common hamdâr Fr.: commun Belonging to or shared by two or more or all in question. → common denominator, → least common multiplier. From M.E. comun, from O.Fr. comun, from L. communis "in common, public, general, shared by all or many," originally "sharing common duties," akin to munia "duties, public duties, functions," from munus "task, duty, gift." Hamdâr, literally "possessing together, sharing together," from ham-, → com-, + dâr present stem of dâštan "to have, to possess," from Mid.Pers. dâštan, O.Pers./Av. root dar- "to hold, keep back, maitain, keep in mind," Skt. dhr-, dharma- "law," Gk. thronos "elevated seat, throne," L. firmus "firm, stable," Lith. daryti "to make," PIE *dher- "to hold, support." |
common denominator ânâmengar-e hamdâr Fr.: dénominateur commun A quantity into which all the denominators of a set of fractions may be divided without a remainder. → common; → denominator. |
common fraction barxe-ye hamdâr Fr.: fraction d'entiers A fraction written as a/b where a and b are → positive → integers, as opposed to a → decimal fraction; for example, 5/7. Common fractions are sometimes also called → vulgar fractions. |
common year sâl-e hamdâr Fr.: année commune A calendar year which is not a → leap year. In the → Gregorian calendar, a year with 365 days divided into 12 → months, and only 28 days in February. In the → Iranian calendar, a year consisting of 365 days with 12 months, and only 29 days in the month of Esfand. |
commonness hamdâri Fr.: caractère commun, banalité The fact or state of being → common or happening often. |
commune hamdâré Fr.: commune 1) A small group of persons living together, sharing possessions, work,
income, etc., and often pursuing unconventional lifestyles. From M.Fr. commune "free city, group of citizens," from M.L. communia, noun use of neuter plural of L. adj. communis, literally "that which is common," from communis, → common. Hamdâré, from hamdâr, → common. |
communicate hamdârgandan Fr.: communiquer 1a) To impart knowledge of; make known. From L. communicatus, p.p. of communicare "to share, divide out; impart; inform; join, participate in," literally "to make common," from communis, → common. Hamdârgandan, literally "to diffuse to the public," from hamdâr, → common, + gan, variant kan "to throw, diffuse" (as in parâgan-, parâgandan "to diffuse, disperse, scatter;" afgandan "to throw; to lay, place;" kandan "to dig; to extract"), from Proto-Ir. *kan- "to throw, place, put, disperse, → scatter" + -dan infinitive suffix. |
communication hamdârganeš Fr.: communication 1) The act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. Verbal noun of → communicate. |
communism hamdârbâvari, hamdâgerâyi Fr.: communisme A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state ( |
communitarian hamdârgângerâ, hamdârgânbâvar Fr.: communautaire- A member of a communistic community; an advocate of such a community. |
communitarianism hamdârgângerâyi, hamdârgânbâvari Fr.: communautarisme A doctrine or system of social organization that upholds the importance of communities. It tends to lessen the focus on individual rights and increase the focus on communal responsibilities. → communitarian; → -ism. |
communitary hamdârgâni Fr.: communautaire- Of or relating to a community; communal. |
community 1) hamdârgân; 2) hamdâri Fr.: communauté 1a) A social group whose members
share common characteristics or interests, such as values, identity, and often
a common location (e.g. a village, town, or neighborhood). Ultimately from L. communitas "partnership, society, fellowship," from communis, → common "common, public, general," + -itas, → -ity Hamdârgân, from hamdâr, → common, + -gân suffix forming plural entities, from Mid.Pers. -gânag, -gâna, on the model of hamegân, → public. |
least common multiplier (LCM) kucektarin bastâgar-e hamdâr Fr.: plus petit commun multiple Of two or more → integers, the smallest positive number that is divisible by those integers without a remainder. → least; → common; → multiplier. |
vulgar fraction barxe-ye hamdâr Fr.: fraction d'entiers Same as → common fraction. M.E., from L. vulgaris, from vulgus "the common people," + -aris, → -ar. |