

Pâd- "contrary to; against; opposing," variants pâ- (pâsox, pâzahr, pâhang, → response), paž- (pažvâk, → echo, pažâvand "the bar of a door or a gate, door lock"), baž- (bažkam, → forbidden), pat- (patvâz, → correspond), pa- (panâh, padid), from Mid.Pers. pât-, from O.Pers. paity "agaist, back, opposite to, toward, face to face, in front of," Av. paiti, akin to Skt. práti "toward, against, again, back, in return, opposite," Pali pati-, Gk. proti, pros "face to face with, toward, in addition to, near;" PIE *proti.


Fr.: contrebalance   

An equal weight, power, or influence acting in opposition.

counter-; → balance.

pâdsâ'atsu (#)

Fr.: en sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre   

In a direction opposite to the rotating hands of a clock.

From counter- "contrary; opposite; opposing," + → clockwise.

Pâdsâ'atsu, from pâd-, → counter-, + sâ'atsu, → clockwise.


Fr.: contre-exemple   

Logic: An individual case or instance that falsifies a universal generalization. A counterexample to an → argument is a situation in which the → premises are → true, but the → conclusion is → false. For example, "All dogs are mammals" (true). "All cats are mammals" (true). "Therefore, all cats are dogs." (false).

counter-; → example.


Fr.: contreflot   

The movement of a fluid in the opposite direction to a fluid flowing in the same cross section of a turbulent medium.

counter-; → flow.


Fr.: gegenschein   

Same as → gegenschein.

hamtâ (#)

Fr.: contrpartie   

A person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation (
electromagnetic counterpart, → optical counterpart, → radio counterpart.

M.E., from O.Fr. contrepartie, from contre "facing, opposite," → counter-, + partie "copy of a person or thing," originally feminine p.p. of partir "to divide."

Hamtâ "counterpart, resembling, equal," from ham- "together, with; same, equally, even," → com-, + "fold, plait, ply; piece, part," also a multiplicative suffix; Mid.Pers. tâg "piece, part."

pârsang (#)

Fr.: contrepoids   

A weight that balances another weight.

counter-; → weight.

Pârsang "a make-weight," from pâr-, a variant of pâd-, → counter-, + sang a variant of sanj, sanjidan "to measure; compare, put in balance," → object; alternatively, pârsang "a piece of stone," from pâr, short for pâré "piece, part," + sang, → stone, meaning "weight."

  ۱) کشور؛ ۲) روستا   
1) kešvar (#); 2) rustâ (#)

Fr.: pays   

1) A nation or state; the territory of a nation or state.
2) An area or expanse outside large urban areas; the countryside; rural area.

M.E. contre, contree, from O.Fr. contree, from V.L. (terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before)," derived from L. contra "against, opposite," → contra-.

1) Kešvar "country; clime;" Mid.Pers. kišwar "region, clime, continent;" Av. karšvar-, from karš- "to furrow," karšu- "tilled ground."
2) Rustâ, → countryside.

rustâ (#)

Fr.: campagne   

A rural area; he inhabitants of a countryside.

country; → side.

Rustâ, from Mid.Pers. rôstâk, rôtastâk "village, district, river-bed;" loaned into Armenian rotstak, ərotastak "district."

  ۱) جفت، ۲) جفت‌نیرو؛ ۳) جفتیدن، جفسر کردن   
1) joft (#), 2) joftniru (#); 3) joftidan (#), jafsar kardan

Fr.: 1, 2) couple; 3) coupler   

1) General: Two items of the same kind; a pair; something that joins or connects two things together; a link.
2) A system of two equal and opposite, parallel, but not → collinear forces acting upon a body.
3) To fasten, join together; connect. See also → coupled, → coupled system, → charge-coupled device, → coupling, → decouple, → galvanic couple, → Nasireddin couple, → pair; → parity, → thermocouple.

1) joft "pair, couple," Lori, Laki jeft, Qâyeni jof, Tabari jeft, Mid.Pers. yuxt "pair, couple," Av. yuxta- "a team of horses," from yaog- "to yoke, harness, put to; to join, unite," infinitive yuxta, Mid.Pers. jug, ayoxtan "to join, yoke," Mod.Pers. yuq "yoke," cf. Skt. yugam "yoke," Gk. zygon "yoke," zeugnyanai "to join, unite," L. jugare "to join," from jugum "yoke," P.Gmc. *yukam, E. yoke; PIE *yeug- "to join."
2) joftniru, from joft as above + niru, → force.
3) Joftidan, infinitive from joft, → couple; jafsar kardan infinitive from jafsar, → coupled, + kardan "to do, to make."

  جفسر، جفتیده   
jafsar, joftidé

Fr.: couplé   

Joined together, connected by a link. → coupled system, → charge-coupled device.

Adj. from → couple.

Jafsar "connected, joined pair," in Tâleši, from jaf, variant of joft, as above + sar "head," literally "joined by head" (Mid.Pers. sar, Av. sarah- "head," Skt. siras- "head," Gk. kara "head," keras "horn," Mod.Pers. sarun "horn," L. cerebrum "brain;" PIE *ker- "head, horn"); joftidé adj./p.p. from joftidan, → couple.

coupled systems
  راژمان‌های ِ جفسر، ~ جفتیده   
râžmânhâ-ye jafsar, ~ joftidé

Fr.: systèmes couplés   

A set of two or more mechanical vibrating systems connected so that they interact with one another.

coupled; → system;

  جفسری، جفتش   
jafsari, jofteš

Fr.: couplage   

The act of linking together or forming couples; a connection between two things so they move together.
The quality of coupled systems or the way they are coupled.

Noun from → couple; → -ing.

coupling coefficient
  همگر ِ جفسری   
hamgar-e jafsari

Fr.: coefficient de couplage   

A parameter that indicates the strength of the interaction between two systems.

coupling; → coefficient.

coupling constant
  پایای ِ جفسری   
pâyâ-ye jafsari

Fr.: constante de couplage   

In nuclear physics, a constant that indicates a measure of how strongly two particles interact.

coupling; → constant.

  پردلی، دلیری، درش   
pordeli (#), deliri (#), darš

Fr.: courage   

The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc.

M.E. corage, from O.Fr., derivative of cœur "heart," from L. cor, cognate with Pers. del and E. → heart

Pordeli, deliri, from pordel, delir, → courageous.
Darš, → dare.

  پردل، دلیر، درشمند   
pordel (#), delir (#), daršmand

Fr.: courageux   

Having or characterized by courage.

M.E., from O.Fr. corageus, corajos, from → courage.

Pordel, literally "greathearted," from por, → full, + del, → heart. Delir "brave, courageous," from del "heart," as above.
Daršmand, → daring.


Fr.: cousin   

1) The son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
2) One related by descent in a diverging line from a known common ancestor, as from one's grandparent or from one's father's or mother's sister or brother (

M.E. cosin, from O.Fr. cusin, cosin, from L. consobrinus, from → com- + sobrinussoror, → sister.

Tarzâ, from tar, from Baluci teru "uncle, aunt," tri "aunt;" cf. Av. tuiriia- "uncle," + "son/daughter of; born," → birth.

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