An Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics

فرهنگ ریشه شناختی اخترشناسی-اخترفیزیک

M. Heydari-Malayeri    -    Paris Observatory



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Number of Results: 435 Search : ad
râdâr (#)

Fr.: radar   

An emitting/receiving device in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects.

From ra(dio) d(etecting) a(nd) r(anging).


Fr.: radargramme   

Graphic display of measurements by a → radar of mineral deposits on a planetary surface.

radar; → chart.

šo'â'i (#)

Fr.: radial   

Emanating from a common central point; arranged like the radii of a circle.

From L. radialis, from → radius; → -al.

radial migration
  کوچ ِ شعاعی   
kuc-e šo'â'i

Fr.: migration radiale   

The process whereby a → disk star changes its → galactocentric distance. Radial migration involves → angular momentum transfer, resulting from → resonances created by transient → density waves such as → bars or → spiral arms in → galactic disks. According to → galactic dynamics models, → churning is the main cause of radial migration. Radial migration of stars plays an important role in shaping the properties of galactic disks.

radial; → migration.

radial motion
  جنبش ِ شعاعی   
jonbeš-e šo'â'i

Fr.: mouvement radial   

A motion away from or toward a central point or axis.

radial; → motion.

radial spoke
  پره‌ی ِ شعاعی   
parre-ye šoâyi

Fr.: spoke radial   

Any of short-lived (generally lasting less than 24 hours) radial features that periodically appear over the outer half of → Saturn's → B ring, when the ring tilt angle is small. These features revolve at the same rate as the planet's → magnetic field and maintain their shape over much of the course of their existence even though they extend tens of thousands of kilometers across the rings. It is believed that the tiny particles that make up these spokes are electrically charged and temporarily "frozen" into the planet's magnetic field (Ellis et al., 2007, Planetary Ring Systems, Springer).

radial; → spoke.

radial velocity
  تندای ِ شعاعی   
tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: vitesse radiale   

The component of a three-dimensional velocity vector of an object directed along the line of sight. It is measured by examining the Doppler shift of lines in the spectrum of astronomical objects.

radial; → velocity.

radial velocity curve
  خم ِ تندای ِ شعاعی   
xam-e tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: courbe de vitesse radiale   

A curve describing the variation of the radial velocity of a star, due to the Doppler effect, under the gravitational effect of a secondary body (companion or exoplanet). The amplitude of these variations depends upon the mass of the secondary and its distance from the star.

radial velocity; → curve.

radial velocity method
  روش ِ تندای ِ شعاعی   
raveš-e tondâ-ye šo'â'i

Fr.: méthode de vitesses radiales   

The technique based on the analysis of the → radial velocity curve, used to detect the presence of an invisible secondary around a host star. This method holds the majority of exoplanet discoveries.

radial velocity; → method.

râdiyân (#)

Fr.: radian   

A unit of angular measure; one radian is that angle with an intercepted arc on a circle equal in length to the radius of the circle.

From radi(us) + -an an originally adj. suffix.


Fr.: luminance   

1) Generally, the → radiant energy per unit → solid angle per unit of → projected area of the → source. It is usually expressed in → watt per → steradian per → square  → meter (W m-2 sr-1). Same as steradiancy.
2) Of any particular → wavelength within the interval covered by a → spectral line, the → energy per unit → surface per steradian, per wavelength; denoted Iλ. The term radiance is often loosely replaced by "→ intensity." The radiance of the whole line is given by I = ∫ Iλ dλ. The radiance of an → emission line depends, among other things, upon the → number of → atoms per unit area in the → line of sight (the → column density) in the → upper level of the line.

From radia(nt), → radiant, + → -ance.

Tâbešmandi, noun from tâbešmand "possessing radiation," from tâbeš, → radiation, + -mand a suffix denoting possession; Mid.Pers. -ômand suffix forming adjectives of quality.

  ۱) تابنده، تابشی؛ ۲) تابسر   
1) tâbandé, tâbeši; 2) tâbsar

Fr.: radiant   

1) Sending out rays of light; bright; shining.
See also: → radiant energy, → radiant flux, → radiant intensity.
2) The point in the sky from which → meteors in a → meteor shower appear to radiate or come. See also: → radiant drift.

M.E., from M.Fr. radiant, from L. radiantem (nominative radians) "shining," pr.p. of radiare "to shine, radiate," → radiation.

1) Tâbandé, tâbeši adj. from tâbidan, → radiate.
2) Tâbsar, from tâb "light, radiation," → radiation, + sar "head, top, summit, point," → head.

radiant drift
  دلک ِ تابسر   
delek-e tâbsar

Fr.: dérive de radiant   

The apparent slow motion of the → radiant of a → meteor shower from night to night against the background stars due to the Earth moving in its orbit around the Sun.

radiant; → drift.

radiant energy
  کاروژ ِ تابشی   
kâruž-e tâbeši

Fr.: énergie radiative   

The energy that is transmitted in the form of → radiation, in particular as → electromagnetic radiation.

radiant; → energy.

radiant flux
  شار ِ تابشی   
šâr-e tâbeši (#)

Fr.: flux radiatif   

Rate of flow of energy as → radiation.

radiant; → flux.

radiant intensity
  درتنویی ِ تابشی   
dartanuyi-ye tâbeši

Fr.: intensité de rayonnement   

A measure of the amount of radiation emitted from a point expressed as the radiant flux per unit solid angle leaving this source.

radiant; → intensity.

tâbidan (#)

Fr.: rayonner   

To send out → energy, such as → heat or → light, in the form of → rays or → waves.

From L. radiat(us), p.p. of radiare "to shine, to beam" + -ate verbal suffix.

Tâbidan, variants tâftan "to shine," tafsidan "to become hot;" Mid.Pers. tâftan "to heat, burn, shine;" taftan "to become hot;" Parthian t'b "to shine;" Av. tāp-, taf- "to warm up, heat," tafsat "became hot," tāpaiieiti "to create warmth;" cf. Skt. tap- "to heat, be/become hot; to spoil, injure, damage; to suffer," tapati "burns;" L. tepere "to be warm," tepidus "warm;" PIE base *tep- "to be warm."

tâbeš (#)

Fr.: radiation, rayonnement   

The emission of any → rays, → waves, or → particles from a source; usually applied to the → emission of → electromagnetic energy.

Verbal noun of → radiate.

radiation belt
  کمربند ِ تابش، ~ تابشی   
kamarband-e tâbeš (#), ~ tâbeši (#)

Fr.: ceinture de radiations   

A ring-shaped region in the → magnetosphere of a planet in which charged particles are trapped by the planet's magnetic field. The radiation belts surrounding Earth are known as the → Van Allen belts.

radiation; → belt.

radiation constant
  پایای ِ تابش   
pâypa-ye tâbeš

Fr.: constante de rayonnement   

Same as → radiation density constant.

radiation; → constant.

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