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circularly polarized light nur-e qotbide-ye dâyere-yi Fr.: lumière polarisée circulairement Light exhibiting → circular polarization. |
circulation parhuneš Fr.: circulation The continuous movement of something from place to place or in an enclosed space. → meridional circulation. M.E. circulacioun, from M.Fr. circulation or directly from L. circulationem, from circulare "to form a circle," from circulus "small ring," → circle. Parhuneš, verbal noun from parhunidan, from parhun, → circle. |
circum- pirâ- (#) Fr.: circum-, circon- L. prefix meaning "around, round about." From L. circum "around," accusative of circus "circle, ring," from Gk. kirkos, krikos "ring," PIE *sker-, *ker- "to turn, bend." Pirâ- "around, about," variants par-, fer-, pâl- (as in ferdows, pardis, pâliz, from Av. pairidaeza- "enclosure, park"); Mid.Pers. pêrâ; O.Pers. pariy "around, about;" Av. pairi "around, over;" cf. Skt. pari; Indo-Iranian *pari- "around;" Gk. peri "around, about, beyond;" L. per "through;" PIE base *per- "through, across, beyond." The word paradize, with various forms in European languages, is a loan from Av. pairidaeza- "enclosure, park" (other Av. examples: pairifrâsa- "asking round about," pairivâra- "circumvallation"). |
circumbinary pirâdorini Fr.: circumbinaire Of or relating to an object that revolves around a → binary system. |
circumbinary disk gerde-ye pirâdorini, disk-e ~ Fr.: disque circumbinaire A relatively thin structure of matter composed mainly of gas and dust that orbits both the → primary and → secondary stars in → binary systems. → circumbinary; → disk. |
circumblack-hole disk gerde-ye pirâ-siyah câl Fr.: disque autour de trou noir An → accretion disk formed around a → black hole. |
circumcenter pirâmarkaz Fr.: centre du cercle circonscrit d'un triangle In a triangle, the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the triangle's sides converge. |
circumcircle pirâparhun Fr.: cercle circonscrit A circle which passes through all three vertices of a triangle Also "Circumscribed circle". |
circumference pirâmun (#) Fr.: circonférence 1) The boundary line of a circle. From M.E., from O.Fr. circonference, from L. circumferentia, from circumferens, circumferent-, pr.p. of circumferre "to carry around," from → circum- + ferre "to carry," from PIE root *bher-; "to carry;" cf. Av./O.Pers. bar- "to bear, carry," barəθre "to bear (infinitive)," barəθri- "a female that bears (children), a mother," Mod.Pers. bordan "to carry," Skt. bharati "he carries," Gk. pherein, P.Gmc. *beranan (O.H.G. beran, Goth. bairan "to carry"). Pirâmun, from Mid.Pers. pêrâmôn, from O.Pers./Av. mâ-, mây- "to measure," from PIE *me- "measure," cf. Skt. mati "measures," matra "measure," Gk. metra "lot, portion," L. metri "to measure." In Mod.Pers. this stem is extant in peymaân, peymaâné, âzmun, âzmâyeš. |
circumfix pirâvand Fr.: circumfixe An → affix made up of two separate parts which surround and attach to a base. |
circumgalactic medium (CGM) madim-e pirâkahkešâni Fr.: milieu circumgalactique The interface between a galaxy and the → intergalactic medium. The circumgalactic medium comprises gas located in the → halo of a galaxy extending out to the → virial radius. |
circumlunar pirâmângi, pirâmâhi (#) Fr.: circumlunaire Surrounding or revolving around the Moon. |
circumnuclear pirâhasteyi Fr.: circumnucléaire Situated around a → nucleus, as of a → circumnuclear disk. |
circumnuclear disk gerde-ye pirâhasteyi Fr.: disque circumnucléaire A thick disk of gas and dust clouds surrounding the → Galactic Center up to about 20 → light-years. The disk is very clumpy; the → clumps have densities of several 105 particles/cm3, radii of about 0.3 light-years, and gas temperatures above 100 K. The hydrogen mass of the disk is a few 104 → solar masses. Such circumnuclear disks are present also in other galaxies. → circumnuclear; → disk. |
circumpolar pirâqotbi (#) Fr.: circumpolaire Situated around or near a pole, as of the Earth or the sky. → circumpolar star. |
circumpolar star setâre-ye pirâqotbi (#) Fr.: étoile circumpolaire Star that, from a given observer's → latitude, does not rise or set, but circles around the → celestial pole. To be circumpolar, a star must have a polar distance that is less than the observer's latitude. Whether a given star is circumpolar at the observer's latitude (φ) may be calculated in terms of the star's → declination (δ). The star is circumpolar if φ + δ ≥ +90° (observer in northern hemisphere), or φ + δ ≤ -90° (observer in southern hemisphere). → circumpolar; → star. |
circumscribe pirâveštan Fr.: circonscrire To draw a line around; encircle. L. circumscribere "to draw a line around, confine," from → circum- + scribere "write," from PIE *skreibh-, from *sker- "to cut, incise." Pirâkašidan, from pirâ-, → circum- + vešidan "to write," → inscribe. |
circumscribed sphere sepehr-e pirâvešte, kore-ye ~, guy-e ~ Fr.: sphère circonscrite A sphere containing a polyhedron (such as a pyramid) all of whose vertices lie on the surface of the sphere. The polyhedron so contained is said to be inscribed in the sphere. Circumscribed p.p. of → circumscribe; → sphere. |
circumsolar pirâxoršidi Fr.: circumsolaire Surrounding or revolving around the Sun, such as circumsolar space, circumsolar dust. |
circumspect pirâgâs Fr.: circonspect Watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent: |
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